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Old 07-03-2010, 09:28 AM
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Flirting wife or gf

Hi all samster, if u found out ur wife or gf is flirting sms or even meet the guy wat will u do?would like to hear all ur comments.
Old 07-03-2010, 09:46 AM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

during younger days,alot of ppl would confront tis type of issue HEAD-ON.

but as 1 grow old,u would be able 2 see more which yr were unable 2 see during yr younger days.

wat is yrs,is yrs.
wat is not yr,is definitely not yrs.
no pt going crazy over things tat no linger is yrs ONLY.
Old 07-03-2010, 10:01 AM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Originally Posted by joew2005 View Post
during younger days,alot of ppl would confront tis type of issue HEAD-ON.

but as 1 grow old,u would be able 2 see more which yr were unable 2 see during yr younger days.

wat is yrs,is yrs.
wat is not yr,is definitely not yrs.
no pt going crazy over things tat no linger is yrs ONLY.
bro this is not the first time already.....thinking or divorcing vwry sian n tired
Old 07-03-2010, 10:35 AM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

If it's wife, start collecting evidences discreetly and calmly-easier said than done. Normally understand such circumstances, she's starting to find faults in u even more.

If it's gf, start fucking her brain out more while stock last. Hav been thinking of shooting inside the arse hole or cum in mouth "accidentally" for long? This is the time bro


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Old 07-03-2010, 11:34 AM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Originally Posted by ken24 View Post
Hi all samster, if u found out ur wife or gf is flirting sms or even meet the guy wat will u do?would like to hear all ur comments.
Bro did u talk to your wife or gf about this issue? Are there any prob that leads her to doing this? Communication is the best solution, if can't even talk it out then I think that may be the prob.
Old 07-03-2010, 02:49 PM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Wife : try to have video evidence of sexual affair and use it for divorce.

GF : Bonk her one last time and break up.

That's what I would do.
Old 08-03-2010, 09:43 AM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Be it wife or GF, the big problem is not finding the truth and so on, but the fact that you feel betrayed and you feel lousy and to break off will just make you feel even worse. But in the end, ask yourself this question, why did it come to this stage and where you want to bring it to?

The reason is because perhaps she is not fully at fault. Maybe she is weak and feels good when someone chats her up and makes her feel wanted... If that is the case, then perhaps you can do better. Perhaps you got together too young and she wants to know who else is out there.... But no matter what, no problem is insurmountable. Then once you know the past, you already know the present, you can decide the future. Can you accept the fact that she has been with another guy? Then if you can, then forgive and forget. If you cannot, then forget it and just move on. Always remember one thing though, something once broken can be mended, but it will never be the same again.
Old 08-03-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Well said Mas NewMike1304k
Old 08-03-2010, 10:34 AM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Depending on age, flirting may be a natural way of feeling good. This applies not only to girls but also guys. Do you not have an experience of saying somethign naughty to a pretty girl who works in your office? But where is the line? Do not be sad, just ask her where she wants to go? Break, divorce or not, it is up to her. It will feel bad, like some other braddas said, but you have to move on.,
Old 08-03-2010, 01:50 PM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Originally Posted by NewMike1304k View Post
Be it wife or GF, the big problem is not finding the truth and so on, but the fact that you feel betrayed and you feel lousy and to break off will just make you feel even worse. But in the end, ask yourself this question, why did it come to this stage and where you want to bring it to?

The reason is because perhaps she is not fully at fault. Maybe she is weak and feels good when someone chats her up and makes her feel wanted... If that is the case, then perhaps you can do better. Perhaps you got together too young and she wants to know who else is out there.... But no matter what, no problem is insurmountable. Then once you know the past, you already know the present, you can decide the future. Can you accept the fact that she has been with another guy? Then if you can, then forgive and forget. If you cannot, then forget it and just move on. Always remember one thing though, something once broken can be mended, but it will never be the same again.
Very well said bro, I concurr totally.
Do not look out for only by looking in, would you find the root and cause for this straying behavior.
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Old 08-03-2010, 02:01 PM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Very well said bro, I concurr totally.
Do not look out for only by looking in, would you find the root and cause for this straying behavior.
Well bro, I kenna before also mah... Seriously... But then there was one time when it was really out of the blue... Ex met up with her first love and found out she couldn't forget him... So the question was would I allow her to try her ex or to be a man and tell her to jump into a lake?? But hey... no matter what, whether it is our own fault or not, breaking up is never easy. But then we must also see what and where we want to go.
Old 08-03-2010, 09:40 PM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Originally Posted by NewMike1304k View Post
Be it wife or GF, the big problem is not finding the truth and so on, but the fact that you feel betrayed and you feel lousy and to break off will just make you feel even worse. But in the end, ask yourself this question, why did it come to this stage and where you want to bring it to?

