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View Poll Results: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?
Yes 138 72.63%
No 52 27.37%
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Old 21-01-2012, 05:52 PM
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Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

hi samsters, i know theres a debate btw whether having a lean muscular body rly helps in getting gals in the local context. On one hand, i see lots of guys working their arses out in gyms juz to get the coveted 6 pack so they could flaunt it to gals. On the other hand, i also often hear and see fatsos wif gorgeous gfs. So give me ur take on this
Old 27-01-2012, 12:43 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

well, not for me...

for me... he must be caring and attentive to me only.
Old 27-01-2012, 03:09 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

finally someone commented haha, keep the comments gg bros...
Old 27-01-2012, 03:13 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

Same for me. I am not into Muscular guys. Thats a danger sign when a guy puts too much attention to his body. It tells me he's too vain for me.

Maybe when I was younger I was looking at 'hot hunks' ... but no longer.

My years of dating men, and liking men are not about how big their muscles are, or how their body is about to rip open their tight shirts etc...

Men who turned me ON are intelligent, witty and a great conversationalist.

Fat or thin, short or tall, it doesn't matter. Haven't you guys figured out the way to a woman's heart is through her head?

I have great orgasms with ordinary guys... not muscular, just an ordinary guy. He made me feel at ease with myself. I can be myself with no false pretense.

Its the same with Long or short or big or small dicks.


Come on guys, CLUE UP !!!!
Old 27-01-2012, 04:57 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

SG gals only want a......Big......fat..................Wallet.

Muscles and body they don't really care, sometimes I wonder how a fat fuck can get a hot chick and how horrible it looks when he fucks her. Then I see them walk to their can guess what I mean.

$$$$$$$ its all about the money, money, money No money, No honey.

PS, Had 6 pack abs while in the army, now become beer barrel.
Old 27-01-2012, 05:55 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

well , of course a guy's earning power is impt but i would say its all about that chemistry feel also. If a girl feel for a guy even if he looks like PIG she will also wrap her arms around him like sugar!!

Old 27-01-2012, 07:25 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

Originally Posted by HugeDog View Post
this bro is well said
tink thats a female talking...
Old 27-01-2012, 07:47 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

Originally Posted by CoverGirl View Post
well, not for me...

for me... he must be caring and attentive to me only.
so over-weight and occupy 2 mrt seats instead of 1 is OKAY for you, Covergirl?
We are on the topic of body No offence to anyone!
Old 27-01-2012, 07:54 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

Originally Posted by silkypussy View Post

I have great orgasms with ordinary guys... not muscular, just an ordinary guy. He made me feel at ease with myself. I can be myself with no false pretense.

Its the same with Long or short or big or small dicks.


Come on guys, CLUE UP !!!! offence to anyone, but I pose the same challenge to ladies who claims body shape and dick size doesn't matter.

So, small thumb-size dick ( after hard-on ) is okay for you, Sis Silkypussy?
Really? Really?

In my opinion, I think body shape and dick size do play a part.
But I agree that getting to a lady is through her head or heart, not with a body-builder, shirt-ripping body.
Yet...whenever ladies say "body shape and dick size don't matter", I would ask for validation. So really?! Huge 2-seater man or small thumb size dicks are OKAY short-term and long-term for ladies?

Old 27-01-2012, 10:17 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

Visually, a rip body gets more heads turn, just like a well figured lady. This is nature. Nothing about it. Reason: woman want to find protected. Here lean muscle have abit of advantage

Next comes during interaction, now if the rip guy just smile widely and comment "eh...duh..." That will guarantee a lack of interests from a girl. Telling the girl to skip meals bec her fat percentage is above 12% and go load on protein shakes is not really going to sit well with most girls. This is the part where the wit and charm comes in. There is not a girl that doesn't like a guy that makes her comfortable and at ease, and is able to make her forget her stress and be like a lil girl again. Here muscles r not so useful

Sex is a physically demanding activity. Going beyond 45mins makes u perspire like crazy. Your abs core are tired, your quads and thighs r tired. To carry up your girl u need strong arms and back. Your constant thrusting should come fromthe movements of your hips n waist. A muscular body has more endurance. But a lot of ripped looking guys r training definition and not endurance. Some of the muscular looking guys tired out really fast too. Grasping for breath midway through sex is a major turn off. Muscles here is not so important. Important is training for muscular endurance.

Muscles Vs Money
How are you going to train muscles if you have no $? Gym dun come cheap. And no point having the best muscles but can't provide for your girl. Providing here can be booking the hotel or buying the condoms. You know you have a problem if you are counting the number of condoms you use in a month. If u r smart, intelligent, witty, charming, which a gd body, that can endure many rigouous hours of work at night, and day without fatigue, there is no reason why you should not have money.

