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Old 20-01-2012, 08:44 PM
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Exclamation Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Dear Seniors & Fellow bros,

First and foremost, my sincere apology to 'highjack' the FL Dome 3 to post the thread. Since my post is related to the incident of posting an FR in dome 3 I felt it was relevant to highlight this here.

Bros, I posted an FR for Michelle under OKT SD (Sinful Desire) yesterday at 640pm. Now, for those OKT who 'know' me very well know that I do not write FR if I do not feel it was worth it and when I do write an FR i just don give ratings but write out my entire experince, HONEST experince.

If some points were good I state it, if there are bad points I state it. I put it bluntly and honestly. You can view my past FR (I posted for ginger under HC, Joan local HC massage girl, last time EURObabe (i forgot the OKT name) for OKT SD etc...) but take note most of them are deleted now because the thread is not existing and some i don know why.

Anyway my point is... did the same for michelle. I wish to state I never write FR for points or never cared about points. BUT I am upset because two bros from here...very 'manly' bro i must say because they did not leave their name behind, deducted my points for writing FR - one stated it was over rated and the other just left it blank!

Now, you may ask since I don care about points why get upset, I am not upset because my points are deducted, I am upset because here is another bro who simply discourage people like me from posting future FRs which in turn will be valuable for other bros to make informed decision to book the FL!

What wrong did I do? I posted an honest FR! My real experince! In my latest FR i did not even praise the FL, I just mentioned that when I lost my feelings to cary on bonking, michelle did all she could to arouse me back even though all attempts failed. In my opinion and experince, that attitude counts and I wanted other bro here to know that! WHAT WRONG DID I DO!!!

While those misleading FRs gets rewarded with points why must some sincere FRs from Bros here be penalised for sharing their actual experince - let it be good or bad. Is not that what FR are for? Why then bother write FR is this going to continue? Is that why most senior bros or even most bros just do not bother writing FRs? Can the power to add or deduct points be used with some moral or commen sense?

But having said that, there were two kind bros here who also up my points. I really don know who they are and never chatted with them but Thank you bros for your kind gesture. I never expect you to reward a point but I am glad my FR was helpful for you. I never had the power to add points in my enitre time at SBF but bros, I promise that I will always post sincere FRS to bros here as my part of contribution to this site.


To the 1st bro who left no nick and said... 'Overated FR'. Dude, if you disagree with my FR or find my FR was over rated or sort of siding the OKT, please reply to my post and challenge me on my post. All bros will read and know if I am telling the truth or not. How the do you want me to authenticate my experince to you? What, get michelle to post a thread on my FR to say it is true? But anyway thanks bro for your comments, it is just that I would appreciate if you would have told me directly what you thought of my FR rather taking this approach.

To the bro who left it blank... no comments. Pity that you have raised yourself to the status of havin the ability to deduct points for no reason. Good on you.

Bottom line of this thread??? to all bros, please bro, don worry about points deduction or being afraid of offending the wrong people here, it is your FR that gives valuable insights to other bros who is going to spend his hard earned money and it is your FR that sepearates the classy from the crap. Please just continue to post FR and ignore these bros who discourage you from. it is after all the case that with 'common' bros like you that this site survives.

To all bros, please do not discourage people posting FRs. If you don like it, let it be known openly or ignore it totally.

Thank you all for your kind atention and once again, I am not writing this to offend anyone or waste bros time here. I just want to highlight this little ongoing problem that most bros face which has not been addressed or always overlooked.

Cheers bros and Happy New Year to everyone!
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Old 20-01-2012, 09:14 PM
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Smile Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

A couple of senior bro have extended their support to my thread. I sincerely appreciate that bros! I was expecting to get zapped but I was prepared for it anyway but its nice to see that most bros always show support.

This too should be mentioned. I am glad there are MAJORITY of wise bros here. Thank you all.

I am not sure if it right for me to share the names of the bro who extended theie support. I do not want to offend anyone so I will just say my thanks.

Cheers bros!
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Old 20-01-2012, 11:33 PM
5ag1_Boar 5ag1_Boar is offline
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!


No need to get worked up. This is the cowboy town called the internet.

