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Old 24-02-2005, 06:25 PM
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any bro know where to go for circumcise. any difference b4 n after the process?
ThE 0nLy EasY DaY WaS YesTeRdaY...
Old 24-02-2005, 07:43 PM
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Re: circumcise

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OK lah... why don't you try the mosque. I heard they do it for free.

OH! as for the difference, before - you have foreskin covering your dick, after - no more foreskin.

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Old 24-02-2005, 07:49 PM
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Re: circumcise

hmm... think you should be able to get it done at clinic or hospital with a certified doctor. But don't think you can claim medisave

i've not done it myself but from what i heard, removing the foreskin reduces the sensation so in theory should be able to last longer
Old 24-02-2005, 07:53 PM
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Re: circumcise

Originally Posted by Marlb0r0
any bro know where to go for circumcise.
A search using Yahoo or Google 4 will provide u with the answers. U may also wish to visit to yr GP should u need further clarification.....
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Old 24-02-2005, 07:55 PM
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Re: circumcise

i heard will be f***ing painful, will have to walk like a duck for weeks. if you are working will be very ought
Old 24-02-2005, 08:11 PM
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Re: circumcise

You need off for long time. At least 3 week. if you big boy will be longer because morning wake up brother wake up than will pull the stich. very painful. then swollen like lion head goldfish. no scare you truth my friend tell me one. hope will help and scare you to operate.
Forgive my not so good english.
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Old 24-02-2005, 08:21 PM
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Re: circumcise

Originally Posted by Marlb0r0
any bro know where to go for circumcise. any difference b4 n after the process?
I heard that it is very painful....but can last longer during sex.....haha
Old 24-02-2005, 08:49 PM
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Re: circumcise

well if you really want to know how's the procedure, here's my experience which I have posted sometime before.

Frankly speaking, I've enjoyed all my sex before and after my circumcision, and the girls that I had, have no complains then. There were girls who cum. and some who didn't, so I guess that enjoyable sex is the chemistry between 2 people rather than being circumcised or not.

Of course the advantage of being circumcised is hygiene, and also not having your foreskin getting torn during sex (probably a result of continuous and long fucking and lubrication, whether artificial or natural dried up).

Don't know how they do circumcision now, by laser or whatever, but hope it is not a painful procedure like what happen to me 20 years ago.

I had mine done during my army days when I was 21 yrs old. There was actually no necessity, but a collegue of mine had it done and gave all kinds of wonderful description, how enjoyable sex is, etc. Buay ta han, I insisted to go. It was also at Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

"Check In" to the hospital in the morning all ready. Friends, family members, collegues, etc came to visit me like I'm a damn sick man, bringing fruits, flowers, etc.

In the afternoon, a young female nurse (I think she's on OJT) came with an older nurse with some kind of fierce look. Young nurse than put soap water with disinfectant (can smell) on my cock hair up to my navel, and on my thighs. Then press my dick to one side and start shaving under watchful eye of old eagle. Cannot steam even done by young nurse.

Early evening was called out from my ward (A Class) to see a nurse for inspection. She was a malay nurse, in her 30s and looks also can pass. I had to lie down and she put on a plastic glove and "feel" around my tummy, dick and thighs to make sure earlier nurse did good job in shaving. This time brudder starts to rise. Apologise to her but she smile and just ask me turn to my side. Then she put something soapy like bullet inside my asshole and ask me go back to my ward.

KNN, as I walk to my ward, my shit want to come out. So squeeze my asshole and walk faster. Feel cannot hold my shit so want to run, but cannot. If run sure shit burst out. So half run, half walk in small fast steps like virgin until reach toilet in ward and whew! all come out lah. Nothing left.

KNN, also no dinner for me cos they want to make sure no shit during ops. Only a cup of Milo.

Next morning suppose to be my ops but have emergency case so have to wait. Fucking hungry by then. By afternoon, my turn to ops. KNN, no breakfast, no lunch, my stomach already shaking. But no choice.

Have to go to a room near the OT, and lie down on the Operating table. One nurse come and give me a jab on my thigh. Quite painful leh. Then my mind start to think, "Shit, I made a mistake coming for the ops."

Then one guy come and push me into the OT and there's a doctor there. Cannot see his face cos got mask. He ask me to turn to my side facing the wall. From some reflection from the white wall tiles, I see him preparing an injection. Then the fucker jab me right below my spine and I seriously scream in pain. This injection is fucking painful man. I then thought he took out the injection and wanted to turn back but he said not yet. So I really thought the injection needle was still inside me so when he gave me a second jab, I thought he push the first needle in further and I scream again. I thought finished already and want to turn but again not yet. Still got one more jab. KNN, all the time I still thought only one needle and he push further in. I thought the fucking needle so long than going to come out infront of me. Finally injection over, and I lay down dazed thinking to myself, "KNN, I'm in Big Trouble."

