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Old 22-06-2010, 12:24 PM
beijing beijing is offline
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Bonking A Junior Banker

My apologies for not updating my previous thread. To be honest, was a little disappointed with the thread being less active and hence the loss of morale led to less time spent on writing my previous adventures. All that I have written are more or less what actually happened but with some addition of salt, peppers and all those lovely spices (which consists 10% of actual stories), it became adventures of a lifetime. Below was a recent incident (less than 2 months before).

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I noted that banks are more customers oriented nowadays as compared with previously. It used to be once upon a time, when customers had to literally beg bank managers to approve a loan. Back then, there was the 3% man. Thank god with globalisation and the need to be more competitive since the last financial meltdown in 1997, the banking industry has seen many changes especially in their customer service front line.

I was invited to a banking event recently where it is supposed to be a meeting between some of the banks big shots, eg like those sitting on the loans committee, regional managers and so forth. The location was a 5 star hotel somewhere in Kuala Lumpur. Man, these events will always, yes ALWAYS be manned (or womanned) by many pretty young things. I remembered once at another gathering for a different bank, where majority of those present were senior bankers and hence when they asked me where they could improve, I remembered vividly saying, "should bring more pretty bankers". It drew laughters but following then, the bank really tried to get more junior bankers to such gatherings.

This event that I went to was a medium sized event with about 100 or so of their nastiest customers whom they probably need to wrestle to get more loans out of them. Frankly, I wasn't too happy with this bank and I had made some smallish threats that I would redeem all my loans due to their new banking policies which doesn't favour the business I am doing. The usual introduction to their approving people didn't seem to interest me much as deep at the back of my mind, I had already asked another bank for financing and to redeem all my loans from this bank.

My phone rang and it was from my office. Sensing it could be an important call, I gave excuse and went to a corner to pick up the call. It was god sent as my girl was telling me that I have to attend that banking event. I told her I was there already. Damm, these reminders do come late. But better late than never. I saw the group that was talking to me had moved on to another victim, so I took the opportunity to grab a drink.

As I was doing that, a pretty young thing moved on to me.

"Hi Mr Bei" quipped the young lass.

Immediately my female body investigating tool (FBI-t) came into play. Standing at 1.70m, with a boob size of the most an A+, with facial features of a newly graduated 20 something innocent looking girl, she suit my taste quite well, though the boobs could have been a little bit bigger.

"Oh hi. I didn't catch your name just now."

"You wouldn't know my name but I saw you talking to my boss just now."

"Ah, I see. And your boss asked you to talk to me?"

"No, but I heard from my superiors that you are not that happy with our bank."

Okay. Now, I could either go on rambling about my woes which this young lass would probably have no inkling on how to resolve them or turn this around and be just sociable.

"Yeah. A bit unfortunate seeing how I have been with your bank for donkey years."

"Actually the banking industry is changing. The rates have been standardised and the central committee are not keen to review cases."

"Well, there are others who are more interested and keen."

Sensing that she can offer no solution, she did the best that she could. There was an awkward silence. I mean, what else can I talk in a professional setting. She knew she could offer me no assistance. I broke some ice.

"So how long have you been working for CCB Bank?"

"Oh, only for a few months and there are so many more things to learn."

"Don't worry, you will get there. The first time I visited a bank to apply for a loan, I got bullied. I guess the experience later on will help."

"I just need to find someone who is willing to teach. Please do not quote me saying this but some seniors are just so unwilling to share experience or their customers. Everyone has their target to meet."

"Oh, so did they ask you to specialise in some field or you do all commercial loans?"

"At the moment, I am doing anything that comes along. Quite pathetic actually."

"You bank is actually quite strong with hire purchase. You should try to focus more on that."

"Even so, most of the customers have their preferred bankers."

"Hmmmm... look I was thinking of purchasing blah blah blah. And perhaps you might want to see me. I will see if I can help you."

"Really?" Her eyes litted up like the christmas trees decorations on orchard roads.

I gave a gentle nod.

Her superior seeing that I was chatting with his junior staff thought he might quickly come and rescue her in case I was giving her a hard time.

"Mr Bei, do look after my junior. She's quite new you know." Tastely joke.

"I have never bullied any bankers in my life and you know that." Tastely reply.

"Oh," giggled this young lass. "Mr Orang Utan, actually Mr Bei said he might be giving me a case to do." She wasn't following proper protocol when she suddenly hold my hands like a little girl gleeing when receiving her birthday present.

