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Old 03-03-2012, 11:04 PM
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The Director and his Secretary

Hi all. Here's a story I wrote in my free time sometime last year March. Just joined the forum, read through many stories here, so I'm just sharing mine on a whim of mine. I do apologise if the build-up to the main X-rated parts of the story seems draggy to you guys and ladies, but as they say. good things come to those who wait.

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The story below is entirely fictional. Any resemblances in character and name to any humans alive or dead is pure coincidence.
************************************************** ********

The Director and his Secretary

Waking up at nine the next morning for work was the last thing on The Director’s mind, as he lay facing the ceiling on his bed in the spacious hotel room. Rather, his attention and senses were fully focused on the lower part of his body, as Jesslyn in her fully naked and lithe body slowly licked up and down his erect shaft like it was some popsicle she could have for dessert.

It has been three months since The Director began this illicit affair with his secretary Jesslyn. It has started out innocently enough with Jesslyn being assigned to his neighbouring office to take charge of his paperwork affairs and help sort things out to ease The Director’s tasks at hand.

And as all powerful men would testify, behind the light of success and fame, will always lie the dark shadows of lust and sin. And it was one dark gloomy Friday evening that Jesslyn had walked in on The Director’s dark lustful side.

It had started out ordinary enough. The Director had to stay back to clear his paperwork backlog, and Jesslyn had offered to stay with him past worktime to speed up the job. But by the time they were even three-quarters done with the backlog, it was just past 8pm, and neither have had anything to eat or drink for dinner since their teatime break at 4pm earlier.

Jesslyn had helpfully offered to get some refreshments for The Director at the office door.

“Sir, you wanna get anything to eat or something hot to drink to see you through till work’s done and suppertime arrives?”

“Oh sure thing Jess, just some hot coffee without sugar or milk will do. Bring it into my office and leave it on the table in the corner when you come back.”
Old 04-03-2012, 09:13 AM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

Fifteen minutes after Jesslyn’s offer to get him coffee, The Director decided to take a break. Believing Jesslyn to be coming back a lot later, and since the office was totally empty, he opened his private folder he kept in his computer and chose a AV movie to watch and unwind to.

As he watched the lady in the AV movie manipulate her lithe and smooth body on top of the guy’s hard manhood, his own manhood below started to swell up with blood pumping in at an increasing rate. Soon it began too hard for him to contain his hardon in his pants, what with all seven inches of it hard as a rock and upright like a soldier at attention, so The Director unzipped his pants to allow his rod to get some air, and while doing so he started to stroke it up and down to the rhythm of the lady in the video.

In The Director’s mind he could easily envision himself and his secretary Jesslyn doing the same acts that the video was showing, the girl straddling the guy like a horse and slowly grinding up and down his full length, making nice low moans as her pussy was fully filled with the guy’s long hard rod. Heck, even the girl looked somewhat like Jesslyn’s type of girl, long hair no glasses nice B-cup boobs long slender legs and fairly tanned skin.
Old 04-03-2012, 09:40 AM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

Please carry on. Thanks.
Old 04-03-2012, 09:43 AM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

First camper reporting in .
Old 04-03-2012, 06:40 PM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

The Director was so engrossed with the AV video and the sensation of relieving his hardon that he did not hear the door to his office open behind his back. And there Jesslyn stood with a Styrofoam cup filled with hot coffee in her right hand, watching the whole scene of her superior doing something rightfully considered to be obscene in full view of a female lady subordinate. And yet besides that momentary feeling of shock that Jesslyn felt when she opened the door to the scene, a tingling sensation also started creeping up and down her back when she saw The Director stroking his long hard penis in such a nice sensual rhythm.

She remembered the last time she ever had sex and how much she missed that feeling. That last sexual escapade she has with her ex boyfriend, who was such a lover in bed, always knowing what buttons to press on her to drive her ecstasy up to ever-higher levels.
And now looking at her Director engaged in such a lewd act, and seeing how much his manhood was similar to her own ex’s, a switch just flipped off in her mind and made her tremble at herself having such a thought in mind.

