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Old 04-07-2009, 01:52 PM
Becks77 Becks77 is offline
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My introduction to sex

Hi Guys,

I have been reading quite alot of stories over here and decide to share my experience which happen when i was 16.

This is the first time i am sharing this other den with my buddy who knew about it too. This experience was with my neighbour's daughter who was 36 at that time and married with 2 kids. Any one who wanna add on please feel free to add on. I will start typing the story soon after i get my thoughts together.

Old 04-07-2009, 06:13 PM
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Re: My introduction to sex

Hey guys, heres to part 1 of the story.....

As my parents were both working adults, there would be no 1 home after i finish school everyday. To prevent me from getting into trouble, my parents arranged for my neighbour, an auntie in her 60s to cook lunch for me everyday and be at her place with my younger sister, who was 5 at that time, and also STUDY at her place with her daughter, who was a housewife, to supervise me studying.

Her daughter, lets call her Mona, is 36 with a normal body, not too fat or slim, was forced to be a housewife as her husband dun like her to work and force her to stay home to look after the kids.

I would report at their place daily around 3pm, have lunch and take a bathe and would start taking out my homework for Mona to see and teach me those that i didnt know how to do. I didnt really take notice of her at that point of time as i was not interested in mature ladies at that period of time.

Usually, I would just go into her room, which she had asked me to used to study as the living room would be too noisy with the TV and my sister playing over there. I would just sit at the study table in the room and started doing my work while she would be on her bed, reading the papers and some magazines.

On Jan 19, ( i remember the date clearly as it was my dad's birthday) i was tired from doing my work when i turned round and saw her laying on the bed, legs open. She was wearing a oversize t-shirt with light blue panties inside.

I got an instant hard on and was trying to catch more glances at the panties without her noticing. ( i had started pccin when i was 14 and the most i did with my gfs at that time were kissing and touching only). I was trying to see her panties over and over that day that i did not even finish my homework that day. Mona also nag at me for daydreaming my 3 hours away in that room but she didnt know that i had dreamed of other stuffs during that 3 hours in that room.

From that day onwards, i started to like going into her room to study and steal glances at her panties whenever possible, and my desires got more as time passes.

Bros, please let me know if you guys like this, if yes den i will continue typing. Thanks. Cheers
Old 04-07-2009, 08:07 PM
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Re: My introduction to sex

Will camp here for more.
Old 04-07-2009, 08:17 PM
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Re: My introduction to sex

wah cool man !!
Old 04-07-2009, 09:28 PM
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Re: My introduction to sex

Sounds interesting. Please commence.
Old 04-07-2009, 09:43 PM
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Re: My introduction to sex

16 and 36...... good one. awaiting for more.... juice pls.
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Old 04-07-2009, 09:58 PM
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Re: My introduction to sex

Guys, i have type chapter 3 already, but i am waiting for my post to be moderated, so happy waiting bros. Horny now at the thought of those memories. cheers
Old 04-07-2009, 10:30 PM
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Re: My introduction to sex

Hope to see your story soon.
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Old 04-07-2009, 11:51 PM
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Re: My introduction to sex

sound interesting , please continue
Old 04-07-2009, 11:52 PM
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Re: My introduction to sex

Waiting for ur story...
Old 05-07-2009, 02:06 AM
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Re: My introduction to sex

Old 05-07-2009, 03:06 AM
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Re: My introduction to sex

end of story???
Old 05-07-2009, 03:25 AM
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Re: My introduction to sex

TS, will you be back during the next school holidays?
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Old 05-07-2009, 01:38 PM
Becks77 Becks77 is offline
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Re: My introduction to sex

Hi Bros, to those who dun like my story, i am sorry about it. But will take some time for my posts to appear as i am still in moderation.

After that 1st view of her panties, i did not go have any view of her for 1 week as her husband was at home, rotting his time away. Her husband, who was quite a nasty fellow, as he was scolding her quite often during that week that i saw him. As he was home, Mona would just ask me to study in the living room with her looking at my work and we had some small chat on my school life and my preparation for o levels.

