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Old 25-12-2009, 04:43 PM
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Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

So I am faced with a similar situation some of our brothers here are in. I never expected I would be in such a situation and most definitely do not know how to handle it.

I had been married for just almost 4 years. Marriage had its ups and downs but was not categorically "rocky". I can't really say it was a happy one either but then again, you rarely get that nowadays. With all the compromises attached in getting hitched, I guess it was as good as it could have been. Until I found out something….. that she had been unfaithful. But that's not what this thread is for. Bear with me a little and you will get to see pictures soon.

Wifey had been very playful before marriage. She had several BFs, not including the occasional flings. She even made out with a professor just to pass a subject. I thought marriage was the end of those….. or so she promised. I tried to be trusting and simply did not think about it anymore. A so-called "fresh start".

For a playful girl that she was, I found it weird the her sex drive was almost non-existent after marriage. She only hid behind the reason that the drive of guys is always through the roof. Since marriage was marriage, I tried lived with it and tried very hard not to stray. Oh, man was it difficult! She even said she'd buy me a lovedoll so I can do it whenever she's not in the mood. So this was how it went for most of the years. We've had some daring moments from time to time but it was generally the same old boring humps. Then it became really crappy one time with her telling me to close my eyes and imagine someone else so I would come faster :S...... just to get it done and over with. Nothing felt worse than a mercy hump, I tell you.

Then more signs started to show up. She started coming home later than usual and such occurrences became more frequent. Just like the story of one of our brothers- she heads straight for a shower. Only now do I think maybe it was for the same reason. Although for my case, she was always too tired for any more humping. I got to know the lovedoll really well :S

So I really got frustrated and curious that I started snooping around. She left her handphone by the bedside one night after getting home late. She then proceeded to the bathroom to take a shower as usual. I tool the opportunity to check the messages on her phone. I didn’t really expect to see anything as who would be dumb enough to keep incriminating messages (sorry Tiger!). But to my surprise, I saw raunchy messages sent to names hidden as “hubby” which obviously was not me. That's when I got it confirmed. I was so overwhelmed by what I found out but somehow, I was sane enough to take photos of the messages for evidence.

One good thing going for me was how long ladies take showers. Then I went on to her laptop. Upon guessing her password, I found out that not only was she having an affair with one guy, she has 3 all at the same time... None of which appear to know the others' existence. She saved all the chat messages (like how dumb can you be?) and I took pictures of these as additional evidence. I also found out that one of her Bangkok shopping trip was a humpfest with one of the guys.

I was able to recover by the time she was done. I was so shocked and angry at the same time that I didn't know what to do and I just kept quiet and indifferent. I gave it a few more days and then decided I have had enough. The nice thing then was we haven't bought a flat yet and was just renting. Even better, the agreement, utilities, etc. was all under her name as I was out of the country on business during that time we moved and she took care of them. So I printed all the evidence and laid it out on the floor while she was out humping, took all my stuff, and left her. I had changed all my contact details- changed my office phone numbers, paid the SingTel to change my mobile, even retired my known email addresses. Somehow I still felt dumb for being in the situation and not knowing earlier.

We aren't divorced (not yet) but we've lived separately since then. I started looking for what's out in the market but somehow had the inclination towards what's no longer available. Maybe because it was fueled by the need to understand why married women stray and how easy/difficult it is to get one. I have had sampled more than a few and they were good in their own right. [Side comment: local ones are really something to be experienced; And wives will stray regardless of whether hubbies take care of them or not.] I don't have any plans of getting back with her and after what has happened, I don't even want to see her. I was perfectly happy with having MILF FBs and a GF on the side.

Until….. (Now here comes my dilemma and the reason for the thread-aside for the pictures of course)….. For some insane reason, we bumped into each other on the road just outside of my apartment. All the anger raged within me but since it was a public place and I did not want to make a scene, I tried to talk in a civil manner. She said she wanted to talk and clear things out. She wanted to patch things up. I don't want to have anything to do with her at all. I can't figure out what the heck made her want what she didn't before. What con job is she conjuring this time? She can't be in need of money as she is earning more than I do. I don't understand what the heck is going on. What I don't understand the most was how she managed to invite herself to my apartment and how could have I carried on the conversation with her??.....

