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Old 27-02-2012, 11:02 PM
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Normal clean massage but with nipple tease? wtf

Recently i had this massage at Fuqing, fujian. Massage was clean, had to wear boxer and all. Halfway towards the massage the lady suddenly sexy massage my butt. Ok so i tot i might get happy ending lor, just did it for about 10 secs then back to normal massage. after 15-20 mins asked me flip. start massaging chest then teased my nipples lol. asked me 'shufu ma?' meaning feel nice or not. then of course i got a hard on and she say wah ur thing must be big blabla. this time damn horny already lor wtf. anyways after that, the massage becomes normal again and after 10 mins she say massage done without adding anything. Like wtf aroused me then leave me hanging? any bros got this kinda experience before?
Old 28-02-2012, 04:01 PM
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Re: Normal clean massage but with nipple tease? wtf

Originally Posted by AUDIFANSG View Post
. start massaging chest then teased my nipples lol. asked me 'shufu ma?' meaning feel nice or not. then of course i got a hard on and she say wah ur thing must be big blabla. this time damn horny already lor wtf. anyways after that, the massage becomes normal again and after 10 mins she say massage done without adding anything. Like wtf aroused me then leave me hanging? any bros got this kinda experience before?
When I doing missionary with my partner,she will massage my nipple too

Click here for my latest post to return Up.Thanks!

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Last edited by ah rat; 28-02-2012 at 04:27 PM.
Old 28-02-2012, 10:32 PM
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Re: Normal clean massage but with nipple tease? wtf

Originally Posted by AUDIFANSG View Post
Recently i had this massage at Fuqing, fujian. Massage was clean, had to wear boxer and all. Halfway towards the massage the lady suddenly sexy massage my butt. Ok so i tot i might get happy ending lor, just did it for about 10 secs then back to normal massage. after 15-20 mins asked me flip. start massaging chest then teased my nipples lol. asked me 'shufu ma?' meaning feel nice or not. then of course i got a hard on and she say wah ur thing must be big blabla. this time damn horny already lor wtf. anyways after that, the massage becomes normal again and after 10 mins she say massage done without adding anything. Like wtf aroused me then leave me hanging? any bros got this kinda experience before?
bro, she already signaled to u liao. u didn't catch the hint.
welcome to exchange points. minimum +2
Old 28-02-2012, 11:37 PM
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Re: Normal clean massage but with nipple tease? wtf

I have one more unusual experience. Was staying at a 4 star hotel in Shenzhen. I called for massage in the room but was told they don't do it. So LL went down to the spa and ask for a massage. Saw the menu has one hour oil massage for 100rmb or 150rmb. So opt for the cheaper one, then counter lady told me to take up the 150rmb package because it include some so call 前列线 massage. So out of curiosity, take up the package. Went into the massage room, saw that the layout is definitely a fuck room because it has mirror all over, a shower room with transparent cubicle.

The massage lady came in, wow ! She worn a damn short tennis short exposing her butt anytime, a polo shirt with low neckline , can see cleavage at most angle.

The 1st half session was normal massage, I try to rub her legs and butt but she hold my hand off and said don't be naughty.

Then she proceed to put her hand inside my boxers, and massage my balls, cock and anus, damn shiok. I have a big hard on. She massage until almost times out, I ask her please jerk me off but she replied, no, this is not allowed.

Then she finished her massage and ask me to take shower. So take shower, she waited, came out, she use flesh towel, wipe my body including my ass and cock but no sexual service was offered until the end, and I paid only 150rmb.

Any brother experience these erotic.but no sexual service ?
Old 28-02-2012, 11:51 PM
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Re: Normal clean massage but with nipple tease? wtf

Originally Posted by lam1673 View Post
... Any brother experience these erotic.but no sexual service ?
That one expect you to take them out after work one...
can see?
Semi-retired Member of the League of Extra-horny Gentlemen

She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end...
Old 29-02-2012, 12:56 AM
triplebiatch triplebiatch is offline
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Re: Normal clean massage but with nipple tease? wtf

Originally Posted by lam1673 View Post
I have one more unusual experience. Was staying at a 4 star hotel in Shenzhen. I called for massage in the room but was told they don't do it. So LL went down to the spa and ask for a massage. Saw the menu has one hour oil massage for 100rmb or 150rmb. So opt for the cheaper one, then counter lady told me to take up the 150rmb package because it include some so call 前列线 massage. So out of curiosity, take up the package. Went into the massage room, saw that the layout is definitely a fuck room because it has mirror all over, a shower room with transparent cubicle.