"Really?" He must be thinking I am having second thoughts about pulling out from his bank.

The more I see this girl, the more I am captivated by her. Her innocence and possibly lack of experience in the real world, yet to be corrupted the cruel reality of what may come. Even her perfume choice of Issey Miyake exudes that innocence.

Frankly the presence of Mr Orang Utan actually contribute negatively to the yin and yang flow of the group and he quickly excuse himself to look for other potential victims leaving Miss.. err.. errr.. damm. I haven't got her name, with me.

"Sorry I didn't catch you name."

She quickly pointed to the name tag on top of her breast. Damm, how could I have missed that. Maybe I was too captivated with her innocent look and not any other part of her body.

"Shirley. It is really nice meeting you." I extended my hand out for a quick handshake. In return, she generously used both hands to hold my hand even though I have yet to promise her anything.

"I might have to go soon. Would you want to go for some tea?"

"I have to be here till 6pm."

I want her. Hmmm.. maybe I was thinking a bit too far. I want her company. Would be nice to get to know her. Absorb some of her innocence. I have lost my eons ago and would be keen to retrieve some.

I have my hand frantically at Mr Orang Utan and gesture him if I could have a quick talk with him. He nodded as we walked to each other with Shirley trailing behind me.

"Hey Orang, is it possible for me to steal Shirley away for a while and discuss with her my case. You have plenty of staffs here to help you."

"Oh, you're leaving now Mr Bei?"

"Yeah, not too keen on the hi-tea but if it is okay with you....."

"Mr Bei, you are our esteemed customers, blah blah blah" more marketing talk. "Shirley, make sure you look after Mr Bei, okay?"

Shirley beemed again as she went to the back area to retrieve her bags.
Old 22-06-2010, 01:42 PM
spready spready is offline
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

nice story!!! quick continue!!!
Old 22-06-2010, 04:48 PM
gocoffeebean gocoffeebean is offline
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Come moh . : )
Give us more ... banking ladies ... i like ..
Old 22-06-2010, 04:53 PM
Hipee Hipee is offline
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Mai Tu Liao!!!!
I am sure there are more exciting things happening other than Hi-Tea... hehe
Old 22-06-2010, 04:56 PM
swisssakura swisssakura is offline
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Your story starts off very well, am already looking forward to the next chapter.
Old 22-06-2010, 05:41 PM
pachyderm pachyderm is offline
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Marvellous. Awaiting your next instalment.
Old 22-06-2010, 08:19 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Can't hardly wait...

P.S: List Of UPPEES is not in full due to the capacity limitation of the signature function (not be longer than 300 characters excluding BB Code markup). Rest assured I've all ur nicks n u'll be awarded. If I do missed u, kindly PM me.

Appreciate the PM, Bro BatistaSG, Bro steamystreamsg, Bro Linkus, Bro Regaine, Bro evo7_5, Bro Thongchai, Bro curiouslooker, Bro PS3SG, Bro Red-Card, Bro jerrystockton, Bro Cytan7, Bro =WK=, Bro dbhh, Bro awesome04, Bro skyhawk958 and Bro dingding75!


Bro/Sis Who Left Their Nicks Requesting To Be Awarded In Return, I'm More Than Delighted; Contributing My Points Of Praises To U.

List Of UPPEES: Lokmachaudog, whitebull, 7ofHearts..... Who's Next?

Pm Me Ur Latest Posting: Philip888

Old 22-06-2010, 10:33 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Bro beijing, welcome back, looking forward to more plz, cheers .........
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon

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Old 22-06-2010, 10:53 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Keep going lol.
Pls pm me for return favour.
PS - minimun 5 pointers pls. Tks.
Old 23-06-2010, 02:41 AM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

More pls
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Old 23-06-2010, 04:04 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Bro TS,

Gd story here.... Hope u can come back with more.... Up u my full 9 points as my appreciation for your gd story....

[SIZE="3"][FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]Thx to all brothers and sister who have up me.
Old 23-06-2010, 05:42 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Bro Beijing,

What a power story , camping here for your next installments.

Too bad unable to up u any as still no power.

Good job.
Old 23-06-2010, 06:00 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

bro TS, don't keep us in suspense anymore!!!
Old 23-06-2010, 06:11 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

looking promising!
Keep it up!
Old 23-06-2010, 06:40 PM
huat_ah huat_ah is offline
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

hahaha 'hang up to sell !!!! fast n more update pls !
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