She started to get a little comfy and started to make herself feel at home at my apartment. Took off her jacket and planted herself on the sofa. Instincts told me to start talking pictures for my protection. I have heard stories like these when the wifey suddenly turns ballistic and blames it on the poor guy. At first she asked what I was after. I told her I was just playing with my camera and taking pictures of the kitchen. Then I said I was protecting myself in case she claims I rape her or something. She then took everything wrongly and thought I was taking voyeur pictures of her. She then started to show a little and I completely forgot I was angry for that short moment.

I still don't know how things happened but the more we talked, the more she got what she wanted. She even told me I can keep whatever relationship I had with whoever while we were separated (we still are separated btw). I quickly threw it back at her asking does that mean she also gets to sleep around whenever she wants to. She just kept quiet with that. The discussion carried on with what she wanted and what she was proposing. All the while I was figuring out what she was after. Up to now, I have been cracking my brain on it. On the flip-side however, I get to keep GFs on top of being married- how cool is that? But is it really cool? If I would prefer other GFs, why still keep the relationship with her?

She then started to be touchy and as hard as I tried, little bro betrayed me. I just lost it and gave in….. completely forgetting why I left her in the first place. I don't know if I was drugged or not but somehow, during that moment, she was the very sweet and loving wifey that she never was. Though at that point in time, she did not make me feel she was wifey. She made me feel she was just like some other MILFs needed a hump. Maybe that was partly why I couldn’t resist a free hump. I did not see her as who I married anymore. We had a couple of sessions and after all of it, my senses started to kick back in a little and I asked her again what was she up to. She even prepared my meals. somehow even after thinking she wasn’t wifey, I felt more of “being used” rather than “using”.

She allowed me to carry on taking pictures of the sessions which you will see a little later. I didn't post the pictures with the story as you might think it is just a made up story to spice up the pictures. I am now really confused. What the heck does she want? She doesn't want to proceed with the divorce maybe due to the embarrassment, is it? She can't be after the money as said as I don't have that much. Should I turn her down and cut it once and for all? Should I try to consider what she is proposing- some open-type marriage of some sort. I am not sure if I can handle such type of a relationship some of our more famous bros here have. Is it worth a try? What do I stand to lose by agreeing to it? Or to put it in another way, what do I have to gain? Or…… is she really evil and trying to infect me with something? As I can’t put rules to who she chooses, it is kind of scary and dangerous. I am more inclined to cut it once and for all. I guess will just have to look for someone who is willing to have her pictures taken for all you bros to enjoy.

What do you guys think?

PS. I can’t post the pictures all in once but I will post all I was able to take so please do be patient. The wait won’t be too long…..

001 - getting comfy and wanting to talk
002 - starting to talk
003 - still talking
004 - started to notice what i was doing and asked what i was up to
005 - bought my story initially until.....
Old 25-12-2009, 04:47 PM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

006 - she thought i was taking voyeur shots and showed one
007 - sat up and tried to tease
008 - shows one again
009 - changed top coz she didn't want to crumple her lace undertop
010 - started talking again
Old 25-12-2009, 04:53 PM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

011 - talk got derailed and she started posing
012 - started to show one again and this time i didn't stop her
013 - teasing again

so how do you guys like............. my kitchen?

separately and probably more seriously (not sure how serious can one get in such a forum though)..... what is she up to?

more pictures to follow later tonight.....
Old 25-12-2009, 05:31 PM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

Very interesting angle... go all the way m.s

My points are for meritorious postings NOT for exchange!
Old 25-12-2009, 05:40 PM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

I was about to F the hell out of you for making me download 13 similar pics of your blardy hell small kitchen that you will not be cooking in until I saw what a wonderful mirror you have place there. Talking about that mirror, its really clear and the reflection, wow, amazing and intriguing!!! I like this post, very unique and fustrating, yet satisfying in the end. Well done my friend. I hope the story that came with it is a story bro. For a while i was like trying to crack my head as to what I would do if I were in your situation .
Old 25-12-2009, 05:41 PM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

eh Bro YP, you so free today, whole day see you replying to posts, how come both of us so no life, or rather, me...haha.
Old 25-12-2009, 08:22 PM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

I think you handled the situation pretty well, bro...unlike me. I would love reading the rest of your story.