A week after Valentines day, I was in her room studying as usual when she saw me busy smsing with my new hp. ( at that time, hp just started to become more widely available) She came over to me and just looked at who i was busy smsin with. She took the phone and looked thru the messages and asked if i had a gf, as the messages inside were filled with dear etc.

I admitted to her and told her not to let my parents know about it as they were rather old school in terms of thinking. She asked me to put more work on my school work and went back to lay on the bed reading her magazines.

I turned round wanting to ask her someting but i saw her laying on the bed with the panties exposed made me horny again. As It would be weird for me to turn over and face her to do my work with the table being on the other side, i made some excuses that i was lazy to sit on the chair to do my work and wanted to lay on the floor to continue my work. She nodded her head without taking her eyes of the magazine as i continued staring at her panties.

The panties she was wearing that day was a light brown 1, with her pussy looking hairy as there was a big black patch over there. I moved over to the floor to continue my work and kept on glancing at the panties, which seem to be a magnate attracting me to it.

I quickly finished my homework and told her i needed to use the toilet in her room as i was having a stomachache.( Truth was i wanted to go to toilet and pcc away with the thought of her in the panties). I went over to the toilet and just jerk off with the thought of her panties in my mind. I jerk off once more after i reach home as the thought of her panties just cant go out of my head.

From that day onwards, I would just lay on the floor of her room to do my homework and can get almost daily glances of her panties which i would pcc thinking of daily.

End of part 2..

bros, let me know if you guys wan me to continue. The juicer contents are behind as this didnt happen over a short period of time. It was almost in june before i managed to touch her.
Old 05-07-2009, 02:25 PM
Becks77 Becks77 is offline
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Re: My introduction to sex

PART 3..

A few weeks passed as i would continue my routine of peeping at her panties and jus jerk off in her toilet before her mom went overseas for a short holiday. I went into the toilet as usual to jerk off but found someting instead, i saw her worn clothes in a basket in the toilet, which i guessed no 1 was doing the washing as her mom wasnt around.

I rumage thru the clothes and found the items i was looking for, her bra and panties. I used her panties to jerk off that day and the amount of cum i had that day was way more den i had usually.

This went on for the next 2 days before i noticed she had a little swelling on her face. I finished my homework as usual and started to have alittle chat with her. As her kids were 3 and 5, around my sister's age, i joked with her that if we went out together, ppl would think we are bringing our kids out. ( I was rather big size for a 16 year old and i was in the rugby team, 175cm and 70kg). She started laughing and said i was crazy.

I started to ask her about the swelling on her face, which she brushed off at first sayin she had knocked onto someting. But i noticed she had bruises on her hands as well and asked her further why got all this bruises too.

She brushed it off saying it was an accident but i didnt know why i said this at that point of time( i used the exact same words), " Uncle (her husband) beat u because you dun fuck him?" She was shocked at my words and started chiding me for learning all this stuff and stopped talking to me for 10 minutes.

I just layed on the floor pretending to look at my school work when she started talking to me again. She told me not to say such stuff infront of her husband or mother as they would not like it. She then told me her bruises were inflicted on her by her husband, who had beaten her when she tried to kiss him last night. She told me to keep this from her mom as she didnt want her to worry about her and she would settle this problem herself.

I just consoled her tellin her stuff that maybe he had a bad day or something as she was closed to crying as she told me this. I lent her my shoulder as she laid on it sobbing alittle and i was at lost on what to do. I put my hands on her shoulder rubbin them alittle as i consoled her and smelled her hair, which was so fragrant to me.

After this incident, we were talking daily in her room as i do my work and i would probe and ask her on her relationship with her husband. As this went on, she started to initiate hugging me after talking to me and would occasionaly give me a peck on the face, saying she appreciated me listening to her woes and lending her a listening ear and shoulder whenever she needed one.

End of Part 3.. sorry if its poorly written as its my first time writing a story and this was based on my experience which happened about 10 years ago.
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