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Old 19-07-2010, 12:16 PM
reflexk reflexk is offline
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Birth control pills

This question has been probably asked before, but I couldn't dig up an appropriate thread.. Also, I could have asked it in Sexual Health Issues, but I guess not too many bros visit there unless they have a problem.
Sorry if any bro thinks this thread is unwarranted.

My GF and me would like to do it raw, and neither of us had another partner, so STDs are ruled out from the equation. The only concern is pregnancy.

I have read a hell lot on BC pills on the internet, but just want to know experiences of bros.

1) Where do you get cheap but effective BC pills
(Neither me, nor GF are citizen/PR if it matters).
Any specific recommendations?

2) Anyone got their wife/gf pregnant while they were taking pills reasonably compliant to the directions
(I agree we can find statistics on several webpages, but just want to know real life experiences)

3) Anyone had difficulty in conceiving after taking pills for long
(I would be marrying her only in 3 yrs, and plan to have kids only another 2 yrs later, which means she hav to be on pill for 5 yrs - too long for being on pills? )

4) Anyone experienced a significant reduction in partner's sexual appetite/wetness etc?
(my gf is not strong in them even without pills)

5) Will the period get more regular (and lighter) as many sources claim?
(I don't want be worrying every time her period becomes late, and her period as of now is not too regular)

Thanks for all your inputs. It will mean a lot to me.
Old 19-07-2010, 12:46 PM
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Re: Birth control pills

I ever meet one girl who was on the pills. She said she took the pills for 2 yrs when with her bf and never got pregnant. I think she took the once per month type.
Old 19-07-2010, 12:50 PM
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Re: Birth control pills

Consult a doctor, they will answer all your questions.

Originally Posted by reflexk View Post
This question has been probably asked before, but I couldn't dig up an appropriate thread.. Also, I could have asked it in Sexual Health Issues, but I guess not too many bros visit there unless they have a problem.
Sorry if any bro thinks this thread is unwarranted.

My GF and me would like to do it raw, and neither of us had another partner, so STDs are ruled out from the equation. The only concern is pregnancy.

I have read a hell lot on BC pills on the internet, but just want to know experiences of bros.

1) Where do you get cheap but effective BC pills
(Neither me, nor GF are citizen/PR if it matters).
Any specific recommendations?

2) Anyone got their wife/gf pregnant while they were taking pills reasonably compliant to the directions
(I agree we can find statistics on several webpages, but just want to know real life experiences)

3) Anyone had difficulty in conceiving after taking pills for long
(I would be marrying her only in 3 yrs, and plan to have kids only another 2 yrs later, which means she hav to be on pill for 5 yrs - too long for being on pills? )

4) Anyone experienced a significant reduction in partner's sexual appetite/wetness etc?
(my gf is not strong in them even without pills)

5) Will the period get more regular (and lighter) as many sources claim?
(I don't want be worrying every time her period becomes late, and her period as of now is not too regular)

Thanks for all your inputs. It will mean a lot to me.
Old 19-07-2010, 01:10 PM
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Re: Birth control pills

since her menses already not regular on better u bring her to consult a gynae, cos might be due to homo imbalance dat cause the irregular menses...

gynae might prescribe some homo pills which are aso birth control pills to help for dat
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Old 19-07-2010, 01:16 PM
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Re: Birth control pills

Originally Posted by law0987 View Post
Consult a doctor, they will answer all your questions.
Your post only 9 words need to quote TS whole posting ?? Want to reply at least read what TS has posted.

Originally Posted by reflexk View Post

I have read a hell lot on BC pills on the internet, but just want to know experiences of bros.
TS, maybe you can consider coils or IUD. My ex had it and we never had an accident

Of course, effects may differ.
Old 19-07-2010, 05:02 PM
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Talking Birth control pills

For ladies it might put on weight, a FL told me this many yrs ago. Just sharing, not sure is true.
Old 19-07-2010, 05:20 PM
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Re: Birth control pills

Originally Posted by jacky43 View Post
For ladies it might put on weight, a FL told me this many yrs ago. Just sharing, not sure is true.
That's true, and if she continues to take BC pills for a long period of time she may have difficulty in getting pregnancy next time.
Old 19-07-2010, 08:56 PM
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Re: Birth control pills

alot of women take the pill (eg. yasmin) so that they can enjoy sex without fearing pregnancy, and also to regulate their period (period will be regular) but they need to go for regular pap smear.
Old 20-07-2010, 03:20 AM
reflexk reflexk is offline
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Re: Birth control pills

Originally Posted by Compass View Post
Want to reply at least read what TS has posted.

