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Old 30-04-2012, 02:39 PM
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Help & Advise Needed

To all my dear samster and sister, this is a true story which is still happening to me, hope for advise and solution.

I am married with 3 beautiful kids, have a wonderful family life and a stable income. Sex with wife is normal, sometime twice a week, nothing fancy.
But things change when i was attrached to this PRC while chionging KTV.
I know i am wrong while going after her, tell her i am not married, single bla bla bla. Very soon got into a relationship with her. More about her, she is not those who easily get into relationship and she is not after $$. She is well to do back home, own a few property, she came to SG on a 2 year work permit just to get over her ex BF who was jailed in China due to corruption matter, her ex BF is from Wen Zuo, one one the richest city in China.

Anyway she fall in love with me and i have to lie always due to family and unable to spend time with her always. Then she found out from my chiong buddy who accidently spill out that i was married, my chiong buddy thought she knows about it. She is also very smart and knows how to get people talking and form her finding puts everything together and found out the true, like a detective.

However, she forgive me and carry on our relationship, cause i lie that i am not on good term with wife, no sex at all, wife low sex drive, carry on the family because of the kids, blar blar blar. She believed me and we continue our relationship.

However, 6 months into our relationship, her permit was cancel by her company and she got to go home. She was very sad and i too was sad cause i too feel for her. Before she left, she got me a 6K present and that touches me deeply.

After she went back, we continue our relationship thru phone and we talk to each other everyday.
Old 30-04-2012, 02:44 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

bro, questions for u.
1) do u wanna divorce ur wife?
2) do u wanna leave this family?
3) do u love this PRC? or is it juz lust?
exchange of points welcome with 3 and above only. points will be returned gtd

Beatty - exchange! - bro, can't find your ID, cant return your pts ar!

posting needed - fatladysings, Greenfrog
2nd round up list - NZKiwi, WankJanice, Koizumi, WPNS, slicker69
Old 30-04-2012, 02:47 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

Originally Posted by titan View Post
bro, questions for u.
1) do u wanna divorce ur wife?
2) do u wanna leave this family?
3) do u love this PRC? or is it juz lust?
Bro titan,

I will never divorce my wife and i will never leave my family. Yes i do love this PRC and of cause because of lust which get me into this trouble.

I will continue my story and hope somebody can help me.
Old 30-04-2012, 02:57 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

whoa bro,

Gotta forgive you on that if you're getting bored of marriage

but again.. you got to make a choice at the end of the day. The marriage, or the PRC.

IMHO, spare a thoughts for your kids..

Cheers! Hope you make a decision fast
Old 30-04-2012, 02:59 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

Her permit was cancel and she got to go back, but before she went back, she bought me a expensive gift, 6K!
While she was back i travel 3 time to her hometown to see her and she was very very happy. Each time i am there, i stayed at her house, she stay with her mother alone, and her mum will go and stay with her aunt's place. i am the first guy staying in her house, sleeping on her bed. i met her mum and relative a few time over meal and we get along well.

I manage to get her over with a singer permit for half a year and spent more than 10K on the permit. we again like old time, me going up to her place in the afternoon, have very good sex, and then she got ready for works happy hour, i also go home ard 6+ to spent time with my family, and this goes on happily for 5 months.

However, disaster falls. I give her my old Iphone which i no more using cause her phone was spoilt, and she found out that there is a voice recording of me having sex, actually that was accidently recorded while i was having sex with a prositute. She claim that i still have sex with my wife recently and she was furious, and i keep denying saying that was not me and wife, but i cant say it was with a prositute! She say she recongnise my moaning and the woman in it sound so horny and she was i lie that my wife lost interest in sex. From that day onward, she start check on me day in day out, check my phone for sms and call.

Her permit is ending and she found another agent who is able to get her 2 year work permit which will cost 20K and monthly $500 levy fee. She agree to it and i have no say over it, otherwise she will expose our relationship to my wife.
Old 30-04-2012, 03:03 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

Originally Posted by tzr250sg View Post
Bro titan,

I will never divorce my wife and i will never leave my family. Yes i do love this PRC and of cause because of lust which get me into this trouble.

I will continue my story and hope somebody can help me.
Fuck her 5 times on a daily basis. Your lust relationship
with her should end in 3 months at most
Old 30-04-2012, 03:04 PM
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Chinapuss has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: Help & Advise Needed

A spark will start a flame...a flame left unattended will make not controlled will burn and burn until nothing is left...
Old 30-04-2012, 03:15 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

Originally Posted by tzr250sg View Post
Her permit is ending and she found another agent who is able to get her 2 year work permit which will cost 20K and monthly $500 levy fee. She agree to it and i have no say over it, otherwise she will expose our relationship to my wife.
Bro, I think she's now using your relationship with her as her trump card 2 fund her work permit. My advice 2 u is better have a clean break with her otherwise she will also be using this relationship 2 fund her other items.
Old 30-04-2012, 03:18 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

Originally Posted by Tho66 View Post
Bro, I think she's now using your relationship with her as her trump card 2 fund her work permit. My advice 2 u is better have a clean break with her otherwise she will also be using this relationship 2 fund her other items.
Bro, the problem is that she is not interested in $, her love for me already turn into hatred! I also wish to have a clean break with her but she will threaten to tell my wife.
Old 30-04-2012, 03:56 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

Assuming u can't convince the PRC to leave u alone, will yr wife forgive u if go clean with her? If she stand by u cos she love u and the kids, wave goodbye to the PRC.

