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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 30-05-2011, 10:41 PM
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Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

really sorry if this seems like a repeat thread but i really have to do this! for myself and all the other bros out there who ENJOY pubs @ TP!

went to a pub at TP last weekend (by myself i.e.) and was really encouraged to see several groups of brudders enjoying themselves. wanted to join them and have fun but my Pinoy girls kept me busy =D. but it really got me thinking, 'hey, why not?'

i read the forums and saw a thread that organized outings for KTVs so why not one for pubs @ TP? i mean it may have been around some time ago but now let's bring it all back!

i'm looking for regular ( probably 1 weekend every month or w/e) kakis who enjoy the company of Pinoy girls as they indulge themselves in alcohol! OR if you're already part of such a group, i would absolutely LOVE to join you guys!

and if i have said something to cause you to flame/zap me, i am extremely sorry but i'm just looking for some friends for this sort of fun.

so if you're interested or want to just invite me out with you guys, please feel free to PM me. i am super sociable and can make friends, *snap*, like that. cheers bros! god bless!
Old 30-05-2011, 11:04 PM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

bro.. count me in.. i alway like to go pub... so which pub is happening at TP..
Old 31-05-2011, 02:25 AM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

What's the happening at TP pub with pinoys? I may be interested
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Old 31-05-2011, 05:26 PM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

Hi Bro...

I like pinoy pub too.. but my friends retire from it...I don't mind going with you after stop for some years.

Do PM the time n location...
Old 01-06-2011, 05:51 PM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

count me in bro, am interested 2...
Old 01-06-2011, 07:21 PM
DragonSeeker DragonSeeker is offline
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

Sure bro, get e ball rolling!
Old 01-06-2011, 07:42 PM
sunshine666 sunshine666 is offline
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

I went once before, seems to me like it's super-expensive ....
Old 01-06-2011, 09:51 PM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

any old bird coming out of retirement?
Old 01-06-2011, 10:47 PM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

Pull out my old contribution for i need we need to know what kind of actions brothers are looking for:

Originally Posted by bignround View Post
Just to contribute to this thread.

I like what one of the bros classify the cat which I will further describe:
A - u can do anything, take out bra take panty, finger
B - rubba rubba but cannot take off
C - sit hug n chit chat
D - sit n chit chat

I will do a summary of each cat and their location for your reference

Cat D
Just treat it as a normal pub, waitress is Pinoy. Serve u drink and chat with customer. there are some eye candy in such pub, usually they are on work permit. Go only when u need to find a place to drink n chit chat with drink. Since the gal are on work permit then can try ur luck to court them without fear for potential GF.

Cat C and Cat B
I put both cat together because it all depends on the gal, some are open some are not and there are reasons for it(I will explain later in term of type of Visa/work permit)

This pinoy in chinatown belongs to C and B cat, i like the setting of the pub, spacious with both bright n dark corners. The gal i got she did not push for drinks i only bought her $40 in total, yes u can rubba a bit.

Gal in Cat C and Cat B i like a lot as it give me a lot of opportunity to "make them like me much" and " potential FB". The rule is 1st you must be smart(if u feel the gal is just entertaining you, move on to another), 2nd treat them nice and respect them as any normal lady. This is what i do most of the time, I will never touch them 1st. But once they touch me, I will "release the beast in me". Make them happy and u will be happy too(FYI, by nature pinoy have a very fun loving culture which make me attract to them alot, this nature multiply by 10 when they are drunk or high).
Other location: Siglap, river valley, Joo chiat, chinatown

Cat A
Locations: Duxton and PSC area and boat quay
This is a no brainer cat, the gal there expect to be "molest" when they have a customer. If any guy who goes there and do not get anything in return, YOU have been ripped off. Personal I do not go there as often, reason is because the quality of the gal are limited. Yes there are some pretty one but once they "suck" u dry they will move on to other customers. nonetheless it is if u want a no brainer thrill this is a good place to be. PLEASE watch ur pocket and learn to hold the buying their LDs. I just realised Abbey pub is that darkest in PSC, all others cannot fight. Bar 5 win in term of their dry-ice smoke but in term of darkest Abbey will win. haha. 1 piece of advise, please open ur hears and eyes big big there as there are growing number of pinoy ladyboy in PSC.