I have also written many FRs for the girls I've booked before. Usually I only write FR if my experience is good. However I have been zapped by a few anonymous bros and accused of being "OKT Runner".

I guess this is the experience for many bros who regularly write FRs. So much so some have stopped writing.

The seniors who up you probably experienced the same thing in the many years they are here.

You explain so much also no point. These zappers usually don't bother to check up about the person they want to zap. And they can't un-zap you anytime soon even if they bother to read this and actually believe you.

Part and parcel of life on SBF and the internet.

My take is this: As long as you contribute positively to SBF, you will get much more ups than zaps.

Also, those who go around zapping people are far less, and they can only zap you ONCE in about 3 years. (We must up/zap 1000 other members, before we can up/zap the same bro again. We can also only up/zap once a day.)

So chill, and keep writing your FRs and keep contributing in SBF. You will get more + than -.

Don't stop writing FRs as this helps SBF bros make informed decision when they book the girls.
I am not and I don't pretend to be an angel or a guru. I am also dealing with my own flaws, weaknesses and problems. If I share my experiences, thoughts and opinions, it is only in the hope that other Samsters might find some gems in them to help themselves.

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Old 20-01-2012, 11:58 PM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Hi bro 5ag1_Boar,

Thank you for your kind words and advise. I do understand what you mean bro. I am not worked up. As I said, If the zapper left his nick behind I would appreciate his honesty and comments but no, these bros just zap and leave behind ridiculous comments behind.

And speaking if zapping, haha, I was wondering how come no one zapped me yet. I just had a string of zappers. You losers proved my point. If you have issues argue it with me. You have the rights to your opinion and so do I. But why penalize me for that? So far the zappers left these comments and all had no nick : "ok" , " flipping bruhaha for nothing" , "open thread to cry" etc.

This is especially to the bro who commented " open thread to cry?". Bro I am sorry if i wasted your time by posting a thread but if you have chosen and wanted, you could have skipped my thread. I did not plead for justice but merely highlighted what type of senseless bros of your type are! I did not open a thread to cry but I started a thread to openly challenge bros of your type for debate if you have issues with other bros!!!

And finally to all zappers, thank you once again for your attention and point deduction. I appreciate it. You can zap my points all you like but guess what ? You can't zap the respect I had now developed for the senior bros who had shown their support to me and certainly you can't zap my spirits.

And finally, to all those who had shown your kind support and kind gesture, sincerely my deepest appreciation goes to you. You have shown me that I was wrong and most bros here are always first to show support to another bro irregardless of his reputation status. Thank you.
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Old 21-01-2012, 12:05 AM
5ag1_Boar 5ag1_Boar is offline
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Ha! Get used to it. Almost all zappers NEVER leave their nick. Call them whatever you want, its not going to change.

I expected to get zapped for my reply to you and I was right. The best part is his comment was "agreed". No nick of course.
I am not and I don't pretend to be an angel or a guru. I am also dealing with my own flaws, weaknesses and problems. If I share my experiences, thoughts and opinions, it is only in the hope that other Samsters might find some gems in them to help themselves.

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Old 21-01-2012, 12:15 AM
hay2cool hay2cool is offline
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Cool Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by 5ag1_Boar View Post
Ha! Get used to it. Almost all zappers NEVER leave their nick. Call them whatever you want, its not going to change.

I expected to get zapped for my reply to you and I was right. The best part is his comment was "agreed". No nick of course.
Oh crap! I am sorry to hear you have been zapped bro. I had not intended that when I started this thread. Well anyway this is what I meant, if you don agree with someone argue, don be coward!

You reserve zappin someone for cases like lying or cheating or misleading info etc. why zap for giving opinion?

Anyway I will heed yOur advise bro. Once again I am sorry tO hear that you have been zapped.
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Old 21-01-2012, 12:33 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

So far have been zapped several times but I also don't bother. Ask yourself would it affect your sex-life or anything important for that matter? Then u won't be so bothered by it.........End of lesson
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Old 21-01-2012, 12:36 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by hay2cool View Post
Oh crap! I am sorry to hear you have been zapped bro. I had not intended that when I started this thread. Well anyway this is what I meant, if you don agree with someone argue, don be coward!

