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Old 24-04-2011, 05:30 AM
BigbOobslova BigbOobslova is offline
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Lightbulb Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

I hope I'm not alone when I post this up.

Ever had the feeling when you wanted to visit a GL house, but was too nervous and shy to even enter into a house because of
1. OKT being to pushy
2. You're just shy and scared of people seeing you (friends, colleagues, family members or worse, gf or wife?!) and being judged.

I know there will be cheongsters who will say
1. If shy PCC, then defeats whole point of this thread.
2. If shy go FL online or massage, AV super on due to new in charge/s
3. Go with friends to GL, but what if just really don't want people to know?

So actually I'm hoping OKT's out there working in GL can hear fellow cheongsters who share my problem. And cater to a new younger generation who are more online nowadays compared to the more experienced and HARDened ones (pun intended)

Here's my suggestion
1. Have a website or weebly of your House and girl's lates pics, business times etc etc
2. After doing so, instead of a fish tank, have the 1st floor be a dim lit waiting room for cheongsters preferably with small separate partitions, with PC's and pictures of your girls so that they can see who's available and then choose. Girls are then chosen via queue number. While waiting instead of OKT's maybe waitresses can serve drinks through small holes in walls while they wait, tv's optional?
3. Because the girls will be in THEIR own rooms waiting for the customers like in HK FL, Customers are happier cause no pressure to stand and choose and talk to OKT, and there's the feeling of visiting a FL in a hotel, but legally.
4. Money is paid before physically entering the room through a slot, once confirmed by the lady, she unlocks the door and business starts

Now of course again some Cheongsters will say, you still have to go GL what!! So people might see you. True, but this eliminates alot of guy's shyness to ENTER the business premises in the 1st place.

I hope OKT's who are serious about business, and moving forward with the new generation, consider this, I mean, if people are not shy to enter, you get potentially more business, more money, and we guys have a way to "release" our stress (pun intended again!) since AV has taken away the adventure of Massage Parlours and FL's.

If there are any kinks or potential problems, use this as a guideline and try to implement things to fix these potential problems.

Please provide constructive feedback cause I know there are a few of us who just want a fuck without fear of
1. Being caught by AV for visiting a massage parlor or FL in a hotel
2. Don't want to talk to the OKT (no offense, alot of you are nice chaps)
3. Just want a nice quick fuck and get out.

Thanks everyone
Old 26-04-2011, 10:20 PM
lagtardary lagtardary is offline
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

i understand how u feel, why not find someone from sbf also around ur same age grp to go with u
Old 26-04-2011, 10:30 PM
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

TS, your proposals are rather interesting, but the way of running the business in Singapore may be controlled by AV to a certain extend. Putting photos may not be allowed after all unlike some of our Asian counterparts where they are more liberal when plying the sex trade.

As for the shyness and nervousness, reckon most of us been through this, all a matter of getting used to

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Old 27-04-2011, 08:43 PM
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Originally Posted by lagtardary View Post
i understand how u feel, why not find someone from sbf also around ur same age grp to go with u
the last time i only want to see see look look... now see see look look choose choose and bonk bonk...
Old 06-08-2011, 01:29 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Originally Posted by smoky7 View Post
TS, your proposals are rather interesting, but the way of running the business in Singapore may be controlled by AV to a certain extend. Putting photos may not be allowed after all unlike some of our Asian counterparts where they are more liberal when plying the sex trade.

As for the shyness and nervousness, reckon most of us been through this, all a matter of getting used to
Hey Smoky7!

Thanks man! Maybe who knows, 1 day it'll be like I just said haha...

Any lobang for massage BM though?
Old 06-08-2011, 01:30 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Originally Posted by tomyamramee View Post
the last time i only want to see see look look... now see see look look choose choose and bonk bonk...
Funny Sia,

Thanks bro! I'll try to get over it.
Old 06-08-2011, 05:17 PM
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

i also have this problem, haha

i used to go for streetwalker, internet freelance, massage place....all because im too nervous to enter the legal house

bro i can only say that you start reading more, then pick 1 house to go to

the legal girls overall are really better and relatively safer....i remember last time, someone posted a thread about this thai FL from some yahoo group, he visit her that time, just happened to saw her taking lots of medicine pills, probably to control HIV virus

tell you lah, you start with 1 house and it gets easier from there... now i already go to 4 house and im not so shy to try a new house like last time
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Old 06-08-2011, 06:11 PM
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Originally Posted by smoky7 View Post
As for the shyness and nervousness, reckon most of us been through this, all a matter of getting used to
Yes, most of us went through that... Just stand tall and walk in, tell the OKT which girl u want (do ur homework 1st), the rest will come easy...... The WL will guide u through the process, they are all train to achieve minimum SLA (service level Assurance). 8). The rest will be history by the time u overrun her or another way round....... m

Originally Posted by tomyamramee View Post
the last time i only want to see see look look... now see see look look choose choose and bonk bonk...
This is funny.... Guess most of us cannot tahan anymore with only see see look look..... :P
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Old 06-08-2011, 09:16 PM
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Be shameless ... then you will not be shy and nervous.

Have fun.... be warned.... it is very contagious.
Old 06-08-2011, 10:11 PM
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Haha true for me my first time was with a fren and it was touch and go from the start..... But it gets easier when u patronise the same house again subsequently as u would feel a sense of familiarity (although you would miss out on the other houses and fun haha ) You can also try going down at night more dark so chances of you getting spotted are slimmer and maybe you can try entering the lorong from the back of the streets as opposed to entering from the front
Old 06-08-2011, 11:12 PM
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Originally Posted by radii View Post
You can also try going down at night more dark so chances of you getting spotted are slimmer and maybe you can try entering the lorong from the back of the streets as opposed to entering from the front
Dont bet on it that at night, your chances are slimmer of being spotted. Try to wear a cap or dark glasses and park your car further to reduce someone seeing you.
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Old 07-08-2011, 01:11 AM
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Guys need not be shy on this. Geylang is part of Singapore.
Old 07-08-2011, 11:11 AM
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Yes I agree with bro Islands. Most of us gone thru the shyness part. But now i jst park in front of the hse n walk in like its my another hm. Like wat was bring suggest. Do your homework and go in tell the okt who you want. Don't be shy, after all we are paying customer. be firm everything will be fine when the gal arrive.
When I started I also shy and just let the okt pushing around.
I remember reading a post that there are some bros orginasing something like orientation trip down gl, perhaps u might wanna join them walk around. When u are more familiar with gl, the shyness fades off slowly.

Happy bonking bro
Old 07-08-2011, 11:26 AM
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drekman has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Dunt waste your money on geylang.
Old 07-08-2011, 01:34 PM
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Re: Shy/Nervous to visit GL Houses.

Hello T/S, yes, you must be like this mad China man, Drekman who is so damn thick skin and persistent in trying in vain to dissuade bruddahs from patronizing PRC WLs in GL.
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