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Old 26-09-2010, 01:45 AM
longest_tongue longest_tongue is offline
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CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

I am Geylang guy, but recently running out of money, so decide to go for cheaper fuck

Afterall pussy juice and golden showers have many different types

But when I arrive at Petain I saw all the CCTV and was quite put off

I ask why so many CCTV and was told some years ago there was a murder of a popular WL, also there are fights there quite often

But that means all the Petain visitors will have their pictures recorded and maybe someday will be put on the Internet for enjoyment

I am quite famous among the girls because of mylongest tongue that reaches deeper into the pussy than anyone can

But I don't wanna be famous in public
Old 26-09-2010, 03:02 AM
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Originally Posted by longest_tongue View Post
But when I arrive at Petain I saw all the CCTV and was quite put off

Dun talk cock lah. Geylang dun have CCTV meh?
All legal brothels have to install the CCTVs as a requirement by AV/CID regardless of whether it is in Geylang, PT or Timbaktu.
Old 26-09-2010, 07:16 AM
Ah Ken Ah Ken is offline
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Originally Posted by Star3 View Post
Dun talk cock lah. Geylang dun have CCTV meh?
All legal brothels have to install the CCTVs as a requirement by AV/CID regardless of whether it is in Geylang, PT or Timbaktu.
Geylang worse. Along the roads also have CCTVs..
PT only in the brothels lor..
Old 26-09-2010, 01:49 PM
alvin36 alvin36 is offline
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

cheonging PT for many years.. didnt notice any CCTV

but I guess TS raised a valid point.

What is the recorded video falls into the hands of some nasty bastards and put the video on the net ? Then this issue will be in Xin Ming front page.. and everyone of us will be in net...

Just wonder... where do you guys see the cctv ?

Is it under the ownership of the OKT ?

or this is just a normal sercurity control by Anti-Vice and Home Team. As we all know, it is official that along those crowded and nasty area (GL, chinatown and little india) there are many cctv put up by Home Team.
Old 26-09-2010, 02:30 PM
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Arrow Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

it is a double-edged sword. we need it for reactive investigative work by spf. look at the recent murder on mid-autumn festival night at woodlands. a poor 32-yr Malaysian mother was stabbed. another case was the bukit batok rape & murder case on a woman runner many years back. if got cctv, gps, satellite surveilance, justice could be done speedily. those who have kena nsf b4, we work under "dun waste my time" policy. dun have oso must have. if cannot tahan, then opt out of the rat-race system. if still cannot adjust & accept the mental pressure, we have the imh to go provided we have some $ for medication. Look around you, there are many "free" people walking around your food centre/market. funny thing is that each time, the local MP is around for a function, these "free" people dun see them around.

where got privacy? ever since we are born, our records already on computer. now moh is planning to consolidate our medical records to make it available to authorised GP. but gemen very smart, got computer secrecy act to charge those guys who misuse/abuse the information in the course of their work. if garmen officer is to be investigated for crime, his computer access records will be dig out & determined whether authorised or not. many ica officers oredi kena. hiaz, just stay in line.
Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT. A Fair & Inclusive Workplace is a Choice.
Old 26-09-2010, 03:27 PM
alvin36 alvin36 is offline
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Originally Posted by teochewahpek View Post
it is a double-edged sword. we need it for reactive investigative work by spf. look at the recent murder on mid-autumn festival night at woodlands. a poor 32-yr Malaysian mother was stabbed. another case was the bukit batok rape & murder case on a woman runner many years back. if got cctv, gps, satellite surveilance, justice could be done speedily. those who have kena nsf b4, we work under "dun waste my time" policy. dun have oso must have. if cannot tahan, then opt out of the rat-race system. if still cannot adjust & accept the mental pressure, we have the imh to go provided we have some $ for medication. Look around you, there are many "free" people walking around your food centre/market. funny thing is that each time, the local MP is around for a function, these "free" people dun see them around.

where got privacy? ever since we are born, our records already on computer. now moh is planning to consolidate our medical records to make it available to authorised GP. but gemen very smart, got computer secrecy act to charge those guys who misuse/abuse the information in the course of their work. if garmen officer is to be investigated for crime, his computer access records will be dig out & determined whether authorised or not. many ica officers oredi kena. hiaz, just stay in line.
well said... you got a point there.

But you confirmed that the CCTV is owned by SPF ? instead of the brothel ?

If owned by the brothel... it is quite scary. Imagine if it fall into some nasty bastards, and post in the net...
Old 26-09-2010, 08:14 PM
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Originally Posted by alvin36 View Post
But you confirmed that the CCTV is owned by SPF ? instead of the brothel ?

If owned by the brothel... it is quite scary. Imagine if it fall into some nasty bastards, and post in the net...
From the meagre knowledge that I have on this subject, the police dun control the CCTVs. They require the brothel operator to install the CCTVs covering the entrance/exit of the brothel and to cover the passageway to the rooms. The operator has to run the CCTVs during business hours. (eg. the police wants to know who patronised WL A of Hx Rxx on 26.09.10 at 3pm, then the brothel operator has to let them view the particular CCTV footage).

As far as I know, there is no requirement for CCTV inside the rooms so cheongsters has nothing to worry about.

