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Old 20-01-2010, 04:19 PM
blogwatch blogwatch is offline
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Question Anal Sex... Help

Hi got to know this girl and she wants me to have anal sex with her... something I've never done... she said she don't want the regular type cos scared pregnant.

Any bros can enlighten about anal? do's and don'ts... what to be aware of etc?

Don't want to fumble too badly lol
Old 20-01-2010, 04:43 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Send her to me n you watch hw i do it...

I dun charge u lesson fees.. gum bo?
Old 20-01-2010, 04:48 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by blogwatch View Post
Hi got to know this girl and she wants me to have anal sex with her... something I've never done... she said she don't want the regular type cos scared pregnant.

That's absolutely disgusting!
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Old 20-01-2010, 04:51 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

If she is the one asking it from u, she mite already have experience doin it.
Wats left for u to do is to get tat dick of yours hard n start diggin down tat hole.
If u encounter difficulties, try to lubricate using KY or if no $$ to buy KY, spit on tat dick then push it in slowly.

Last edited by Maxico; 20-01-2010 at 05:02 PM.
Old 20-01-2010, 04:53 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

She is so funny.. since she doesnt want to be pregnant, why not ask to give you a good bbbj?
Old 20-01-2010, 04:56 PM
cqueen cqueen is offline
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by blogwatch View Post
Hi got to know this girl and she wants me to have anal sex with her... something I've never done... she said she don't want the regular type cos scared pregnant.

Any bros can enlighten about anal? do's and don'ts... what to be aware of etc?

Don't want to fumble too badly lol
Then u come n thrust yr hard, juicy cock deep into my tight slutty ass till i beg u not to stop....

After u gain enough confidence in thrusting yr hard cock deep, hard n long into my tight ass and experience sheer erotic explosion of your hot cum, u then try her loh.
Old 20-01-2010, 05:28 PM
stiffiner stiffiner is offline
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

hey bro's just do it the usual way, anyway it is just another hole except need some fluid, the best ask her to give u a bbbj then proceed. enjoy ....
Old 20-01-2010, 05:29 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by blogwatch View Post
Any bros can enlighten about anal? do's and don'ts... what to be aware of etc?
1. Never tell your real friends that she wants you to do her anal. I know of a guy during my NS who was complaining to us that his gf only allows him to fuck her in the arse. Wants to save virginity for her future husband. You can imagine how we guys had a great laugh in camp.

Problem is... The 2 of them got married years later. When we attended the wedding dinner and at subsequent meetings with him and his wife, a lot of us secretly laugh inside our hearts at his wife and at how he described her years ago.

2. Read up on the internet. Do buy lubricants. If the wall of the colon tears, you can imagine how infected it will be (with all the shit around). Warm up the arse by slowing inserting 1 well lubricated finger, then 2, then create some space between the fingers to slowly stretch and expand the arse opening. Then can start the action.

Keywords for your internet search. (Enema) (Lubricant) (Butt Plug)

Good luck.
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 20-01-2010, 05:33 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by cqueen View Post
Then u come n thrust yr hard, juicy cock deep into my tight slutty ass till i beg u not to stop....

After u gain enough confidence in thrusting yr hard cock deep, hard n long into my tight ass and experience sheer erotic explosion of your hot cum, u then try her loh.
my, that is a novel way to gain some experience
Old 20-01-2010, 05:44 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Make sure she cleared her bowel before you start thrusting and once you've started it, fulamak! i am pretty sure you wont stop and will start asking for more. hehe...

I've tried it with my FB and...... words cant describe the tightness and the sensation.

Yeap... make sure d arse is well lube arse.

And u gotta prepare the sight of sore eyes too. i ever experienced it when u pull out ur dick....shit! yes... shit dripping or flowing out which made me wanna puke.!
Old 20-01-2010, 08:20 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

will the condom break anot ah? so tight
Old 20-01-2010, 09:35 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

O.k.... here goes....

Give the anus a good lick, mix it with the snatch also.... wait wait...

Before you do anything.... ask her if she feels like pooing first or not... or if she had already just pooed... it's important. We can't afford to have a messy situation at our hand right... Trucst me your forget this step and things can get a bit out of control....

O.k. now THEN you give her anus a good nice lick jon, must be nice to make her relax and soften up for what is about to come.... since you are already licking the anus ... with the snatch nearby why not give that side a good lick or two.... mix it up and make her feel good. But don't keep lick the snatch.

The focus here is on the anus BECAUSE lick it pre-lubricate it. Your tongue should drill the anus from time to time to acclimatise for what's come later...

Then as you are drilling the anus with your tongue, use your pinky finger (last finger) and gently....GENTLY arh!.... gently penetrate the anus with your tongue still dotting around the rim of the anus..... it's the ol' switcherooo trick here.... the dotting of the tongue should provide enough lube for your pink to slowly penetrate the anus...

With 1/3 of your pink it.... start doing the old in out in out....Gently!

Now you can resort to gentle spitting siliva on the anus to lubricate the in out in out pinky movement.... she should be groaning and moaning now....

Once the in out in out movement of the 1/3 of pinky is starting to be smooth and un interupted... then it's time to insert 2/3 of your pinky with every 10 in out in out movement of 1/3 pinky.... o.k.

what am I saying here?.... meaning....

1 -10 in out in out of 1/3 of pinky movements.... the 11th one should be 2/3... o.k. so you do this until the 2/3 is nicely inserting in and out... that's when you boldy progress to 1 -10 in out in out of 2/3 of pinky movement.... the 11th one should be full pinky....

The speed of the in out in out should be determined by once in a while askin her:"Oi... you o.k. or not? Nice or not... are your enjoying this etc etc..." please ask in a concern tone... and not laughing manner as she will feel that you're trying to be funny..

Once the full pinky is do in the in out in out movement in the anus.... you should progress to maybe the middle finger following the same anue penatrating/lossening protocols, then the thumb, then 2 fingers.... then your bird bird...` Then it's HELLO!!!!! Feel free to shoot your load in as it's safe. But if you no idea where she has been or who she has been please wear condom....

I hope this work out for you and it did for me when I tried it out with my ex screw buddy... she came to me a virgin in the fromt and back... she left with a well seasoned snatch and anus. I think she upgraded to Angmo later or something.... we still talk and if the situation is just right I could get a quick suck just for fun for old time's sake... but not screwing lah... cos' we're beyond that already...

Anyway... I hope the thread starter can have some clean, safe fun with his partner. Cheers!
Old 20-01-2010, 09:50 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

TS, read this older thread that discussed anal sex in greater depth with more contributions:

Have fun but be safe!
Old 20-01-2010, 11:53 PM
SneakyBastard SneakyBastard is offline
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Well, what I normally do is I make the girl cum once or twice first to get her relaxed, then I use a massage oil to lube the hole. The hardest part is getting ur dick head in. That must go in quickly before she has time to react. Once the head is in, u can hold it there & let her get used to u. When she's ready then push deeper. Once she's completely relaxed, fuck away!

Have fun!
Old 21-01-2010, 12:15 AM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by blogwatch View Post
Hi got to know this girl and she wants me to have anal sex with her... something I've never done... she said she don't want the regular type cos scared pregnant.

Any bros can enlighten about anal? do's and don'ts... what to be aware of etc?

Don't want to fumble too badly lol
Just 1 Do.
First time, DO it with the light on and make sure that she is not a HE. You never know..... Might be the reason why only anal....
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