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Old 25-10-2012, 09:19 AM
Yiupo Yiupo is offline
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Advice pls...

Hi all bros here.

Would like to seek some opinions or advices on this matter...

What would you do if you find out your wife had an affair outside? You confronted her and she told you what happened until today. They had raw sex a few times. and in between, you also fuck her raw. which means she somehow gets fuck by you and the guy raw alternately... and the standard bbbj, deepthroat, licking of balls and anal hole (ar), fingering, bathing together... and she dress sexily to kill. in mini skirt, gstrings etc.. she even got fingered in taxis by him.. She realise her mistakes and seek for your forgiveness.. Would you...?

Asking for opinion on how would bros here react if it were happen to you...
Old 25-10-2012, 01:31 PM
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Re: Advice pls...

Originally Posted by Yiupo View Post
Hi all bros here.

Would like to seek some opinions or advices on this matter...
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Old 25-10-2012, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Yiupo View Post
Hi all bros here.

Would like to seek some opinions or advices on this matter...

What would you do if you find out your wife had an affair outside? You confronted her and she told you what happened until today. They had raw sex a few times. and in between, you also fuck her raw. which means she somehow gets fuck by you and the guy raw alternately... and the standard bbbj, deepthroat, licking of balls and anal hole (ar), fingering, bathing together... and she dress sexily to kill. in mini skirt, gstrings etc.. she even got fingered in taxis by him.. She realise her mistakes and seek for your forgiveness.. Would you...?

Asking for opinion on how would bros here react if it were happen to you...
If u think u can forgot and forgive without doubting her anymore in future then ok lor

But u can forgive and unable to forget.. Start controlling her going out who she go out with.. Trust is gone no point remain in the marriage lor.

Is all in you whether u want things to work. But again if your wife beg ur forgiveness and trust still continue eat outside then this marriage also fail. Thus learn to close one eye if u want continue the marriage.
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Old 25-10-2012, 01:38 PM
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Anw just my two cents thoughts
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Old 25-10-2012, 01:40 PM
jameschong1 jameschong1 is offline
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Re: Advice pls...

Originally Posted by Yiupo View Post
What would you do if you find out your wife had an affair outside?
Asking for opinion on how would bros here react if it were happen to you...
idiot like u should go beach road buy a gree hat to wear!
change your name to cuckold yiupo green hat
Old 25-10-2012, 01:57 PM
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Re: Advice pls...

hi bro, u setup account here since sept 2011 so perhaps u are also not as faithful as compared to her.

the only diff is most prob she strayed emotionally whereby u strayed physically. to females is same thing, to guys is not.

trust is gone but perhaps there are many other factors pulling u back, aka kids, house, family and relative views etc.

i think everyone deserve a second chance at some point of time, for everyone will definitely make mistakes. perhaps u will lose some faith, always want to know where she is etc. it might be inevitable and she have to live with it. sort of a trial period and after that, if u decide to leave, at least u know it's not a moment of folly.

PS: consider having medical check-up for each other also
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Old 25-10-2012, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by littlepok View Post
hi bro, u setup account here since sept 2011 so perhaps u are also not as faithful as compared to her.

the only diff is most prob she strayed emotionally whereby u strayed physically. to females is same thing, to guys is not.

trust is gone but perhaps there are many other factors pulling u back, aka kids, house, family and relative views etc.

i think everyone deserve a second chance at some point of time, for everyone will definitely make mistakes. perhaps u will lose some faith, always want to know where she is etc. it might be inevitable and she have to live with it. sort of a trial period and after that, if u decide to leave, at least u know it's not a moment of folly.

PS: consider having medical check-up for each other also
Agreed with Pok ha..
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Old 25-10-2012, 02:07 PM
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Re: Advice pls...

First time, I will forgive. That is what love is suppose to be about. Second time, its going to be really hard.

The fact that she voluntarily admit and ask for forgiveness and to stay in the marriage means something.

As for trust... well, if she betrayed my trust, then she has to be the one to make the effort to win it back. Its going to take a long time though, because frankly, if ever I have a hard time contacting her, I'm probably going to go from worry to suspicion to anger... depending on long it takes before I finally get hold of her again.

Also, have to examine the relationship... what is causing her to cheat?

Lastly, don't hang on to the relationship out of pride or ego. Do it only because you love her.
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Old 25-10-2012, 02:42 PM
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My 2 cents.

Men, when curi ayam, only think about the sex most of the time. Whereas, for women, most of the time, feeling is concerned. Especially in your case where she curi ayam repetitively with the same guy and even bonked raw. So, most likely feeling is involved here.

My advice will be ... Have a talk with her. What went wrong such that she has to seek comfort outside. Is it a case of their mutual attraction or is it a case of you being indifferent to her feeling which causes her to stray.

Simply divorce or forgive/forget won't help if the root of the problem is there. My 2 cents.
Old 25-10-2012, 03:16 PM
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Re: Advice pls...

Women will stray emotionally first and then physically.

The main issue you have to deal with, is whether you can trust her again and also, what went wrong for her to stray?
Old 25-10-2012, 03:18 PM
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Re: Advice pls...

I would Not forgive her in my case! Gals need a reason to cheat for guys maybe it just lust fuck and forget but for gals dun think so
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Old 25-10-2012, 03:56 PM
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Re: Advice pls...

If you also unfaithful and still love your wife then just forgive lor..
If you faithful she not, get a Divorce.
Old 25-10-2012, 04:03 PM
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Re: Advice pls...

Originally Posted by Yiupo View Post
Hi all bros here.

Would like to seek some opinions or advices on this matter...

What would you do if you find out your wife had an affair outside? You confronted her and she told you what happened until today. They had raw sex a few times. and in between, you also fuck her raw. which means she somehow gets fuck by you and the guy raw alternately... and the standard bbbj, deepthroat, licking of balls and anal hole (ar), fingering, bathing together... and she dress sexily to kill. in mini skirt, gstrings etc.. she even got fingered in taxis by him.. She realise her mistakes and seek for your forgiveness.. Would you...?

Asking for opinion on how would bros here react if it were happen to you...

For me, I guess I will forgive her. I will reflect on myself why I let her cheat instead. However, there will be scar no matter what and are we willing to let go in the end, its depends on ourselves. Forgive and forget is what we always say. But in reality, we can forgive the person but can we forget what they did to us? Bro, if you still love her, may I suggest you and her to see a counsellor to see how to patch things back?
Old 25-10-2012, 04:11 PM
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Re: Advice pls...

Wow. That's a cuckold to be.

After enjoying the raw fetish and wonderful "sexsperience" with other guy, she wanna come back to you, ask for forgiveness and question about feeling and the loves with you? That's ridiculous.

She wouldn't bother to think about the whether the loves existed between the two of you when she was having fun outside.

Just do the right thing and send her packing!
Old 25-10-2012, 04:16 PM
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Re: Advice pls...

i would'nt. once she's been fucked by other man,i find it hard to accept unless i do not truly love her.
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