The massage lady came in, wow ! She worn a damn short tennis short exposing her butt anytime, a polo shirt with low neckline , can see cleavage at most angle.

The 1st half session was normal massage, I try to rub her legs and butt but she hold my hand off and said don't be naughty.

Then she proceed to put her hand inside my boxers, and massage my balls, cock and anus, damn shiok. I have a big hard on. She massage until almost times out, I ask her please jerk me off but she replied, no, this is not allowed.

Then she finished her massage and ask me to take shower. So take shower, she waited, came out, she use flesh towel, wipe my body including my ass and cock but no sexual service was offered until the end, and I paid only 150rmb.

Any brother experience these erotic.but no sexual service ?
can tell us the SPA in ShenZhen? going there next week thanks
Old 29-02-2012, 04:33 PM
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Re: Normal clean massage but with nipple tease? wtf

Originally Posted by lam1673 View Post
Then she proceed to put her hand inside my boxers, and massage my balls, cock and anus, damn shiok. I have a big hard on. She massage until almost times out, I ask her please jerk me off but she replied, no, this is not allowed.

Then she finished her massage and ask me to take shower. So take shower, she waited, came out, she use flesh towel, wipe my body including my ass and cock but no sexual service was offered until the end, and I paid only 150rmb.

Any brother experience these erotic.but no sexual service ?
your spa has call girls as well? if that is the case, it's like just 18 sauna in macau, which the thigh massage will make you stuck custom 1
they are not allowed to make you cum.
but usually u bring 100 or so discreetly (inside the handphone cover) then tell them to jerk you off, it works
Luvs the kway and their chup
Old 29-02-2012, 06:34 PM
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Re: Normal clean massage but with nipple tease? wtf

Originally Posted by AUDIFANSG View Post
Recently i had this massage at Fuqing, fujian. Massage was clean, had to wear boxer and all. Halfway towards the massage the lady suddenly sexy massage my butt. Ok so i tot i might get happy ending lor, just did it for about 10 secs then back to normal massage. after 15-20 mins asked me flip. start massaging chest then teased my nipples lol. asked me 'shufu ma?' meaning feel nice or not. then of course i got a hard on and she say wah ur thing must be big blabla. this time damn horny already lor wtf. anyways after that, the massage becomes normal again and after 10 mins she say massage done without adding anything. Like wtf aroused me then leave me hanging? any bros got this kinda experience before?
its your fault !! when she tease your nipples, you are suppose to grab her boobs or ass or give her a lecherous smile or moan a bit ... when u did not do anything, she thot you are gay.. so as not to offend you, she did not offer any special service to you..

jus a question, first time at spa or health centre?
There are no saints in a sex forum... if you can read this, despite your claims of merely being a passerby/lurker/silent reader, you are already tainted and have been corrupted.... welcome to the darkside !!!
Old 29-02-2012, 07:26 PM
lonely_spirit lonely_spirit is offline
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Re: Normal clean massage but with nipple tease? wtf

Originally Posted by lam1673 View Post
I have one more unusual experience. Was staying at a 4 star hotel in Shenzhen. I called for massage in the room but was told they don't do it. So LL went down to the spa and ask for a massage. Saw the menu has one hour oil massage for 100rmb or 150rmb. So opt for the cheaper one, then counter lady told me to take up the 150rmb package because it include some so call 前列线 massage. So out of curiosity, take up the package. Went into the massage room, saw that the layout is definitely a fuck room because it has mirror all over, a shower room with transparent cubicle.

The massage lady came in, wow ! She worn a damn short tennis short exposing her butt anytime, a polo shirt with low neckline , can see cleavage at most angle.

The 1st half session was normal massage, I try to rub her legs and butt but she hold my hand off and said don't be naughty.

Then she proceed to put her hand inside my boxers, and massage my balls, cock and anus, damn shiok. I have a big hard on. She massage until almost times out, I ask her please jerk me off but she replied, no, this is not allowed.

Then she finished her massage and ask me to take shower. So take shower, she waited, came out, she use flesh towel, wipe my body including my ass and cock but no sexual service was offered until the end, and I paid only 150rmb.

Any brother experience these erotic.but no sexual service ?
前列腺保健按摩 very common in china especially SZ... loads of them around... Its to help enhance a guy's tolerance when having sex and also to improve the blood circulation of your penis.... as told by them la.. but most of the time, they will finish off with a happy ending...
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