Merry Xmas to you.

Marc (Marc&slutJenna)
Old 25-12-2009, 08:50 PM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

Originally Posted by meat.section
so how do you guys like............. my kitchen?
I'm sure these photos will come in very useful when you decide to sell your little studio ... & marketing it as the perfect batchelor pad.

Originally Posted by meat.section
separately and probably more seriously (not sure how serious can one get in such a forum though)..... what is she up to?
From the little brain of mine, what she is up to is probably this ... she thinks you are just like her: one sex partner is not enough ... that's why she's perfectly ok with you being the "husband" in name but you guys continue to fuck around separately on your own.
Why she prefer this than to have a clean cut? I can only imagine she still has a certain responsibility to the society or her family ... where a married woman stands to be more respected than a woman with a failed marriage.

What an irony, right?
It just brings back memory of my uni days ... when I was seeing the daughter of a prominent Malay businessman for a few months. I was allowed to bonk her every lobang, as long as I kept her hymen intact - <turning sheepish> yes, yes ... that's where I acquired the taste for anal sex.
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Old 26-12-2009, 12:34 AM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

Originally Posted by Master007 View Post
Well done my friend. I hope the story that came with it is a story bro. For a while i was like trying to crack my head as to what I would do if I were in your situation .
Thanks..... unfortunately, the story is true and it has given me more sleepless nights than when I found out she was unfaithful.

Originally Posted by Marc&slutJenna View Post
I think you handled the situation pretty well, bro...unlike me. I would love reading the rest of your story.

Merry Xmas to you.

Marc (Marc&slutJenna)
Merry Xmas to you too. With this hanging over my head, I wonder how can Xmas be merry? On one hand, I am still thinking of ending it once and for all. This is because I somehow want a wife I guess. But on the other hand, being in an open relationship does open doors. I am just not sure how to live with it. Which is why I admire our brothers here in such a relationship. Just thinking about it without considering anything else eats me up inside.

Btw, you guys rock! I would love to humiliate Jenna while you watch..... if that is what you wish.

Originally Posted by KingEros View Post
From the little brain of mine, what she is up to is probably this ... she thinks you are just like her: one sex partner is not enough ... that's why she's perfectly ok with you being the "husband" in name but you guys continue to fuck around separately on your own.
Why she prefer this than to have a clean cut? I can only imagine she still has a certain responsibility to the society or her family ... where a married woman stands to be more respected than a woman with a failed marriage.

What an irony, right?
Thanks for your insight, bro. I can easily understand the "one is not enough" part. What I don't understand is why get married in the first place. Ok, point taken it is already done, so I guess she really is trying to salvage something. Maybe she hasn't told her family yet :S Maybe I should

Anyway, here are some more teasers. Will be posting more pictures later.
Old 26-12-2009, 12:37 AM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

continuation of teasers.....
Old 26-12-2009, 12:39 AM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

a few more.....
Old 26-12-2009, 12:42 AM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

more..... they may look the same but I was just trigger happy. I am posting all I have of this session.
Old 26-12-2009, 12:46 AM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

some more.....
Old 26-12-2009, 12:51 AM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

We bumped into each other just this Monday and these are what I have taken with the whole situation hanging over my head. This is the last for the night but there are more batches. The next one won't take that long and will get posted right away.
Old 26-12-2009, 01:06 AM
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Re: Early Christmas gift or Late Haloween (devil in disguise)

Just blackmail the shit our of her with those photos. She really did cause you alot of grief after all. Tit for tat.
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