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Old 03-10-2003, 09:28 AM
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Make her horny

A friend of me recently pass me a bottle of herbs from china. it is known as "red spider". Anyway, he tried it as it was one of those that his friend gave him.

this herb is a clear colourless and tasteless fluid meant for you to add into the drink of any gal and is guranteed to make her horny.

i have many friends who have done field test and it works. i have yet to try it cos busy working this days. a few of my friend tried and the comments is that the gals are so wet and do not know when to stop. even after he is done they keep begging for more till they cannot tahan.

not cheap as there are limited supply. it cost $99.90 per bottle. Each bottle good for 1 time use only. there should be a shipment coming in soon but don't know how many bottles. you folks can email me your contact and i let you know when it arrive.

mind you i don't make any money from doing all this, just being k-po.
Old 04-10-2003, 07:55 AM
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Think you're talking about "date rape" drug. Is this legal?

Some have tried and found a certain sex cream good for stimulating the girl, but need to get close first . Here's one :

Old 04-10-2003, 02:09 PM
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Originally posted by eyeinthesky
Think you're talking about "date rape" drug. Is this legal?
Don't think so, more like Spanish Fly.
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Old 06-10-2003, 09:32 AM
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lament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of light
this is not a date-rape drug. its just a natural herbal remedy from china. all you need is to spike the drink and the gal will be horny. but beware she is still sober and is a willing sex partner.

it is basically a colourless fluid and is tasteless and ordourless. it is used as a cure for woman who are not receptive to sex.

no banned substanced just chinese herbs
Old 06-10-2003, 03:11 PM
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Re: Make her horny

Originally posted by lament
A friend of me recently pass me a bottle of herbs from china. it is known as "red spider". Anyway, he tried it as it was one of those that his friend gave him.

this herb is a clear colourless and tasteless fluid meant for you to add into the drink of any gal and is guranteed to make her horny.

i have many friends who have done field test and it works. i have yet to try it cos busy working this days. a few of my friend tried and the comments is that the gals are so wet and do not know when to stop. even after he is done they keep begging for more till they cannot tahan.

not cheap as there are limited supply. it cost $99.90 per bottle. Each bottle good for 1 time use only. there should be a shipment coming in soon but don't know how many bottles. you folks can email me your contact and i let you know when it arrive.

lemme see if i get this right.

1 bottle cost 99.90.
1 bottle can only use 1 time.
you use it to put inside drink.

how big is the bottle???
$100 to use for one drink? is that like fucking more ex than whatever drugs people use?
Old 07-10-2003, 09:54 AM
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hmmmm......$100 for one time use?

Go GL can go 2 time.....problem free somemore.
Old 07-10-2003, 10:10 AM
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Accoridng to friends who tried it, they say they cannot tahan the gal cause she ask for rounds after rounds.

one of my friend was bonking her wife for almost 6 hours and she still ain't have enough..... this can used on gals u r trying to get but giving you the cold shoulder .....

maybe u can half the portion if you want but i dun know if its effective enough............

i guess gettig a proper gal to bed is still more worth it than going to the meat market to get a bonk...... at $100 for a non working gal , i think that is cheap .......

think of it, you court a gal and till she isready to fuck, you already spend a bomb ....... so whats $100.....

i opening this up to the bros as supply hard to come by and i need to place order..... for some bros who know me they know what i'm like.......
Old 08-10-2003, 03:12 PM
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for those who have ordered. just to let you folks know, the stock should arrive sometime next week.

please please don't play me out, at $100 a bottle quite ex for me to swallow by myself.
Old 09-10-2003, 04:34 AM
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Re: Make her horny

Originally posted by lament
A friend of me recently pass me a bottle of herbs from china. it is known as "red spider". Anyway, he tried it as it was one of those that his friend gave him.

this herb is a clear colourless and tasteless fluid meant for you to add into the drink of any gal and is guranteed to make her horny.

