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Old 24-11-2008, 08:03 AM
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China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

I have decided to have my own thread on this topic  called (CHINA KTV GALS)I first started cheonging  in around Oct 2006.My friend bring me to Tian Ann  Men ktv , Woo I saw some really pretty clothes. Th en we moved in , was introduce by a mummy called S usan . she was quite nice introd a few gals to us.  Then i pick up a SYT. Paid her $150.Next round, M y friend bring me to La vegas , then following wee k Lido palace, can really see some of the gals rea lly pretty. Due to my friend marry, he retired fro m cheong. Then i went myself to joints like Cheng  Du, Pudong and Donguan , what i dont like about th ere is from 8.30-9pm, the pretty gals will take ti ps from u . Another thing i dont like is once in 3  months will get raid. From my experience, first t ime cheong in year 2006, i easily got trap in KC,  i get to know a la vegas ktv gal , i really love h er very much,, even gave her money to send home..  But each shopping trip will spend up to $200 on cl othes,shoes. Most of the china ktv gals love LV ba g. They always sweet talk men to buy for her. The  gal quarrel with me over the taka shop for over my  card cant process payment on the LV bag. She say  want to break off with me for not buying LV bag. I  had spend on her on clothes, Shoes, jewellery , m oney sent home, in the end i was very disappointed  on the way she treated me. I have given my time a nd effort on the relationship , but she dont appre ciate what i did for her. Through my 2 years of ch eong , i finally understand, china gals are here t o make money, i should not be naive thinking they  will like me, now i had learnt my lesson , when i  cheong with my bros, we cheong , enjoy in KTV room . Out of 10 things say by the ktv gal, i now only  believe 1 word. Go shopping can , but dont expect  me to be a carrot chop by u, As what my bros say ,  dont put emotion on it or else will suffer, if u  like the gal , enjoy in ktv room , tabao her if u  wan, fuck and forget. Its no point carry on relati onship..My bros also taught me not to give tips ea rly , u give tips early , they wont come back. So  far there is only 1 gal in my cheong life, after i  gave her tips , she still come back, she is from  T.H . I will sit her if she come back spore again,  and she go back even before the raid, miss her an d now  she become my regular already. The thing is  i had learnt never fall in love with a KTV gal, c ause i understand they come here to work to earn m oney to send it back home. Inside the Ktv room , j ust enjoy cheong with my bros, then after that out  of the ktv room , the dream has to be over, (the  idea is cheong, enjoy/tabao her, then forget about  the whole thing)Then we have to be back to our no rmal self.!   

Bros, please share your experience with yr china g als over here! Thank you
Old 24-11-2008, 08:17 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

My force is not strong enuff to deciper what you've just wrote.
Old 24-11-2008, 10:34 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

Originally Posted by kiko View Post
Bros, please share your experience with yr china g als over here! Thank you
This section "MATTERS OF THE HEART" is the answer to all your questions.
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Old 24-11-2008, 11:00 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

Originally Posted by kiko View Post

Bros, please share your experience with yr china g als over here! Thank you
camping here 4 yr next essay on ktv budgeting skill.hurry!
Old 24-11-2008, 11:16 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

did i saw matrix or binary? lol.
Old 24-11-2008, 11:23 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

dearbrokikoiamhappyforyouthatyouhaveunderstandever ythingbutnexttimeremembernottousesuchahardtoreadfo ntiseealreadyalsoheadachesogoodluckinyourfutureend eavourandworkthankyouimdonealthoughicanstillcontin ueblabberandblabberbutsometimesweneedtoknowwhentos toptalkingandstartlisteningyouareanicepersonjustou tofthisworldyouarespecialandallofusdonotunderstand whatyouarethinkinganywayimgonnastopifyoucanreadthi syouwillunderstandwhyiaskyoutoonottypeinadifferent font
Old 24-11-2008, 11:27 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

Wow lor, this thread will increase the Degrees of my already deteriorating eye sight.

Sniper's eye sight come into this thread, later elephant target also cannot hit liao

Go KTV, Lau Goh also see as SYT, CMI also become Chio Bu.

Can we write in 'normal' fonts please.
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Old 24-11-2008, 11:28 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

sibeh boliao!
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Old 24-11-2008, 11:30 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
sibeh boliao!
Testing your eye sight lah
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Old 24-11-2008, 11:35 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

I am begining to believe that Kiko is suffering from some form of acute attention deficiency disorder. Maybe due to the Marks and Sparks chocolate and $30 shopping budget, no KTV girl is willing to give him any attention, that is why he is coming to the forum and trying to get some attention from the bros here.

Go see a shrink dude.

But then again, thanks to him, he had indeed brought some laughter to this section. Otherwise it would be one sob story after another. With him posting here, at least once in a while we can have a good laugh.
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Old 24-11-2008, 11:41 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

Originally Posted by slider_72 View Post
With him posting here, at least once in a while we can have a good laugh.
I dun call this humour bro, I call this a's popping up everywhere.........
Somemore can go advise people not to have his chick go for abortion blah blah........people already have 2 women in their life knn this fuka cant even get 1 dumb bitch in his life wanna give advise to people...see what i mean......
Do a post search on his nick, and you'll know, based on the profile he created in your head, how many thousand times this fuka must have pcc a day!
Really, i have never been so disgusted wif any other living creature in my entire adult life!
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Old 24-11-2008, 11:50 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

Kiko, why spent so much time to write this story and yet chose a font that everybody finds it hard to read them? Whats the matter with you man?
Old 24-11-2008, 11:50 AM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

Hey man, he did what we had told him, that is, starting his own thread... dun be so mean mah....

bro kiko, i support u...
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Old 24-11-2008, 12:03 PM
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Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

I also support this thread but pls change the font... I 66 yrs old liao, took me awhile to finish your story.

LV?? The bag with no design except the wording "LV", costs thousands of dollars. What so good about the wording "LV" ???? Some might understand the reason but for me, I dun see the worth.

I'm looking for someone to KC after so long of cheonging.... temp "love". A bit of KC keeps my life goes on, quarrel here a bit, love here a bit.... life is so sweet.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 24-11-2008, 01:41 PM
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Talking Re: China Ktv12288;65319;65313;65324;65331;

In recent years.. China KTV girls had become part & parcel of our lifestyle.
A lot of local & foreign men based in S'pore society cannot live without them.

Some married men here even divorced their wives & travelled all the way to China to marry these KTV girls as wife
that a good sign of a developed country.

Hearsay in China.. Chinese men do not want marry divorcee or KTV girls as wife but men in S'pore society proven to be unique
they not only can accept divorcee as wife & they can also marry KTV girls as wife.

Men in S'pore society - Well Done
KTV is the only place that we can found true love ...
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