I will like to share with you all more about Cat B-C. There is a growing trend of the pub offering these gal 6 month work permit. How is it done:
1) All gals enter as tourist visa
2) stay 1 mnth and then extend for another month
3) Not all gal get the permit, they need to fulfill the following KPI:
- look of the gal
- does the gal comply to the pub's ground rule
- personality
- how many regular customer they have
- How much LDs they earn per week
If the gal score well in all of this, they most likely will get a work permit. As these are good staff that the pub want to keep in order to continue making the customer happy.
4) Immediate application of work permit

What is the difference? (correct me if I am wrong, this is based on the few pubs i have been to)
1) difference is LDs. gal who are on tourist visa push a lot on LDs because they earn half of the LDs u buy for them and they want to meet their KPI to get the permit. Gal who are on work permit do not earn from LDs, they have a fixed salary(immigration requirement) usually i just buy them 1 $20 drink for show(make the boss happy and book her at my table). For me as i know they cant earn from LDs, once in a while i will tips them(boss cannot know) or buy them top-up cards.
2) playability. If I were to step in a pinoy pub, I will check out if the pub has "work permit" system. This is because if i find out that the gal i like has already had a work permit, i know that my chances of playability is lower. This is because these gal have many "regular and supporter" who supported them since the days they were under tourist visa. If you are the gal, who will will treat better?

If you have the time and luck to spot a newly arrived pinoy chick in a pub, my suggestion is for you to support her regularity. Need not be everyday or once a week. For me is usually once every 2 weeks, but make it a point to make her be happy and remember you. Most gal do not know if they will be getting the work permit until the week before (I think this is a strategy by the pub to make the gal work as hard as possible), thus their last 2 weeks of their tourist visa is crucial for them if you are supportive they should be grateful of you.

1 thing that I find it help, is be honest to the gal. For me, I have always told my gal that I am single and have no intention of getting married or finding a gf. I am just a guy who is stressed at work that enjoy drinking and her company.

Pinoy and thai gal share common things:
1) they are the jealous type(sometimes u can use this to ur advantage)
2) their information sharing is very good. If you sleep with one of them 99.9% the rest of the gals will know. As the gal will "stamp ur passport" and tell other gals "this is my man, get ur hands away from him".

to end this, every guy have difference needs. Whether to rabba rabba with Cat A, to chit chat or look for gf feeling. My contribution do not have all the answer, but i believe it will help you to have better understanding on how's the gals and the pub operates so that you can achieve what you want.

I do not have information on the pinoy opposite SGH, can any bro share?

FYI, orchard plaza is getting Hot. Saw a lot of pinoy gal there at night, will be checking out the face soon. Any bro got any information?
if u guys are going to places like Cat C or B, count me in.
Old 01-06-2011, 11:50 PM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

Hey bro can count me in. just drop me a message n location.
Old 02-06-2011, 02:43 PM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

Hi TS, what is location of this TP pub?
Old 02-06-2011, 09:14 PM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

Originally Posted by bignround View Post
Pull out my old contribution for i need we need to know what kind of actions brothers are looking for:

if u guys are going to places like Cat C or B, count me in.
Cat C or B also my type...go for drink, music n chit chat
Old 03-06-2011, 12:05 AM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

I'm kind of intersted in this kind of activity.
Can we describe what type of action we are going to expect?

its like a Bachelor NIGHT!!!

Old 03-06-2011, 12:08 AM
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Re: Looking for kakis to chiong/enjoy @ TP!

I've already put may name in the hat
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