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Old 16-09-2010, 01:00 AM
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Exclamation Whathappenedtothisinitalpost???

Hi Babe,

That's quite a thesis!

But, for a college girl, your post is somewhat intellectually incoherent:

E.g. 1: "Please bear in mind that I am not a prostitute"... [my emphasis] ...does not equate with:

"Dick > 6.5inches - additional $100; Non-chinese - additional $100; Age above 30 - additional $100; Weight above 85KG - additional $100; Outdoor/public sex - double charge (2x); Fantasy/SM/Bondage - additional $100."

E.g. 2: "or an experienced escort"... but the following suggests otherwise...

..."I can do more than 1 guy at the same time, so threesome, orgy, gangbang (max 5!), female lesbian, couple looking for extra female, swing are welcome too."

Please bear in mind that I have no problem with your fees (although they reveal you to be ageist and racist) but I do have a problem reconciling your conflicting assertions.

So, please, decide who (or what!!!) you are. Then revise this tosh and re-submit it for better grades...

And bear in mind also, that this was written 'tongue in cheek' - but it could be 'tongue in pussy' - if only for your chutzpah!!! - so you may PM me with your revisions!

Yours aye,

Ol' boy
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Old 16-09-2010, 11:38 PM
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Re: Whathappenedtothisinitalpost???


i have no idea of what is your intention of removing my thread, am i doing any harm to anyone or and threat. i dont see any conflic in my own posting.

in regards of your eg1, i claimed that im not a pros, what is wrong with that? bcoz im not one. you can say that im soon to be a pros by 'offering' myself but i dont view it in that way, bcoz as i said i will be gone forever once i gather my $9.5K for my course fees.

in regards of your eg2, i certainly am not an experienced escort so dont expect top notch service from me, but why do i say that i do welcome threesome etc and other fantasy request up to 5guys bcoz i need to make fast cash. cant u understand?

lastly, i m not racist or ageist. it is my pussy and body to offer, not yours, i have my right to choose or only to offer if the price is right for me. if i welcome any1 with the same amount of money, i can just go to geylang and stand there and that makes me no different from a prostitute.

if you see this as a problem, then i guess you are the one with problem mentally
Old 17-09-2010, 01:46 AM
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Question Re: Whathappenedtothisinitalpost???

Hi Babe!

I didn't remove your thread!!! I wrote you a tongue-in-cheeck reply - and when I hit the 'send' button nothing happened. I then checked again for your thread but it had vanished! Hence my subsequent "What happened to this initial post" thread.

I SUSPECT that a moderator removed it - because it was just a tad commercial, wasn't it? And you have to pay SBF for such things...

Old 18-09-2010, 11:36 PM
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Re: Whathappenedtothisinitalpost???

oops.. sorry i misunderstand that you are the mod that removed my thread
Old 19-09-2010, 12:12 AM
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