And yet, on this one occasion, her normally rock-solid control over her urges failed her. All that pent-up unreleased sexual emotions she had, all that deprivation her orifice suffered in the past three years that even masturbation with an eight-inch dildo could not fully satisfy, all this just made her turn her sanity off and transform her into something resembling a nymphomaniac.
Old 05-03-2012, 06:52 AM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

Hey bro, just curious why, u have negative points to start with? Just want to let u know, will b looking out to your post, love OL stories. Just don't let us wait too long or worst drop off half way.....
Old 05-03-2012, 08:54 AM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

Keep it coming bro.
Old 05-03-2012, 10:31 AM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

3 post and no fuck.
All the simi lanjiao director imagine
Imagine ki lan
Sibeh boring
Ang moh so chim also mu jai xia xi mi
Old 05-03-2012, 12:22 PM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

camp here ...
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 05-03-2012, 02:20 PM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

camping here also
Be a fisherman! Fish for more fish....
Sharing is caring
Old 05-03-2012, 02:39 PM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

I love this type of stories..

Pitching tent ^_^
Old 05-03-2012, 07:32 PM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

Quietly closing the office door behind her, she tiptoed to the corner table and set the hot cup of coffee down on it. Having done so, she pulled out the hairpin that was holding her luscious brunette locks in a tight bun, such that they cascaded down like a waterfall shimmering in the moonlight. She was already wearing a white normal office shirt, a skirt reaching down three quarters her thigh, and a small blazer to top off the ensemble. Now she slowly took off her blazer, and as she heard the lowered volume of the AV video female star moaning away non-stop, she could feel the wetness spreading between her legs slowly like the night creeping across the sky in the evening before.

There she was turned away from her Director still busy jerking off to the AV video and laying her blazer nicely on the table beside the hot coffee, when suddenly she heard the moans stop, as if somebody had paused the video. Shocked, she spun around to see The Director staring back at her in equal shock, his fly half-zipped up but yet still visibly showing the seven-inch bulge in his pants.
Old 06-03-2012, 08:31 PM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

“Oh gosh Sir, sorry!!! I saw nothing!!!”

“My God, why didn’t you even give me so much as a warning when you opened the door!!! You should have knocked in the first place right?!” The Director fairly opened up on Jesslyn.

A moment of awkward silence, The Director sitting there in his chair with his fly half-zipped, and Jesslyn standing there in her thin office shirt and skirt, looking beet-red as she stared at the carpet to conceal her embarrassment and hidden lust.

“Actually Mr Director, I… I didn’t mind seeing all that you were doing just now…” Jesslyn whispered quietly, before cupping her mouth in mute shock at the words she just blurted out in her lustful state of mind.
The Director cocked his right eye, half in surprise, a quarter in amusement, and the remaining quarter in a building hot lust welling up inside him.

“Did I hear you rightly Jesslyn? I thought you were always proper and prim around me…”
Old 07-03-2012, 09:02 PM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

The Director was caught out cold by this sudden chain of events. Here I was jerking off, and my secretary whom I thought was purity incarnate sneaks in and sees the whole thing, never utters a word of shock about it, and now she tells me she doesn’t mind helping me out?! It was all too incredulous for The Director to think straight about, and well, being the man he was and still is, with a half-hardened seven incher still fairly straining against his zipper, he decided to take chance by the horns, and screw the consequences. After all, nobody was in the office, and she was her subordinate after all.

Getting out of his executive chair, The Director walked over to the sofa in the other corner of the office usually used for entertaining visitors and holding small meetings. Already he was forming a naughty idea in his head, and once he sat down on the sofa he put it into motion.

“Come over Jesslyn. Leave your jacket there.” He commanded to her. And meekly with still-flushed cheeks, Jesslyn walked over and stood uncomfortably in front of him, not knowing what to expect from him next.

“You’re still wearing too much for us two here, take off your top will you?”

Jesslyn felt her heart jump into her mouth. ‘So The Director believed me, and now I’m knee deep in all this with him. Oh well, I can’t take my urge anymore.’ With her slender fingers Jesslyn reached for her buttons on her office shirt, and within a minute, she slid the shirt off her shoulders, showing off her nicely-formed B-cupper assets encased in a lacy black bra, as well as the milky white smooth skin underneath.
Old 08-03-2012, 05:37 AM
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Re: The Director and his Secretary

Please continue.
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