i have many friends who have done field test and it works. i have yet to try it cos busy working this days. a few of my friend tried and the comments is that the gals are so wet and do not know when to stop. even after he is done they keep begging for more till they cannot tahan.

not cheap as there are limited supply. it cost $99.90 per bottle. Each bottle good for 1 time use only. there should be a shipment coming in soon but don't know how many bottles. you folks can email me your contact and i let you know when it arrive.

mind you i don't make any money from doing all this, just being k-po.
what if its not as effective as it claimed? any FRs from bros here so far?
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Old 09-10-2003, 10:08 AM
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lament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of light
I myself also have not tried but from my 10 over friends who have tried. They say it works.

One told me i only need to use half a bottle and then wait for almost half an hour for the drug to work its magic. Its being touted as a cure for "sexual coldness".

another friend said, that her wife couldn't stop asking for more even though he is dead beat and have been at it for a few hours.

All my friends who tried tells me how good it is and this is not available in singapore. The person selling me is coming back to singapore sometime next week.

i do not profit from this at all............... but i will definitely and i believe like the other brothers posr FR on its effects after we try.
Old 11-10-2003, 12:55 PM
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To all the brudders who ordered.....please use yor big head rather yor small head.
Such claims frequent seen in my junk mails.
However if you choose to try, go ahead and post yor FRs here.
Old 13-10-2003, 09:19 AM
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lament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of light
I understand that many may feel that this might be a scam. But i assure you not.

I must admit I have not tried it before and is ordering quite a few on the claims of several of my friends. Anyway any FR from me would be useless as they may be biaseness.

Besides, this is meant for use not on workig gals but normal respectable gals that you try hard to get.

For those brudders whom have ordered. lets enjoy bonking as its meant to be.......
Old 14-10-2003, 02:59 PM
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Originally posted by lament
I understand that many may feel that this might be a scam. But i assure you not.

I must admit I have not tried it before and is ordering quite a few on the claims of several of my friends. Anyway any FR from me would be useless as they may be biaseness.

Besides, this is meant for use not on workig gals but normal respectable gals that you try hard to get.

For those brudders whom have ordered. lets enjoy bonking as its meant to be.......
Bro lament, I am sure your spirit of trying to share will be admired and appreciated. Not trying to censure but just a word of caution. Introducing poppers, aphrodisiacs of any sorts has its consequences. Watch where you are going and the gals you and others are or maybe targetting. Underestimating the intelligence of others going by assumptions that gals are idiots has always been a dangerous game and approach.

Under the influence of substances that induce euphoria and enhance sexual stimulation she may be a willing party. But in the event of a gal crying foul when she realized, you are still liable of culpable sexual assault, at the very least seduction with drugs, herbs if and when the drugs, herbs are illicitly used.

Regardless of how discreet, there will always be unforeseen situations. Also you can never be absolutely sure others will be discreet, trust me on this. The moment someone got it from you, used it and gets into trouble, the backlash will be you peddled the drugs, profit or no profit.

Enjoy bonking as it's meant to be, yes, since the herbs is so potent the way you described it to be. But bear in mind that if there's or should there be one case, just one case of mishap, it will land you in deepshit, it will send you burning in hell. Think about it.

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But Many Fails To Plan
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Old 14-10-2003, 05:07 PM
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lament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of lightlament is a glorious beacon of light
appreciate... the risk is inherent and so please dun just use the pop anyhow. i reserve that usage is your own discretion on who you wanna use. but if in shit i'm not going to be legally liable.
Old 14-10-2003, 06:05 PM
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Originally posted by lament
appreciate... the risk is inherent and so please dun just use the pop anyhow. i reserve that usage is your own discretion on who you wanna use. but if in shit i'm not going to be legally liable.
Dun think putting your disclaimer here will do any helps, u better start looking for a good lawyer now, just in case...
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• Work With Alcohol • FREE Shipping

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