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Keong Saik/Desker /X-Dresser central It's like Geylang on a budget!

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Old 11-05-2003, 12:51 AM
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Rowell Road

If I remember correct, the gals can now be found in rowell road, just next to desker. Any tried before? What's the situation after entering the house?
Old 13-05-2003, 02:39 AM
Sawadee Sawadee is offline
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they are ah guas u fool .... $20-30, situation is bring u to cubical and suck ur cock or u fuck ass/fake cb. after u wash ur cock with tissue and fuck off.
Old 14-05-2003, 04:57 PM
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where is it?
are they so call the ah gui?

got cubicals one meh ?
Old 17-05-2003, 11:20 AM
onqq onqq is offline
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Are they all ah gua ?

Don't look like.

I saw some Indian and some rather old ladies. Some look like Philipino. And there was once I saw an Indian that is young and has very good body....
Old 18-05-2003, 12:45 AM
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From what i know, further down Rowell Rd closer to Jalan Besar Market. There are some Foreign Gals handing around that area. They are all Gals.

And for Ah Guas, mostly their handout place are around the middle of Rowell Road and Rowell Road closer to Serangoon Rd.
Old 20-05-2003, 05:20 PM
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BigBadDaddy deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Yeah...there are some foreign gals i.e. REAL gals in Desker bUT mostly from the Indian subcontinent OR Indonesia. These gals are concentrated around Upper Serangoon Shopping Centre or NEAR *2 (see below) The going rate is about $20 BUT me advise is BETTER wear 2 ... NO!...3 caps...never know when U will STRIKE 4D...

The Ah Kuas...some look really CONVINCING are located near 2 spots:
*1. Near the "Jin" Department Store (MOSTLY Thais)...they report for FUCK DUTY at around 8 pm...IF U do NOT see them there after this time, it probably means there was a Police car or 2 passing by earlier on and they are HIDING INSIDE the house (near to "Jin")

*2. Opposite what WAS the "Comfort" Hotel >>> here you get your Local and Malaysian Chicks With DICKS (BEWARE! some may have DICKS BIGGER than some of you)...there's also one who'll revel you with stories of the "Roti Man"...i.e. one WIERDO who goes around in the wee hours of the morning carrying 2 slices of bread begging these Dolls With BALLS for some SPERM hmmm guess he must be suffering from aCUTE PROTEIN DEFICIENCY hmmm...

The Ah Kuas may be worth a try IF you happen to be the "ADVENTUROUS" type...going rate is $30...heard they provide more than BLOW and FUCK...overheard one fella (kena all dress up for some Dinner and Dance function) asking one Ah Kua if "IT" can FUCK him...hmmm

"What is there to know?
What is there to give?
We are the abandoned of god.
And there is no Devil's road spinning
out before me and there are no bells
of hell ringing in my ears."
Old 21-05-2003, 05:09 PM
Lesliii Lesliii is offline
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Thanks for your interesting infor especially on the all dressed up guy.

Originally posted by BigBadDaddy
Yeah...there are some foreign gals i.e. REAL gals in Desker bUT mostly from the Indian subcontinent OR Indonesia. These gals are concentrated around Upper Serangoon Shopping Centre or NEAR *2 (see below) The going rate is about $20 BUT me advise is BETTER wear 2 ... NO!...3 caps...never know when U will STRIKE 4D...

The Ah Kuas...some look really CONVINCING are located near 2 spots:
*1. Near the "Jin" Department Store (MOSTLY Thais)...they report for FUCK DUTY at around 8 pm...IF U do NOT see them there after this time, it probably means there was a Police car or 2 passing by earlier on and they are HIDING INSIDE the house (near to "Jin")

*2. Opposite what WAS the "Comfort" Hotel >>> here you get your Local and Malaysian Chicks With DICKS (BEWARE! some may have DICKS BIGGER than some of you)...there's also one who'll revel you with stories of the "Roti Man"...i.e. one WIERDO who goes around in the wee hours of the morning carrying 2 slices of bread begging these Dolls With BALLS for some SPERM hmmm guess he must be suffering from aCUTE PROTEIN DEFICIENCY hmmm...

The Ah Kuas may be worth a try IF you happen to be the "ADVENTUROUS" type...going rate is $30...heard they provide more than BLOW and FUCK...overheard one fella (kena all dress up for some Dinner and Dance function) asking one Ah Kua if "IT" can FUCK him...hmmm

Old 21-05-2003, 10:35 PM
Lesliii Lesliii is offline
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I saw not one but at least 4 to 5 real jude ones.
Some really have that Bollywood looks.

Originally posted by onqq
Are they all ah gua ?

Don't look like.

I saw some Indian and some rather old ladies. Some look like Philipino. And there was once I saw an Indian that is young and has very good body....
Old 21-05-2003, 10:40 PM
Lesliii Lesliii is offline
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Hi are u a regular there, I knew quite a no, of regular cheongsters, there is one particularly handsome guy, one
with that kinda of popstar look who always hang around the comfort hotel.
maybe one day we can chiong together.

Originally posted by BigBadDaddy
Yeah...there are some foreign gals i.e. REAL gals in Desker bUT mostly from the Indian subcontinent OR Indonesia. These gals are concentrated around Upper Serangoon Shopping Centre or NEAR *2 (see below) The going rate is about $20 BUT me advise is BETTER wear 2 ... NO!...3 caps...never know when U will STRIKE 4D...

