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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 04-12-2004, 11:04 AM
enzer88 enzer88 is offline
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Waikiki spa resort

yesterday afteroon,nothing much to do,flip open new paper to seek for new massage joint.Come across this Waikiki spa,the advertisment look nice and classy.Decided to travel all the way to margaret drive(inside queenstown club) for a try.
Entrance fee-$68 for 45 min massage(expensive!!!)
Facililties-hot pool(damn small,the most can contain 6 person)Cold pool(3 person the most)sauna(4 person the most)steam(also $ person the most)
The caferia is not bad,got baos,mee siam etc.. and hot and cold drink serve by waiter.You can sit beside the a big pond and makan and relax with a few friend chitchating.
Ger-average look are 5/10,all are thais
Special-50 for hj,100 for FJ.nver do because look cant make it.
Conclusion-will go there if need a gd massge and to waste half a day there relaxing!
Old 04-12-2004, 11:10 AM
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

This place, the gals majority cannot make it, suspect most of the r from Thailand, facilities not very good and yes the exp entrance fee.. can give this place a miss....
member of the kaypoh clan.......
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Old 04-12-2004, 11:39 AM
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

Originally Posted by mahalosux
This place, the gals majority cannot make it, suspect most of the r from Thailand, facilities not very good and yes the exp entrance fee.. can give this place a miss....
Yup, the facilities at Waikiki quite rundown, massage so-so only and expensive (due to inside country club?). Brought a friend there some time ago and both of us gave it a thumbs-down. The only attraction was that chio receptionist but can see cannot touch...

My personal favourite will be Gold Finger at Jalan Besar. $73 for 90 mins of soothing Thai massage in a much better environment. You can spend the whole day there if you got time.
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Old 04-12-2004, 12:14 PM
justme justme is offline
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

I was here once, and all the girls are Thai.
The rooms are small and narrow, with no attach bathroom.

After registering at recep, led to a series of rooms next door.
Here, I led into another room which is small and narrow.
massage is done on the floor. the mattress is slim and don;t look entirely very clean. Well, I laid several towels and then lie on it loh.

The Thai gal I had can speak English reasonably well, and delivers a good massage.

HJ is 50 and FJ is 120.
HJ is good as she strips and uses a boobs to rub up and down from the groin to the chest and to the face...all over.

name is Sky
age 20
aga aga I think is 163m and 45 kG. petite

Only tried HJ.

Think I still prefer to go back to Excelsior as I am a regular there, rooms are bigger and with attached bathroom.

Entrance fee, pls see earlier threads.
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Old 04-12-2004, 12:28 PM
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

Just went to Waikiki... $68 is for 65mins lah... $39 promotion for 45mins.
Old 08-12-2004, 01:23 AM
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Unhappy Re: Waikiki spa resort

Signzzzzz... since e good old days r over alreadi lah... e beautiful Brenda (mgr); (panda cos alwayz got black i s) e ever sexy n chio jenny... e always reliable aunt (chef; she can cum up wif all kinds of home cook meals)... sign sign sign how i miss dat...
(didnt post FRs abt dis place cos havent reg as a samster yet... but now stop going 2 dese places anymore after got enaged wif wife n work...)
Old 08-12-2004, 01:49 PM
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

Hi Brother,

I have wanted to try Excelsior but do not know which girl to call.
Since you are a regular there, can you recommend 1 to me?
I'm looking for a girl with big boobs (at least D size).

Hope to hear from you soon as my little brother cannot tahan now.

Originally Posted by justme
I was here once, and all the girls are Thai.
The rooms are small and narrow, with no attach bathroom.

After registering at recep, led to a series of rooms next door.
Here, I led into another room which is small and narrow.
massage is done on the floor. the mattress is slim and don;t look entirely very clean. Well, I laid several towels and then lie on it loh.

The Thai gal I had can speak English reasonably well, and delivers a good massage.

HJ is 50 and FJ is 120.
HJ is good as she strips and uses a boobs to rub up and down from the groin to the chest and to the face...all over.

name is Sky
age 20
aga aga I think is 163m and 45 kG. petite

Only tried HJ.

Think I still prefer to go back to Excelsior as I am a regular there, rooms are bigger and with attached bathroom.

Entrance fee, pls see earlier threads.
Old 03-01-2005, 03:01 AM
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

The place can not make it at all. Never go there anymore. First and my last time................
Old 03-01-2005, 03:29 AM
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

it so near my place.. and it so expensive!!!

spend the money take a taxi to other spa still got change back..

girls rate is just as same as other spa ba..

nothing to shout about.
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Old 03-01-2005, 03:57 AM
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

Originally Posted by GoGoGo
Just went to Waikiki... $68 is for 65mins lah... $39 promotion for 45mins.
watever it is, juz AVOID this place!

if more ppl support, the boss will NEVER think of upgrading the place. HJ for $50 by CMI thai gers!!! u must be CRAZY
Old 03-01-2005, 04:24 AM
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

Originally Posted by V|ernar
it so near my place.. and it so expensive!!!

spend the money take a taxi to other spa still got change back..

girls rate is just as same as other spa ba..

nothing to shout about.
Then how come still got so many ppl go ah? Sales gimmicks on the newpaper advert? BTW most girls u see on the ad are bluff ppl one
Old 03-01-2005, 09:33 AM
enzer88 enzer88 is offline
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

Originally Posted by soccersaint
Then how come still got so many ppl go ah? Sales gimmicks on the newpaper advert? BTW most girls u see on the ad are bluff ppl one
yup,bro u r correct,we are all mislead by the stupid advertisment in newpaper!!!
Old 04-01-2005, 02:17 PM
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

$40 in GL is FJ for thais, issn't it? Are we missing the point here? :P
Old 04-01-2005, 03:11 PM
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Re: Waikiki spa resort

the plc is expensive; have been there a total of 5 times... the place was nice in the beginning but the high prices hurt it in the wrong run as service depth not as good as other spas located in bencoolen etc..

used to have two gals there very solid... one was mary; a small pixie like minah very manja.... smell dammed solid very very tight

another does great bbbj and allow cim... wasn't a samster then so din post fr...

mary not around anymore i think, cos last time there cannot find her, and the bbbj i called nick bao [a cup boobs] has shifted to another location but still keep in touch with me ... does me specials when i need it...

not worth yr hard earned monies bros.. wan good massage and food rather you go to badminton hall
Old 04-01-2005, 03:34 PM
dradonsnake77 dradonsnake77 is offline
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Exclamation Re: Waikiki spa resort

used 2 go dere back in jun 04... but kinda lost touch wif dem n most of e girls dun no gone where...
during my time, my fav girls were june n amy but dey hav stopped working n lost contacts wif dem...
june is wat u say chilli padi... small, pettie n hot... dam shiok huh!!!
wen she moaned softly into ur ear telling how sir-buy (comfortable) she is u feeled like ramp all e might u hav n pumped her mad!!!
amy is good at jur gen n HJ nothing else... she only allow autoroam only wen she is comfortable wif u... during e HJ she wil give u dat CFM look through her shinning eyes n lusty smile 2 make u cum... so far e sessions wif her she only CIM once 4me... but hey its 1 of e hell time cos she dun do BJ at all...
n next is e chio recept... Brenda or sumting... she wil only flirted wif dose she tink r big bosses only... 2bad i not... but her figure is very shapely n abit ba-cai... ever caught her zao geng afew times wen she bend over 2 pickup docus or keys...
well its in e past alrite now...
wat a memory to recall!!!
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