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Tipping & Bargaining
i was contributing to another thread here when i suddenly realise tat i am one of those cheongster who always pays "market rate" or always looking for bargaining. in otr words, i am a cheapo.
![]() 1) for example in legal GL hse when i ask for 150 gal, automatically i will say to OKT tat i got no money, $120 can or not? habit lah .... sometimes i kena suan. but ever got occasion when i actually got discount. when it happen, it feels like win lambo at casino. anywyas most of time OKT will say: "uncle (okay i look like uncle but me in actual only 30 plus), bo lui mai sio kan / cheong" ("uncle got no money don't cheong"). 2) when i enquire ST price, whatever the WL quote me, straight away ask for discount. 3) I go Club Infintude, Tian An Men & Vegas when ask for ST always try for $200. (Unfortunately I not yan tao, in fact I look downright ugly. Even Wayne Rooney/Shrek aso better looking). so kena reject 90% most of the time...... when the few tat agree, (those dam desparate ones!) after finish, i almost never tip .... only one gal from CI i tip..... $10! i never run aeroplane, fly pigeon 放鸽子and will always pay my share but never pay extra in tips. will share a few real stories.
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
As a start, these are my tips:
For KTV: 1) BS, New Shanghai, 情歌, (and all otr KTV at GL): its $20 standard. 2) Macau / Amani / Jade / Dongmen etc (and otr mid range KTV): $30 standard. 3) Vegas (only go one time) / TAM / Club Infinitude (& otr havelock rd base 'high end ktv'): $50 standard. yah .... got occasionally give $10 extra for good service, but mostly its these rates. For Internet FL: Mostly at most $10 tips. and nil if service is not up to standard. one of my bro tokong .... he buy one box Ferro Rocher (don't know how to spell the chocolate ..... me if eat chocolate, only take from SAF combat ration......). afterward he further tip gal $20 and up to $50 if service is good. me always suan him spoil marker. For HC Never give any extra after price is settled during GQ. and i usually still go $100 (altho now mostly open mouth quote $120) my little story: one regular I got FJ from I paid $80. I still go to her - now on my eight yrs oredi - from mid 20s to aunty/milf. during all tis time, i act blur & never ask for revised rates - straight away pay $80 until one day she ask me indirectly about inflation. i then suan her tat she aso older wat & tat contra with inflation. i very the mean hor?
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
At lease you can go Geylang for cat $150 and nightclubs KTVs ,I had not been to GL and nightclubs KTVs for a long time ,pocket damn tight this few year .
Only go to Petain aka Banana Leg if needs $20,$30,$40 or $50 . to me $40 one damn good liao . Ask for discount to me it's still ok ,what if the girls no good will they give you discount ? |
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
For GL & otr Cat hse
i usually give $10 extra. so after bargain, i add $10 tip. For mummy and xiao mei/waiters mummy i give $50 tip and xiao mei/waiters $10. if got a lot of waiters serve, i give only at most two of them. i tell mummy right away i don't want assistant mummy if i see her. Drink hustler lady at thai disco / or duxton pubs Buy one drink. try to tock cock as long as possible .... aim for ST. i usu go later to these places bcos easier to get discount. and its mostly one shot .... no waterfall or any simi lancheow exotic concoction. Beer Aunty at kopi tiam Ah tis one i like donald trump ..... i always tip them $15. becos of my "generousity", i got a free fuck from one aunty .......but this case better earse from memory, the free fuck aunty i got wore dentures, and have to take it out during BJ. well as they say 一分钱 ........
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Each and every1
I would gave tips whenever i feel like it, bargain seldom, an old friend's habit, well? He told me he gave tips to regular gals, those 1st time, below stds, don't bother. Everybody work for her/his $, only no stds ask for extra.
Eg, 3 or more PRC FLs asked for it, 1or 2help herself with the hotel balance $10, also want, no ![]() |
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
how i get to go tis places is usually i free loader my bros ..... drinks all free except for tips to each his own. tks god for generous ple who donch mind leechers like me. ![]() now with my uncle looks, no chance for me to pick up gals. knn, even one drunk aunty aso reject me one time at st james .... she actually told me straight in my face (in a taxi) tat she change her mind to One Night Stand because she didn't realise i so 丑.
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
bro ansonsohna, must really learn from you.... used to chiong in china ktv and always got assistant manangers, assistant mummy, sit in the room only a few mins also ask for tips. must know how to reject them in the future...
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
& everytime i go cheong, i make sure i carry $10 notes. pay chun chun ....
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
Ya, i also dun give tips, i also cheapo.
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
Bro nukebomb .... i give tips lah.... but seldom extra even for gd service i pay market rate!
gotta to tell u a story. i got an outing once with this guy Johnson who sebei cai with tips. at a mummyless ktv, we were swarmed with gals. johnson 拒绝 reject all their advances. he however say tat his wallet only got $200. he tell the gals tat they must sit with him for least 10 mins & tat he willl give them only $10 tip. if they agree sit down. disagree walk away. surprising most of them never walk.... (and johnson not exactly yan tao) ....... donch know maybe the gals particularly agressive tat day or no biz but frm only eight gals suddenly ballon to up to 20 gals ..... quite good deal as easy for gals .... so many to entertain Johnson and ten minutes also ...... johnson finally sat with 20 gals and he spent only $200. it is a record -- sitting with 20 gals in my books! i btw aso tried tis two trick two time but without success .......
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
Yeah, M51 is very notorious for this. Happy Hour beer at $23++ and they give up to $6-7 in $1 coins. I bo hew, just keep all of them. Got once the waiter was staring at me for doing that, I just hack care him.
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
![]() invisible tips like tat can add up - esp for those who drink like siao ..... its like every "free" drink for two consumed. BTW my best record for bargaining is from $400 overnight to $200. tis was at a La Sup Bar. got gd service some more ..... next night i try again. but the WL refused - even at closing time & she has no customers - she at most give "discount" of $50 - called me Lao Gong and otr KNS sweetwords ....... i walked off. since giving rep pts is free, here's five for you my fellow cheapo!
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
Beer Aunty at kopi tiam
Ah tis one i like donald trump ..... i always tip them $15. becos of my "generousity", i got a free fuck from one aunty .......but this case better earse from memory, the free fuck aunty i got wore dentures, and have to take it out during BJ. well as they say 一分钱 ........[/QUOTE] Brother, that really funny... almost fell of the chair laughing. Up you my humble points. ![]() |
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
I always try to bargain $150 - $200 for 2 shots with ktv girls. They sometimes want $300 one time. Those can just forget, for DongMen and Amani, where have this type of rate ?
Re: Tipping & Bargaining
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