A few years ago, a close friend met with a similar situation. It was a massive exercise mobilising both their parents, relatives and close friends. His wife was badly hurt but with so many people supporting her, she forgave her husband. Her exact words to me "I will lose more if I don't forgive him".

If u treasure yr family, give it a clean chop. Put pride and pain aside, die die also must chop. It's better than living each day in fear.
Old 30-04-2012, 04:16 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

Originally Posted by tzr250sg View Post
Bro, the problem is that she is not interested in $, her love for me already turn into hatred!
huh???? power 11 and u actually believe tat???? btw, whose paying for her visa huh???
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 30-04-2012, 05:59 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

Bro, I think you should pause for a while and read what you just posted. After that, you should bang your head against the wall for refusing to see the obvious.

If she is well-to-do, own a few properties in China and not in it for the money, then why the hell she wants to work in a KTV? Don't tell me she finds job satisfaction in being groped by different men every day.

If she was here for 6 months to get over her boyfriend who is in jail, and she met and fell in love with you during that period of time, why the heck does she need to come back to Singapore again on a 6-month singer pass? Don't tell me she applied for singer pass just to come back to see you.

Although you did not elaborate on this, I am sure she went back to work in the KTV during her tour of duty on singer pass. If money is not an issue, why go back to work in this line?

So you have been to her house 3 times and slept on her bed. She told you no other men have slept on her bed. Yah, right. You also mentioned that she had an ex-boyfriend from Wenzhou. Maybe her house is too small for her Wenzhou ex-boyfriend. Maybe when her ex-boyfriend visited her, they stayed in the 5 star hotels instead.

She bought you a gift worth $6K. How much money did you spend on her during the time that you were together? She spend $6K on a gift for you. You spent $10K for her singer pass. Immediately she made $4K already. And you still maintain that she is not in it for the money?

She knew that you were married but was ok with it because you claimed that you are not having sex with your wife. When she thought you were having sex with your wife, she got mad. Why? For goodness sake, you were having sex with your lawfully wedded wife. What right does she have to be angry with you? The only reason I can see is to test your reaction and see if she had you eating out of her hand. Once she is able to ascertain that she is in control over this relationship, you are screwed my friend.

When you are at home sleeping with your wife, was she sleeping alone? Can you be certain that she doesn't go to bed with her other customers?

These are points which are glaringly obvious from your very short posts. I am sure there are more if we dig deeper.

Remember bro, you have 3 beautiful children. Go back to your wife and kids. Just imagine the day that will come when you are past retirement age, when you no longer have a stable income. Do you see yourself sitting down having a meal with your wife, your 3 children and perhaps your grandchildren? Do you think your PRC girl will still be with you by then?
I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural and wholesome thing that money can buy.

Old 30-04-2012, 07:31 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed


She threw "6K present" hoping to get a green card and a red passport of Sillypore ...... hoping that you will marry her ... Lost hope

She waited for your lie to come true for years and wish that you get divorce with your wife ... hoping that you will marry her one day... Lost hope also

NOW worse she got work experience with the most political job of all PRC girl can do ..... HFJ "singer" (right?) Presently she must be frustrated with your lies .... (sorry for me been so assuming) Really lost hope and turn anger liao

I sincerely reckon you choose to play along and see how you suffer eventually(as i guessed you must have so-called taken her few years youth already) OR tell her the truth now that you will not divorce your wife and let her cut her loses ... OR .............. God bless you

Finally a small reminder ........ there are so many many many PRC girls that make so much monies from sillypore man from KTV or HFJ that they could buy a few units back home, so what make you think all she said is the real truth ?????
Old 30-04-2012, 08:01 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed

Any girl from PRC working in these joints.... One advise - use them and forget unless u like a messy break up with your wife. You will loose your children and when they grow up and understand what happened, their love for u will not be the same. PERIOD.
Old 30-04-2012, 08:32 PM
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Re: Help & Advise Needed


Whichever way u see it , your wife and children is still yr priority.
Whatever your lust for this woman , in due time would be just a memory.
Your kids and your wife are the innocent party in this affair . Better to have them than the PRC woman. Think hard and long !
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