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Old 27-06-2010, 01:29 PM
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shaft bleeding

hi brogher,

This has never happened in my life time until this morning...

I handjob myself 2 x last night...morning i felt an urgent i did it again. But up to my surprise after ejacualted, i found the shaft of my dick a few traces of blood, and when i washed them, i had some burning effect and it felt painful. It is obviously bled from the skin surface.

How come? is it because got infection? or any sign of STD? But i tot STD normally shows sign from the dick head (secretion or aulcil etc)?

any brother has such experience?
Old 27-06-2010, 01:32 PM
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Re: shaft bleeding

Originally Posted by beefucker View Post
How come? is it because got infection? or any sign of STD? But i tot STD normally shows sign from the dick head (secretion or aulcil etc)?

any brother has such experience?
You've overdone things. Give it a rest and spend the break from masturbating learning how to use a spell checker.
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Old 27-06-2010, 02:00 PM
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Re: shaft bleeding

put some moisturizer and leave your poor dick alone for at least a week. You have obviously wanked too much without using lube
Old 27-06-2010, 04:10 PM
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Re: shaft bleeding

Well nothing to fear, its abrasion like when you over do it causes the skin to tear. As you know the skin around the shaft is thin so take extra caution when "beating the meat".
Old 28-06-2010, 04:23 PM
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Re: shaft bleeding

You must have gripped it too hard while pcc. May go on to affect fj when you cannot get the same tight grip down there and your bro just wilts. Go easy there, the more you abuse it, the lousier it will perform when you need it.
Old 28-06-2010, 06:34 PM
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Re: shaft bleeding

Originally Posted by Sedate View Post
You must have gripped it too hard while pcc. May go on to affect fj when you cannot get the same tight grip down there and your bro just wilts. Go easy there, the more you abuse it, the lousier it will perform when you need it.
How anyone can wank 3 times in 12 hours is beyond me.

I hardly ever beat the meat even when I was a teenager. It was far more fun to do the real thing.
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Old 29-06-2010, 03:59 PM
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Re: shaft bleeding

Originally Posted by beefucker View Post
hi brogher,

This has never happened in my life time until this morning...

I handjob myself 2 x last night...morning i felt an urgent i did it again. But up to my surprise after ejacualted, i found the shaft of my dick a few traces of blood, and when i washed them, i had some burning effect and it felt painful. It is obviously bled from the skin surface.

How come? is it because got infection? or any sign of STD? But i tot STD normally shows sign from the dick head (secretion or aulcil etc)?

any brother has such experience?
You have too much friction between your hands and dick. Next time, try some lubricant before PCC, Dont try soap that is too strong.

Another suggestion is use a Condom to PCC, there is a lot of lubricant in it.

STD? There are some that cause open sores, like Herpes. Vietnam rose is also unsightly. Read up more.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 29-06-2010, 04:08 PM
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Re: shaft bleeding

wow... is this a form of domestic abuse? please be kind to your little bro

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Old 29-06-2010, 05:37 PM
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Re: shaft bleeding

When I was about 18 or 19, I overdid it on the pcc, maybe 5-8 times a day for quite a stretch, 1 week at least. Quite long ago, cannot remember how long. Ended up with swollen dick, knew I was safe as only had sex with one girl before and she was also a virgin. Gave dick 2 days of rest and everything returned to normal. But a swollen dick is pretty scary to look at.
Old 07-07-2010, 06:40 PM
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Re: shaft bleeding

u should not grip ur dick to tight for masturbation unless u use some lube, do it loosely
just put some baby lotion and leave it for a while
I'm a noob, so please teach me
Old 15-07-2010, 06:26 PM
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Re: shaft bleeding

Originally Posted by beefucker View Post
hi brogher,

This has never happened in my life time until this morning...

I handjob myself 2 x last night...morning i felt an urgent i did it again. But up to my surprise after ejacualted, i found the shaft of my dick a few traces of blood, and when i washed them, i had some burning effect and it felt painful. It is obviously bled from the skin surface.

How come? is it because got infection? or any sign of STD? But i tot STD normally shows sign from the dick head (secretion or aulcil etc)?

any brother has such experience?
Relax bro, what u had is called frenulum. Basically the base of the foreskin is attached and can be broken or torn if strongly pull back.
I have this situation 3 year ago. Didnt see any doc but believe it or not, it heals very fast & tear again untill its completely tear until there is nothing to tear. But U still cant forcefully pull back your foreskin like before.
but sex life still go on unless u opt to go and circumcise yr penis, case solved.
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