Just my 2 cents

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Old 28-01-2012, 12:37 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

Originally Posted by Rated-R View Post offence to anyone, but I pose the same challenge to ladies who claims body shape and dick size doesn't matter.

So, small thumb-size dick ( after hard-on ) is okay for you, Sis Silkypussy?
Really? Really?

In my opinion, I think body shape and dick size do play a part.
But I agree that getting to a lady is through her head or heart, not with a body-builder, shirt-ripping body.
Yet...whenever ladies say "body shape and dick size don't matter", I would ask for validation. So really?! Huge 2-seater man or small thumb size dicks are OKAY short-term and long-term for ladies?

You're right to say that body shape/ dick size does play a part - but only a part in the whole package.
When ladies see the word "matter" (as in to mean "of importance"), it may connote the idea that the man's physical attributes are the ONLY criteria to us - which is not true.

Of greater importance would be the chemistry & connection, and females are generally less visual creatures than males.
Anyways in my limited experience, I've yet to actually encounter a huge 2-seater guy with a size-challenged dick
More commonly seen are some men who may either be skinny or have a paunch. It's also important that men & women who exercise & keep fit do it for themselves & their own health ~
that instills an innate confidence that is not usually found in dudes who pump iron solely for the sake of bedding women

I see it this way: unless I myself am a supermodel with the rockin hot body & face of Alessandra Ambrosio, powered by the brain of Einstein, and capable of earning moneybags the likes of Bill Gates, I don't see how/why I can be thick-skinned enough to demand that guy be mega-hot/mega-smart/mega-rich. We should look at ourselves in the mirror first eh?
Instead, what attracts me would be a guy who is able to connect with me & gets me... whether he's paunchy/skinny/hunky - that would be secondary
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Old 28-01-2012, 03:12 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

Originally Posted by hickeybites View Post
You're right to say that body shape/ dick size does play a part - but only a part in the whole package.
When ladies see the word "matter" (as in to mean "of importance"), it may connote the idea that the man's physical attributes are the ONLY criteria to us - which is not true.

Of greater importance would be the chemistry & connection, and females are generally less visual creatures than males.
Anyways in my limited experience, I've yet to actually encounter a huge 2-seater guy with a size-challenged dick
More commonly seen are some men who may either be skinny or have a paunch. It's also important that men & women who exercise & keep fit do it for themselves & their own health ~
that instills an innate confidence that is not usually found in dudes who pump iron solely for the sake of bedding women

I see it this way: unless I myself am a supermodel with the rockin hot body & face of Alessandra Ambrosio, powered by the brain of Einstein, and capable of earning moneybags the likes of Bill Gates, I don't see how/why I can be thick-skinned enough to demand that guy be mega-hot/mega-smart/mega-rich. We should look at ourselves in the mirror first eh?
Instead, what attracts me would be a guy who is able to connect with me & gets me... whether he's paunchy/skinny/hunky - that would be secondary
A lot of people who look fit are actually not. They sometimes just collaspe and die. Usually during marathon. Every time during marathon we have idiots that think they can out do the african. End up they die.

Pump iron is to carry the bags of goceries from point A to point B when there r no cabs or when the car breaks down.
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Old 09-02-2012, 09:21 AM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

Originally Posted by Rated-R View Post offence to anyone, but I pose the same challenge to ladies who claims body shape and dick size doesn't matter.

So, small thumb-size dick ( after hard-on ) is okay for you, Sis Silkypussy?
Really? Really?

In my opinion, I think body shape and dick size do play a part.
But I agree that getting to a lady is through her head or heart, not with a body-builder, shirt-ripping body.
Yet...whenever ladies say "body shape and dick size don't matter", I would ask for validation. So really?! Huge 2-seater man or small thumb size dicks are OKAY short-term and long-term for ladies?

maybe sis have only seen 3-5 inches dicks before, that's why she says that, i believe it's the same for all women who says that size doesn't matter.
Old 09-02-2012, 10:44 AM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

Just to add more..

Most important is pocket must be loaded with cash!
rest of the thing can be cultivate later,

No money = Love is normal and stable
With money = she will be the happy lady standing beside you no matter how you look.

Cheers! Just IMOP
Old 09-02-2012, 07:50 PM
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Re: Does a lean muscular body matter to sg gals?

its just a cocktail of preference, self image and what you deem can make you happy in life.

some people prefer stocky/chubby bodies - someone like their dad or mom, others have low self image even if they are beautiful so they go for average looking partners, yet others think a big wad of dough can keep them happy..

end of the day, i think a muscular body only matters when it matters

my 2 cents..
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