You reserve zappin someone for cases like lying or cheating or misleading info etc. why zap for giving opinion?

Anyway I will heed yOur advise bro. Once again I am sorry tO hear that you have been zapped.
No worries. It was a risk I was expecting when I replied.
I am not and I don't pretend to be an angel or a guru. I am also dealing with my own flaws, weaknesses and problems. If I share my experiences, thoughts and opinions, it is only in the hope that other Samsters might find some gems in them to help themselves.

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Old 21-01-2012, 01:23 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

And another zap: "and you still want to post, mean u want to get zap? Correct me if I am wrong, you buddy. Bro"
I am not and I don't pretend to be an angel or a guru. I am also dealing with my own flaws, weaknesses and problems. If I share my experiences, thoughts and opinions, it is only in the hope that other Samsters might find some gems in them to help themselves.

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Old 21-01-2012, 03:03 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by hay2cool View Post
A couple of senior bro have extended their support to my thread.

We need more samsters like you to post only honest FR, be it good or bad.

We need the know the truth, and nothing but the truth.
Old 21-01-2012, 05:08 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by hay2cool View Post
Hi bro 5ag1_Boar,

Thank you for your kind words and advise.
Should be "Thank you for your kind words and ADVICE.".

"Advise" is a noun.
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Old 21-01-2012, 10:15 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Relax TS, it happens to a lot of samsters be it seniors or newbies. I just got zapped out of the blue with QQ's FR as well. The little prick just post "Zapz", no reason stated no identity. There will always be a group of conspiracy theorists thinking who is a clone and all that sh|t stuff about OKT support writers etc. Needn't worry about these as only the sibeh free people got time to think about such issues. End of the day another senior liked my FR and the net effect is I got a slight increase in my points. So like what Bro 5ag1_Boar said, behave like a true blue samster and all will be well. Take it from us we've been here for ages.

Old 21-01-2012, 11:39 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post

We need more samsters like you to post only honest FR, be it good or bad.

We need the know the truth, and nothing but the truth.
Thank you for your support bro...I do agree with you and of course I believe all bors will continue to provide true and accurate Frs.

But one also must understand is my cup of tea may not be to your liking but that does not mean I am lying.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Should be "Thank you for your kind words and ADVICE.".

"Advise" is a noun.
Thank you for correcting me, I have taken note of it

Originally Posted by EtherC View Post
Relax TS, it happens to a lot of samsters be it seniors or newbies. I just got zapped out of the blue with QQ's FR as well. The little prick just post "Zapz", no reason stated no identity. There will always be a group of conspiracy theorists thinking who is a clone and all that sh|t stuff about OKT support writers etc. Needn't worry about these as only the sibeh free people got time to think about such issues. End of the day another senior liked my FR and the net effect is I got a slight increase in my points. So like what Bro 5ag1_Boar said, behave like a true blue samster and all will be well. Take it from us we've been here for ages.

I can relate to what you have said bro...really thanks to all senior bros and sincere bros. When I mean sincere bro I do not only refer to bros who side me or agree with me but I also refer to those who disagree with me but apprached me to clarify.

There was one bro who said he had a different experince with Michelle (the girl i took) and he clarified with me if I had the same girl. He even stated his opinion strongly. I respect him for his approcach.

As i said I am humbled (if there is such a word) by the support and advise extended by bros here. My sincere thanks goes to all of you. If I have offended some then my apology.
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Old 21-01-2012, 11:43 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by stryker View Post
So far have been zapped several times but I also don't bother. Ask yourself would it affect your sex-life or anything important for that matter? Then u won't be so bothered by it.........End of lesson
Yes bro...true enough. Perhaps i got too emotional...well thats me... I do not harm other or find trouble, I just mind my business but if those zappers got an issue then its their problem to deal with not mine, if they are unhappy then brng it up to me and discuss it!

But as most senior bros said, just heck care and bonk and write fr if it is worth it. Should a bro find it useful he will appreciate.

I will do just that.
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Old 21-01-2012, 02:23 PM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Do not worry bro....

Your post will get you more points than you lost. Or loss???

And what do not kill you make you stronger.... make or made???? hyeiiiiisisisiis who cares.
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