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New section
For all those sex stories and misc sex chit chat.
The other section has been swamped by members exchanging links in a lame attempt to increase their reputation points. I never realised those worthless reputation points would be such a hot item. ![]()
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: New section
Any item can became hot is because they are ppl heating it.
@#$%$#@ SJB1994 NOT MY VEHICLE NUMBER @#$%$#@ Life must have fun, so always take things easy. |
Re: New section
As horny men, or just plain guys get together, with or without girls, the topic of sex is quite common. Short of saying who has the longest, biggest erection; who can cum how many times per night, or who can give a woman multiple orgasms during one session; accummulation of rep points and power is another step to demonstrate virility. Thanks for the great idea of starting this site.
Re: New section
桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵下桃花仙。桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花换酒钱。 酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠。半醉半醒日复日,花落花开年复年。 但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前。车尘马足显者事,酒盏花枝隐士缘。 若将显者比隐士,一在平地一在天。若将花酒比车马,彼何碌碌我何闲。 别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田。 |
Re: New section
Instead, the quest for reputation points has taken on a life of its own.
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: New section
Relax! Sit back and see show lor. I'm sure you will see much more "interesting" stuff then us commoner. Kekeke. ![]()
桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵下桃花仙。桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花换酒钱。 酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠。半醉半醒日复日,花落花开年复年。 但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前。车尘马足显者事,酒盏花枝隐士缘。 若将显者比隐士,一在平地一在天。若将花酒比车马,彼何碌碌我何闲。 别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田。 |
Re: New section
Dear boss sammyboyfor:
No lah. The rep points are not exactly worthless, because by introducing them you attached value to them. Rep points equivalent to credibility and honesty. Essentially that, regardless the failings of using 'popularity] (really) as a measure of those two values. I do agree that some members have gone overboard in their quest for rep points. But essentially, there is really no harm in it as far as I can see right now. At the same time what you hoped to achieve by introducing the system, I would say you have achieved those objectives. So really, if you look at it, your decision was an enlightened one and as it has turned out is really a good one because you have achieved what you set out to do with it in the first place. At most, the by-product is a bit nuisance to some (though I must admit not to me). Given the choice between: * A forum with lots of liars and a**holes etc getting away scot-free with posting rubbish, counterproductive crap and sheer fabrications passing off as real leads and contacts and FRs etc—who get away scot-free because there is no easy and quick way to establish and recognise their credibility and to some measure their character etc. OR * A forum where there are measures to handle them and minimise their presence or impact, no matter how modest the effectiveness of such measures, but with the minor nuisance of having some folks who want to promote themselves and gain reputation points. I understand some bros don't have contacts or even FRs to share, but who really want to contribute to this forum—it's good that they can find ways to contribute, even if it's by offering free downloads and such. Maybe these free downloads also mean higher traffic to this forum? Anyways, dear boss, don't be a perfectionist lah. You've done good stuff here. Thank you much for all the years of good work on this site and the most wonderful forum it hosts! —perrymason32 Quote:
Re: New section
Who knows? Now, Boss might be rubbing his both palms and at the same time chanting 'Money cum, money cum". ![]() ![]()
It doesnt matter where you are, is who you are with Skippe, Smeely Beancure, NeoNinja, Golden Finger & KimLin Many thanks for the above goodwill but please post and inform me so that I can do something about it. ![]() |
Re: New section
I have no problems with the overall impact of the reputation system. In fact, it has made managing this forum a lot easier and you are absolutely right that it establishes a sort of "credibility" rating of the people who congregate here.
However, what annoys me is the number of members who PM me demanding to know WHO deducted ONE point from their score and WHY they did so? More often than not, these members have reputation points coming out their ears.... they have hundreds of points... helleva lot more than I have and yet they can't bear the thought of losing one or two points without "justification". If your score was 421 and it becomes 417, nobody else will even notice the change, let alone bother about it. Wait a few hours and the score will probably be back to what it was so what's the fuss about???? This is what I mean when I say reputation points are being taken far too seriously by many. As for the additional traffic created by the links exchange, you have to realise that link exchanges attract people who are looking for freebies... people who hunt down freebies are not the sort who are going to whip out their credit cards and contribute to the revenue generating programs of this forum. ![]() Quote:
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: New section
As i just mentioned in my earlier reply... traffic alone does NOT mean more revenue.. the immediate impact of higher traffic is simply higher overheads because the bandwidth bill will go up. Higher traffic only equates to higher revenue if a sufficient percentage of the traffic actually calls sammyboychat, or signs up for sexkey or verotel ticket club.. or clicks through to the magix site and purchases some magix pills or purchases stuff from my other advertisers, or signs up to jp18.com or purchases time to watch some sexkey movies. People who come here looking for FREE movies and pictures are NOT the sort who would use their credit cards over the net. They are the sort who will do their utmost to find free stuff so they don't have to pay for it. In fact, chances are they don't even have credit cards. I'm putting up with the traffic at the moment. I need to find ways to turn this traffic into revenue. At the moment, it is not possible.
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: New section
Easy! Jus set a rule tat an answer frm u will cost them 50 rupt pt. Lidat i'm sure no one will ever bother u again. ![]() ![]()
桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵下桃花仙。桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花换酒钱。 酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠。半醉半醒日复日,花落花开年复年。 但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前。车尘马足显者事,酒盏花枝隐士缘。 若将显者比隐士,一在平地一在天。若将花酒比车马,彼何碌碌我何闲。 别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田。 |
Re: New section
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Re: New section
means i can only ask 3 times
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Re: New section
桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵下桃花仙。桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花换酒钱。 酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠。半醉半醒日复日,花落花开年复年。 但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前。车尘马足显者事,酒盏花枝隐士缘。 若将显者比隐士,一在平地一在天。若将花酒比车马,彼何碌碌我何闲。 别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田。 |
Re: New section
50 points to find out who deducted 2 points simply isn't logical. However, I could follow PAP govt style and charge a search fee of $20.00 payable via paypal. ![]()
Tips for ALL samsters.
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