The reason is because perhaps she is not fully at fault. Maybe she is weak and feels good when someone chats her up and makes her feel wanted... If that is the case, then perhaps you can do better. Perhaps you got together too young and she wants to know who else is out there.... But no matter what, no problem is insurmountable. Then once you know the past, you already know the present, you can decide the future. Can you accept the fact that she has been with another guy? Then if you can, then forgive and forget. If you cannot, then forget it and just move on. Always remember one thing though, something once broken can be mended, but it will never be the same again.

Bro i agree with u....But the problems not on me.Its my fren.I ask him to hire a pi to get edvidence. and i also ask him to go for a fake holidays trip.
Old 09-03-2010, 03:38 AM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

This kind of thread hard to ascertain how much truth lar oso..TS at first say think abt divorce oso very sian now claim not even his pblm but his 'fren' so watever..

Anyway not here to snipe but share a view cos tis quite common 'issue' lah.

A bit of harmless flirting no big deal lah. Happens in the office, at the bar, at the country club etc...loose banter and semi-suggestive flirting if harmless in context and intent isnt quite sama sama as choosing to commit to advanced degree of physical intimacy even if only for ONS tio bo?

Maybe both oso diff kind of betrayals but extent and degree oso impt leh..

Anyway you expect ur woman to be a one man woman oso better deliver ur end of the bargain and be a one woman man oso mah.

All too often you get these guys bitch about their wives and Gfs infdelities and then you find out they are just hum sarp little buggers and not exactly shy about it oso a bit no meaning, no meh?

Unless you wholesale believe the old 'man is man' excuse and thus will feel this 'natural' urge to stick his kuku dicky into some hired whore or another alternative pussy every nows and then..but oso a bit shallow and neber check mirror leh!

Think a bit ironic n funny that some cheongsters constantly looking for fresh whore bonks n act so hao lian about kway conquests will actually have the nerve to KPKB about catching his other half flirting (meaning sumthing far short of sex or actuall affair)....

Life is neber so simple or black and white. Most story got not just two side but many side. Every outcome has its own complex set of factor and circumstance so no point condemn this condemn that one. If you not sure about the in and outs just where is the truth leh? Just sharing some two or three cents. Cheer cheer
Old 09-03-2010, 08:20 AM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Originally Posted by BlackerKnighter View Post

A bit of harmless flirting no big deal lah. Happens in the office, at the bar, at the country club etc...loose banter and semi-suggestive flirting if harmless in context and intent isnt quite sama sama as choosing to commit to advanced degree of physical intimacy even if only for ONS tio bo?

Maybe both oso diff kind of betrayals but extent and degree oso impt leh..

Cheer cheer
Well said bro BlackerKnighter ........

Guys, welcome to the 20th century, sad to say … the girls now no longer stay at home waiting for the man’s bringing money back. They are out in the society with tons of temptation

Last time the saying is : “my lau gong work so hard outside , let him go steal eat outside a bit – me just close one eye lor” now they think otherwise

Me ???? as long she comes home (safely), I act blur
Old 09-03-2010, 09:15 AM
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Re: Flirting wife or gf

Actually TS please let me ask you why you must ask your fren to get PI and also to bring her to a holiday? What happens if he really does it wif her or they get together? Shooting yourself in your foot right? I had a similar experience before with my wife. She was meeting her ex and I was uncomfortable with it. I told her straight off, I did not like it and she either stopped it or we can kiss goodbye. In the end, she stopped seeing him unless they met each other on the road. No need for drama lah... If you suspect, just speak your fears, understand why it may be happening and talk to her about it. Be rational and be calm and see what happens. It may be nothing at all.
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