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Old 11-01-2005, 12:33 AM
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Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

i know this sounds like a newbie question, but where do i buy them now? the last time i bought-2yrs ago at desker or IMM or ginza or queensway shopping...

anyone haf idea?
Old 11-01-2005, 12:37 AM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

GL, Desker Rd.......

Holiday Plaza, Jln Wong Ah Fook, Pelangi..........
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Old 11-01-2005, 12:53 AM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

If u plan to buy alot,Y not go JB? some more they can send for u to SG! the quality also not bad de!
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 11-01-2005, 06:58 AM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

or you might want to try those online 1..i got some lobang if you me
Old 11-01-2005, 08:04 AM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

Can try yahoo auctions. Transaction via ATM. They will send the VCD / DVD by post.
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Old 11-01-2005, 11:33 PM
noon noon is offline
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

hey all dudes..

today i went lots of places to look for vcds..queensway shopping,desker..etc..finally found & spend $20 on petrol..$25 on vcds..

yes desker rd still sell & its after 5pm at the back lane. looks quite reliable to ,3 for $20. i bought 3. havent watch yet.

yes sungei rd sell them too,after simlim tower,along service rd with lots of 2nd-hand stuff/flea market. walk in & u will find some stalls. 1 for $5, 5 for $20. looks not so reliable. i bought one. havent watch yet.

all fyi.
Old 12-01-2005, 07:51 AM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

bro... not to put wet blanket or what but my friend bought a porn vcd from sungei road at 3 bucks.. i saw it and i tell u its the worst porn i ever seen... the neh nehs are as big as watermelon (its not big.. its huge.. and it totali makes me puke ) and those gals looks to 'girlie' that look like a transexual to me..the background of the porn just turns u off...

i think its not american porn.. its russia's or germany.. and a advice.. dont watch russia or germany's porn... its a total turn off.. although the gal is good.. nice figure (i don mean the one my friend bought) etc.. but the feelin is just like watchin a 1970s porn... yurks
Old 12-01-2005, 08:47 AM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

Bro, for me the best place to buy is still JB. Holiday plaza. You can select slowly, take you time. It's very economy too, DVD RM8, VCD RM5-6, if you buy more, still got futher discount. If you worry of our country entrace watch dog, they do the delivery for you, into our country, (not to door step, but some area both party agreed, I don't think you want them to sent to your door step too).

Now some after you visited them once or twice, they will give you web address/email with password, than you can book online, save the trobloue of the causeway jam.

Hope the above information help.
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Old 12-01-2005, 10:42 AM
cashlove cashlove is offline
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

[QUOTE=sjb1994]they do the delivery for you, into our country, (not to door step, but some area both party agreed, I don't think you want them to sent to your door step too).

Did you get them to deliver to Spore for you before, where did you end up meeting?

MMmm.........Holiday plaza, will try, which floor, shop name, unit number if any?
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Old 13-01-2005, 12:28 PM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

Originally Posted by sjb1994
Did you get them to deliver to Spore for you before, where did you end up meeting?
MMmm.........Holiday plaza, will try, which floor, shop name, unit number if any?
U can get them to meet up with u anywhere in SG, these guys very familiar with the places here, but no too ulu lar of course....
Bro, once u step into holiday plaza, u will see plenty of shops where outside the salesperson will ask u take a look inside.Go ahead, ask him, most likely he will bring u inside another "hidden"compartment where all the porn DVDs are.
loads of variety there of course.
But i must remind u it will cost more 4 him to bring to SG, exactly how much i don't noe. Hope This helps.
Old 13-01-2005, 01:02 PM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

Originally Posted by cashlove
Did you get them to deliver to Spore for you before, where did you end up meeting?

MMmm.........Holiday plaza, will try, which floor, shop name, unit number if any?
Bro, almost all the shops there do this one, my friend Japanese AV freak, go there buy like karang guni, then they send here lah. No need to pay for delivery also, because he buy like one to open shop like dat. Place of meet up , I think better dont say here because sure got mata reading. But my info might be out of date, this was late last year, now I not sure. JB so near only mah, just drive there jalan jalan wont hurt if you also VCD collector.
Old 13-01-2005, 05:58 PM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

Originally Posted by ·Ïñ§ØmÑ¡â·
Bro, almost all the shops there do this one, my friend Japanese AV freak, go there buy like karang guni, then they send here lah. No need to pay for delivery also, because he buy like one to open shop like dat. Place of meet up , I think better dont say here because sure got mata reading. But my info might be out of date, this was late last year, now I not sure. JB so near only mah, just drive there jalan jalan wont hurt if you also VCD collector.


JB Holiday Plaza is a good place to get all this VCD / DVD.

Last bought some abt 1 yr ago, it cost about RM$7 ( for 10 or less VCD) & RM$6 (above 20 VCD) & delivery to SG is Free. But saw some shop charging for delivery about RM$10 - 20 when visit abt 4 mth ago.

Bought abt 20 VCD last time, u can test the VCD at the shop ( u got to ask 1st), tell them the time & address in SG ( they seem quite familiar with SG), give ur contact no. then pay them when they pass u the VCD in SG.

& surprisely, I buy at ard 8pm & they told me they can send to me in SG after 10pm that nite... fast...

Above are just some of my comments.. Thanks
Old 13-01-2005, 06:22 PM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

Originally Posted by sjb1994
they do the delivery for you, into our country, (not to door step, but some area both party agreed, I don't think you want them to sent to your door step too).

Did you get them to deliver to Spore for you before, where did you end up meeting?

MMmm.........Holiday plaza, will try, which floor, shop name, unit number if any?
Bro in holidays plaza out of 10 shops i think at least 3 to 5 shops selling either vcd,dvd or those Games! so when u reach there,u can choose ur ownself lor afterall alot of choices at there!
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 14-01-2005, 04:05 PM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

Originally Posted by Tai_zi21
Bro in holidays plaza out of 10 shops i think at least 3 to 5 shops selling either vcd,dvd or those Games! so when u reach there,u can choose ur ownself lor afterall alot of choices at there!
I heard dat they also got a website ? Anyone knows wats is the link ?
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Old 14-01-2005, 05:36 PM
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Re: Purchase of VCDs- jap/korea porn

earlier went to petain for some firing excercise , n there is someone selling vcds beside hse 11 , but display onli a few leh .

so far , i think desker is the best place to get vcds liao .
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