Btw, sidetrack a bit.... last time many Gurkhas used to patronise the backlanes and fishtanks regularly. When the CCTVs were installed and they were "captured" visiting the brothels, their OC would shame them by posting their details for everyone to see. Now you can hardly see any Gurkha kio guay.
Old 27-09-2010, 10:22 AM
U-Da-Man U-Da-Man is offline
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Longest Tongue, next time you go back to your "favourite legal haunts" in GL, please take notice again at all the small black semi-shperical domes attached to the ceilings, especially in the corners where hallways turn.

Geylang legal brothels are no different from PT brothels... all have security cameras. From Cat50 Thai fish tanks, to Cat100 meimei galleries, to Cat150 love nests, all GL brothels have CCTVs I'm afraid.

So don't get put off LT, because by the same token, you should put off with Geylang too

Originally Posted by Star3 View Post
Dun talk cock lah. Geylang dun have CCTV meh?
All legal brothels have to install the CCTVs as a requirement by AV/CID regardless of whether it is in Geylang, PT or Timbaktu.
Yep, you are right!

Originally Posted by Star3 View Post
They require the brothel operator to install the CCTVs covering the entrance/exit of the brothel and to cover the passageway to the rooms.

As far as I know, there is no requirement for CCTV inside the rooms so cheongsters has nothing to worry about.

On the button Bro Star3. You know your stuff.

Old 27-09-2010, 11:02 AM
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Originally Posted by U-Da-Man View Post
Longest Tongue, next time you go back to your "favourite legal haunts" in GL, please take notice again at all the small black semi-shperical domes attached to the ceilings, especially in the corners where hallways turn.

Geylang legal brothels are no different from PT brothels... all have security cameras. From Cat50 Thai fish tanks, to Cat100 meimei galleries, to Cat150 love nests, all GL brothels have CCTVs I'm afraid.

So don't get put off LT, because by the same token, you should put off with Geylang too

PT Bro, it's PT hehe.

Originally Posted by longest_tongue View Post
But when I arrive at Petain I saw all the CCTV and was quite put off

I ask why so many CCTV and was told some years ago there was a murder of a popular WL, also there are fights there quite often
Who say got fights quite often? I go there almost everyday where got fight?

Originally Posted by longest_tongue View Post
I am quite famous among the girls because of mylongest tongue that reaches deeper into the pussy than anyone can

But I don't wanna be famous in public
Same with all of us, don't want to be famous in public also.

But not to say I/we in PT not famous with the girls. I/We may not have "the longuest tongue" like yours but have our own special skills and style.

I know for myself that I have the longest endurance in painting a WL's pussy and asshole. I also have the longest booking time for a single WL of one day, 12:00-9:00, for a thousand bucks.

But please, no, I don't want to be famous in public. This we keep here in SBF ok?

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 27-09-2010, 01:18 PM
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Originally Posted by U-Da-Man View Post
Longest Tongue, next time you go back to your "favourite legal haunts" in GL, please take notice again at all the small black semi-shperical domes attached to the ceilings, especially in the corners where hallways turn.

Geylang legal brothels are no different from PT brothels... all have security cameras. From Cat50 Thai fish tanks, to Cat100 meimei galleries, to Cat150 love nests, all GL brothels have CCTVs I'm afraid.
Sorry, OT but can I ask, wad's the diff between the 50/100 cat in Geylang vs the "love nest"?
Are "love nest" the CAT 150 gals?

Old 27-09-2010, 02:04 PM
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Well... It doesn't really bother me as long as the CCTV doesnt plant in the fucking room

I dont want someday I saw myself doing doggie with Vivi in porntube!!!
Old 27-09-2010, 02:22 PM
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Originally Posted by MrBombastic View Post
Well... It doesn't really bother me as long as the CCTV doesnt plant in the fucking room

I dont want someday I saw myself doing doggie with Vivi in porntube!!!
Haha Mr Bombastic is on fire today!
Old 27-09-2010, 02:43 PM
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Originally Posted by MrBombastic View Post
Well... It doesn't really bother me as long as the CCTV doesnt plant in the fucking room

I dont want someday I saw myself doing doggie with Vivi in porntube!!!
Originally Posted by Expatsexfiend View Post
Haha Mr Bombastic is on fire today!
Now wouldn't that be a sight! Haha!

Me, whenever I see myself in the mirror doing any of my stunts, painting, 69, FJ whatever, I would thought to myself, damn Bro, you're good!

I can't wait to go PT tonight!

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 27-09-2010, 03:55 PM
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Talking CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

So long nobody i mean customers committ crimes, no need to worry the operators respect the privacy of every 1.

So many yrs, we have come across ppl filming at GL, KS along the streets we have seen on TV doc. Well PT? Until today, none i would take this to thank everybody for showing respect, treasure our privacy by not doing illegal recording.
Old 27-09-2010, 04:36 PM
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Re: CCTV everywhere, no privacy!

Originally Posted by fornicator View Post
Now wouldn't that be a sight! Haha!

Me, whenever I see myself in the mirror doing any of my stunts, painting, 69, FJ whatever, I would thought to myself, damn Bro, you're good!

I can't wait to go PT tonight!


Originally Posted by Expatsexfiend View Post
Haha Mr Bombastic is on fire today!
No way I'm gonna be a porn star. I ain't gonna be the next Edison Chen as well... Haha
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