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View Poll Results: What will you do if your gal confesses to you she was a ex FL
Accept her 211 56.42%
Dump her 99 26.47%
Take her as FB only 156 41.71%
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Old 20-07-2012, 05:06 PM
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Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

What if the gal you are seeing or dating for weeks confesses to you that she was a ex FL. She wanted to tell the truth before accepting you as her guy. Will you as the guy accept her or U turn and dump her or take her for a FB only?

To answer why I ask this, I was a ex FL.
Old 21-07-2012, 10:51 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

I don't see why not
Old 21-07-2012, 11:28 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

I will accept her as long she is not doing it anymore!
Old 21-07-2012, 01:14 PM
dk1903 dk1903 is offline
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

for me, it's more complicated.

what were the reasons for becoming a FL? sick parents, young brother, single parent, all these are valid reasons.
need to buy prada, LV, etc.. these are not valid reasons.

if circumstances force you to be one, i will welcome you as a GF with open arms.
if u were just being materialistic, then how can i tell if u like me for who i am or for the money that i have?
Old 21-07-2012, 02:10 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Is not easy situation. You got to really accept her past especially when you bonking her. You got to face your friends and family too. Lastly your love for her must be damn strong.
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Old 21-07-2012, 02:49 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by dk1903 View Post
for me, it's more complicated.

what were the reasons for becoming a FL? sick parents, young brother, single parent, all these are valid reasons.
These are the bullshit, fairy tales they tell their clients.

need to buy prada, LV, etc.. these are not valid reasons.
This is always the real reason.
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Old 21-07-2012, 04:14 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Never, a FL is forever tainted, imagine every guy whom walk by smile at will think he is ex client
Old 21-07-2012, 05:16 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by Geiko View Post
What if the gal you are seeing or dating for weeks confesses to you that she was a ex FL. She wanted to tell the truth before accepting you as her guy. Will you as the guy accept her or U turn and dump her or take her for a FB only?

To answer why I ask this, I was a ex FL.
Is it? Ex FL here??
It is best to keep quiet if he didn't ask. Everybody has secrets..
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Old 21-07-2012, 05:37 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

why not, as long as she dont do it anymore....

who dont have past...

in a way, will there be FL if we man dont create a market for it???
not interested in exchange points.
Old 21-07-2012, 06:52 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Love is unconditional. If I have a gf and found out that she worked as an FL before, I'd hug and tell her that I'll accept her for who she is and kiss her tenderly.
Old 21-07-2012, 08:15 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Unconditional love is reserved for people who live outside of time. Two kind of people can give unconditional love:

1. God
2. An immortal being, vampires, werewolves etc.

This is because the girl will eventually die and they won't.

God won't feel lonely
Immortal can wait 80 years for a girl

I can't.

Therefore my love is conditional. My love is rational and logical.

If she said she was an ex-FL from the start, you know what you will be facing and and that is fair. A lady that has the courage to tell the person she loves, her past deserves a shot (no pun intended). She also deserves to be respected even if she is still looking for love in the wrong places.

A lady that does not tell me and waits for me to find out, I have no hesitation of asking her to fuck off, especially if she acts goody, self righteous and all.
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Old 21-07-2012, 10:38 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by dk1903 View Post
for me, it's more complicated.

what were the reasons for becoming a FL? sick parents, young brother, single parent, all these are valid reasons.
need to buy prada, LV, etc.. these are not valid reasons.

if circumstances force you to be one, i will welcome you as a GF with open arms.
if u were just being materialistic, then how can i tell if u like me for who i am or for the money that i have?
Hi dk1903 bro,

Please accept my humble +3 rep, we share similar views.

In my opinion, if it is due to trying situations in life and she succumb herself, though initially it may be difficult to accept but still it's at least substantial grounds.

However if it is for material gains, then it would just feel wrong.
Old 22-07-2012, 09:15 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Looking at the poll results , many will dump her for telling the truth.
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Old 22-07-2012, 09:17 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by solountipo View Post
Looking at the poll results , many will dump her for telling the truth.
Wouldn't you ask for your money back if you thought you'd bought a new car and it turned out to be an ex rental?
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Old 22-07-2012, 10:32 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

A variation to the poll question to pick the mind of fellow forummers. If you would not date a former FL, would you date a girl who had a promiscuous history? I believe the pool for the latter would be larger. What would be the mitigating reasons for the leniency?

And to answer the poll, no, I wouldn't date a former FL as my gf. Am afraid of feeling insignficant if she out-perfoms me in bed.
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