The Ah Kuas...some look really CONVINCING are located near 2 spots:
*1. Near the "Jin" Department Store (MOSTLY Thais)...they report for FUCK DUTY at around 8 pm...IF U do NOT see them there after this time, it probably means there was a Police car or 2 passing by earlier on and they are HIDING INSIDE the house (near to "Jin")

*2. Opposite what WAS the "Comfort" Hotel >>> here you get your Local and Malaysian Chicks With DICKS (BEWARE! some may have DICKS BIGGER than some of you)...there's also one who'll revel you with stories of the "Roti Man"...i.e. one WIERDO who goes around in the wee hours of the morning carrying 2 slices of bread begging these Dolls With BALLS for some SPERM hmmm guess he must be suffering from aCUTE PROTEIN DEFICIENCY hmmm...

The Ah Kuas may be worth a try IF you happen to be the "ADVENTUROUS" type...going rate is $30...heard they provide more than BLOW and FUCK...overheard one fella (kena all dress up for some Dinner and Dance function) asking one Ah Kua if "IT" can FUCK him...hmmm

Old 21-05-2003, 11:23 PM
transLover transLover is offline
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i'm a guy who has this great desire to suck a trans with big cock and big breast.

wonder can provide more info about the upper serangoon shopping centre and the comfort hotel?

can really see any action there
Old 22-05-2003, 01:55 PM
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Originally posted by transLover

i'm a guy who has this great desire to suck a trans with big cock and big breast.

wonder can provide more info about the upper serangoon shopping centre and the comfort hotel?

can really see any action there
hmmm I do know a couple of these sistas there, most of them are UNCUT Pre-Ops and this is TRUE even for the Thai Ladyboys near "Jin". From what I know other than the SOP rubba rubba, suckie suckie and pokie pokie all the "EXTRAS" e.g. you want the Ladyboy to fuck you or cum for you or anything beyond 1 hour will cost you $. Be prepared to pay between $50-$100. hmmm...

"What is there to know?
What is there to give?
We are the abandoned of god.
And there is no Devil's road spinning
out before me and there are no bells
of hell ringing in my ears."
Old 22-05-2003, 02:06 PM
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BigBadDaddy deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Originally posted by Lesliii
Hi are u a regular there, I knew quite a no, of regular cheongsters, there is one particularly handsome guy, one
with that kinda of popstar look who always hang around the comfort hotel.
maybe one day we can chiong together.

I try to make myself look INCONPICUOUS when I'm there doing "Window Shopping" or chatting up old time friends at the coffeshop opposite "Comfort" Hotel (think the hotel changed ownership and name recently). Hmmm "popstar look", hmmm subjective, cannot giveaway too much ...think we may have bumped into one another b4, maybe even talked, exchanged opinion...usually other than the "window shopping", etc, I'll drop by those vcd stores to browse for new titles. Always on the look-out for shows with themes on INCEST. BTW anyone notice how the Banglas seem to have taken over the scene manning these stores? I may head down again this coming weekend. Maybe we may get to chiong together some day afterall.

"What is there to know?
What is there to give?
We are the abandoned of god.
And there is no Devil's road spinning
out before me and there are no bells
of hell ringing in my ears."
Old 22-05-2003, 05:08 PM
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cereal-killer is one of the Best!cereal-killer is one of the Best!cereal-killer is one of the Best!cereal-killer is one of the Best!
you got to be kidding ...

I went around Rowell couple of weeks back to check out what sort of bapok hangs there. Horrible ! Most were really awful. Saw one who was quite skinny and had blonde hair buying cigarette after 1am and when he turned around, i almost fell inside the lokang behind me.

I'll stick to Changi.
Old 22-05-2003, 05:49 PM
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Originally posted by cereal-killer
you got to be kidding ...

I went around Rowell couple of weeks back to check out what sort of bapok hangs there. Horrible ! Most were really awful. Saw one who was quite skinny and had blonde hair buying cigarette after 1am and when he turned around, i almost fell inside the lokang behind me.

I'll stick to Changi.
There will be days when you do get a mini-parade of sistas and days when the streets and alley ways are completely dESERTED or only the LESS desirous ones are around. Also at 1 am, that is about the time (of several a night) the QXs are patroling the streets. You won't get much GOOD quality stuff hanging about then. Yes, it is TRUE even on a VERY GOOD night, the quality is NOWHERE near what you'll find at Changi Village (CV). BUT CV is pretty inaccessible for a lot of HORNY dudes here. So most have no choice BUT to make do.

"What is there to know?
What is there to give?
We are the abandoned of god.
And there is no Devil's road spinning
out before me and there are no bells
of hell ringing in my ears."
Old 22-05-2003, 08:36 PM
transLover transLover is offline
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so where exactly do i find them and what the procedure will be like??

any recommendation for a preop with big breast and hard big cock??

Originally posted by BigBadDaddy
hmmm I do know a couple of these sistas there, most of them are UNCUT Pre-Ops and this is TRUE even for the Thai Ladyboys near "Jin". From what I know other than the SOP rubba rubba, suckie suckie and pokie pokie all the "EXTRAS" e.g. you want the Ladyboy to fuck you or cum for you or anything beyond 1 hour will cost you $. Be prepared to pay between $50-$100. hmmm...

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