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came to know this FL name Saxxxx1 in chatroom.
she says that shes a Fl here, so i think ok lor. ask her whats the price u offer? she say 120... tonight im going to JB so i don't think im spending this money here, just boring thats all. so i ask her y not we meet up for chat can? she say ok, but can i borrow her $90 or not. clime that she needs money and will pay be back this 15th. i tell her meet up then talk lor, see hows things goes. meet up in one of the mrt station. WTF... i think she needs a extreme make over.... nvm come liao just go eat first, hungry also. i don't even want to look at her... didn't keen to talk also, so i act to sms busy there. ![]() few mins later she sms me (shes infornt of me) asking me hows the $90 can borrow her or not. i text her say my friend have not transfer me the money... must wait. (i got the wholeday time don't know she have or not. ![]() end up looks like the got it ![]() nvm i sms few brothers here, see can they help or not do one show lol i tell them to call she to book a time for service then she can go lor, then i can run mah. few calls later she still can ask me say :"ok nvm dear, can borrow me $20 for cab?" i tell her nvm i left only $20 with me, later i need to take cab back to work also. she still want to try her chance??? lol nvm end up i borrow her $10. then i go back. why the fuck FL that looks like this wants to come out and try their chance hah? or they knew it people will reject and trying to cheit money this way??? thanks for brother here to help me out. up me if can pls, im hungry for points. ![]() |
Re: think im a carrot head????
you nt carrot head, but dick head...
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Re: think im a carrot head????
I will not borrow any $$$$ to stranger regardless of their status.
Re: think im a carrot head????
face kena langgah by car one ah?
if i c like that i u-turn and run faster then stephen chow. ![]()
upz my points if you like my posts. Free 3 point power up a day. Lets share the juicy news of the world out there |
Re: think im a carrot head????
luckly tonight im going to JB, if not book a room liao more chialat..
Re: think im a carrot head????
hey ts, i dont really understand your language le, what u trying to say?
Brothers who up my points please leave behind your nick and latest posting topic for me to return favour ! ![]() http://s11.flagcounter.com/count2/VH...s_0/percent_0/ |
Re: think im a carrot head????
bro, is it the local freelance at kovan?
Re: think im a carrot head????
Seriously TS... Why do u even bother to meet her if u have no intention to go hotel with her?
If she Chio then u dun mind spend the $120 for a bonk with her? But happen that she not Chio then u decide not to continue? U can always ask her to send u her photos lst. Going jb or not isn't an excuse. Come on, it's not easy for her to step out and be an FL. I didn't read whether did u write her nationality, but I assume she is a Singaporean. Whether she Chio or not? She must have her reasons to be an FL. U wasted her time and even $20 also doesnt tip her? I dont know this FL and neither do i know u and have nothing against you. But I dun think u should waste her time by meeting her when u doesn't have the intention in the lst place. Worst still u write in sbf. Ur purpose? To show that u are not a carrot head? but on the other side, what kinda Chiongster u are? Then ask for points at the end of your post? U got nothing good to post and post rubbish for points? Just my 2cents worth
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu, SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage 摸的时候是滑的,抱的时候是香的,吃的时候是甜的 I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely! Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time. ____________________ Do not reply my comments or pm me for locations if you are a CLONE account. ANTI-CLONES |
Re: think im a carrot head????
TS, your language sucks and you are a cheap skate. Come on, I mean $20 is nothing. Just give it to the girl for heaven's sake. You are really a disgrace to us men.
Re: think im a carrot head????
Many thanks to brothers who up my pts.. ![]() |
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i think it's cheap thrill for TS.
Re: think im a carrot head????
In the first place is TS who ask her to meet as mentioned he is very boring, TS not only wasting her time but i think is a total insult to her, just imagine a $10.00 she is willing to stand beside TS bearing his ignorance. It's not easy for her be an FL but as a cheongster if we meet the FL that is not to our expectation, just tip her handsomely and send her back in a friendly manner. Just my humble comment no offend to TS |
Re: think im a carrot head????
No wonder so many ladies say sillypore men are ungentleman compared to the westerners...now you all know why.
Even rejection a FL also comes with a rejection fee .. People come out meet you at your rqst thinking there may be a chance to (you may call it cheat or take or borrow or whatever) if you decided not to after seeing her - that's not a problem because the money is yours...but but...after spending should wasting so much of her time...a few bucks couldn't kill you right for these hours spend. I'm sure you would not waste any time for excuses if she's hot... Get on with it and don't do it again.
寧教我負天下人,休教天下人負我 |
Re: think im a carrot head????
totally agreed with u. as for TS, i got nothing to say but sad and sorry. but not for the 'meeting', but u are one sad n sorry arse!
Alot of points to return. be patient with me. thanks Please PM me when u upz my pts so i can return favor. thks... ![]() |
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