TS, maybe you can consider coils or IUD. My ex had it and we never had an accident

Of course, effects may differ.
Thanks for appreciating my purpose of asking... Ya, I was asking opinions from the experienced folks here.. Nowadays, anybody doing a proper research on the net can also get statistical info that a doctor can give.. I am indeed looking for experiences from our esteemed bros..

And thanks for the info, bro .. IUD might be a good option after all.. I will explore it..

Originally Posted by freezetheDB View Post
they need to go for regular pap smear.
If we are the only partners we ever had, still need to do pap smear?

Thanks to all bros for your inputs...
Old 20-07-2010, 07:34 AM
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Re: Birth control pills

Originally Posted by Sex 69 View Post
That's true, and if she continues to take BC pills for a long period of time she may have difficulty in getting pregnancy next time.
that's bs..........where u heard that from sia.
Old 20-07-2010, 07:41 AM
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Re: Birth control pills

1) Where do you get cheap but effective BC pills
(Neither me, nor GF are citizen/PR if it matters).
Any specific recommendations?

most private clinics in sg have them. some have a wide range, some only maintain a few types.

2) Anyone got their wife/gf pregnant while they were taking pills reasonably compliant to the directions
(I agree we can find statistics on several webpages, but just want to know real life experiences)

effectiveness is 99% with right usage (quoted from the drug companies themselves)

3) Anyone had difficulty in conceiving after taking pills for long
(I would be marrying her only in 3 yrs, and plan to have kids only another 2 yrs later, which means she hav to be on pill for 5 yrs - too long for being on pills? )

pills will not affect her fertility

4) Anyone experienced a significant reduction in partner's sexual appetite/wetness etc?
(my gf is not strong in them even without pills)

depends on individuals. certain brands of pills may cause her that but may not necessarily do the same to another. trial and error.....

5) Will the period get more regular (and lighter) as many sources claim?
(I don't want be worrying every time her period becomes late, and her period as of now is not too regular)
yes extremely regular. i can predict without fail when my period will come.

Thanks for all your inputs. It will mean a lot to me.[/QUOTE]

some may experience weight gain (increase in appetite), some will not. i dont....
Old 20-07-2010, 08:40 AM
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Re: Birth control pills

You can try Mercilon. In Singapore, you would need a prescription but you can also buy this over the counter in Malaysia (JB) at any pharmacy there. And it is cheap. If I dont remember wrongly, it is about $12 per pack. Each pack contains 21 pills. Your girl takes 1 a day (must be taken at the same time each day) then at the end of 21 days, rest 7 days before starting on a new pack. During this rest period of 7 days, her period will come. It is safer to wait at least 2 weeks after your girl starts taking the pill before having raw sex and cumming inside her. And for some girls, they may start bleeding for a few days up to a month (like light menstral bleeding) when they first begin taking the pill while their body adjusts to the hormonal control; that is a normal effect. But once your girl starts on the pill regularly, her period will be very accurate and will come between the 21st to 28th days when she stop the pill for a week; as her hormones are now controlled by medication. While the doctors claim there is no side effects, anything taken long term is never good since it is not natural. So why not you try it for 6 months then assess therefrom.

Hope this helps.
Old 20-07-2010, 09:50 AM
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Re: Birth control pills

DO NOT take medical advice from a forum

you can hear anecdotal experiences for general information, but please visit a gynecologist

Personal Experience:

Effectiveness - 100% over 10 years. Problems occur only if you forget to take a pill.

Long term Use - no problem getting pregnant after using for 10 yrs

Side effects - Weight gain, Mood Swings, Bad Temper (!), Headaches

Libido - individual, some get less desire, some get more

DO NOT Buy a brand based on what you read on the internet

You need a professional to monitor and advise you on potential problems - spotting, migrianes, deep vain thrombosis,

PLEASE don't be a cheapskate and save the $80 bucks to consult a Gynecologist. Especially for your future wife who you are marrying in 3 yrs and plan to have kids with!!!!
Old 20-07-2010, 11:12 AM
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Re: Birth control pills

TS, you google under contraceptives to get all the available options better. Or to go all natural, do it 3 days before her period and withdraw to cum outside her.
Old 20-07-2010, 06:47 PM
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Re: Birth control pills

Originally Posted by reflexk View Post

If we are the only partners we ever had, still need to do pap smear?

Thanks to all bros for your inputs...

Pap smear is for her own health if she is on the pill, as some females might have chance of cervix cancer. Even if a woman is not on the pill, it is always advisable to go for a pap smear every 1-2 yrs once they reach a certain age of risk
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