About 15 mins later, I tried touch my dick, no feeling leh. Squeeze it hard, also no feeling. Doctor came with some other nurses, etc. Put a cloth blocking my view of what's going to happen. Then "Snip! Snip! Snip". Cannot see, but can feel like when you hold a paper in one hand, and use scissors to cut, you can feel the "snip". Then someone sew it up. Cannot see who cos cloth blocking.

Finally finished and some guys push my bed over to my ward. Was already half dazed but damn hungry. By now dinner already served in room. KNN once they put me on my bed, my hand straight away grab whatever I can from the plate and stuff it into my mouth and quickly swallow. A couple of mins, vomit out, as anaestatic effect still there.

Takes 2 weeks to recover, daily wash my dick in a large tin can (the type they use to do teh tarik), using the tin can to cover my dick when I bath, and cannot wear pants, only sarong with one hand holding the sarong cloth infornt of my dick so as not to hurt it.

KNN, really suffering. So seriously, I cannot understand when other people say no problem, no pain, etc, etc. If I have to do it all over again, I don't think I want leh.

Can NEVER forget this experience, so if you really want to go for the ops, make sure it's a damn good reason.


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Old 24-02-2005, 10:26 PM
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Re: circumcise

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
well if you really want to know how's the procedure, here's my experience which I have posted sometime before............................................ ...... Can NEVER forget this experience, so if you really want to go for the ops, make sure it's a damn good reason.


Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!

Hello Bros!

hmmm... I had similar experience before of the circumision. But i am abit younger. Around at the age of 17 years old i had my first major operation on my little brother since i am borned. Never in my life had i tot of going under the operation letting the doctors to see my little brother. But i just had to do it after when my mum brought me to a chinese doctor who told my mum this, "Your son's foreskin very difficult to pull down and it may affect his fertility."

at that point of time i am still ignorant to sex and never had i masturbate before so i dunno what happen to my brother. So my mum heard the chinese doctor and heed his advise to send me to hospital at TTSH to do circumcision. And i tell u bro, 1 day is enough... More pai seh thing is that i have to wear shorts there, wear sarong come home!

Before going into OPs room i was asked to change into operation attire. then walk into the OPs room. Before that night cannot drink water. Walk inside lie down flat on the bed in the OPs room, 2 doctors come in. 1 is the surgeon, another is the anthestician. I dunno if there are more coming in like nurses or what because the 2 doctors come in and chat with me then shoot the anthestatic on me... less than 3 mins i am KNOCK OUT!

Until they are done, i woke up and found i am out of the OPs room lying there cannot move, damn tired, thirsty... i managed to ask for water but the nurse there give me a wet cotton wool and medicine ask me ownself take care of myself. i was like "HUH?!"

Then when i rest abit more they push me back to the ward and i was like asked to changed. Looking at my brother that time i was like damn... so many stitches!! then i was wrap with sarong... and ask to go home... walk out slowly and holding the sarong to prevent it from touching my brother... anyway YOU WILL FEEL DAMN FREAKING PAIN when anything touches it!!!

I went home... and i do anything i will use a plastic basket, the one that got alot of hold for drainage of water one and cover my brother... prevent the cloth to touch my brother... i sleep also use that to cover. Dun dare to turn. But after 2 or 3 weeks, it will be fine... back to normal and for 1 month i dun dare to wear anything. I sleep without anything for the past 1.5 months.


Old 24-02-2005, 10:43 PM
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Re: circumcise

hmmm it seems like its a nightmare for most of the brother here leh. have to think twice liao.
ThE 0nLy EasY DaY WaS YesTeRdaY...
Old 24-02-2005, 10:49 PM
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Re: circumcise

Actually I was considering that option as my GP had advise to go for it as I have a "Thick" foreskin. After hearing TV and the other Bro's account. I think I also better reconsider it carefully!!
Old 24-02-2005, 10:50 PM
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Re: circumcise

Originally Posted by Marlb0r0
hmmm it seems like its a nightmare for most of the brother here leh. have to think twice liao.
Actually bro... it seems to be a nightmare... but after the nightmare, you will get rewards... never have to wait for ur brother to erect then you will see the head... the head is always there... and ur sperm is just at the loading bay waiting to shoot out anytime when it is being heated to the right time...
Old 25-02-2005, 09:09 AM
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Re: circumcise

Originally Posted by Marlb0r0
hmmm it seems like its a nightmare for most of the brother here leh. have to think twice liao.
Brother. No pain no gain. You will happy later. sure one. Gal will say good good. clean clean. Easy also to maintain.
Forgive my not so good english.
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Old 25-02-2005, 02:37 PM
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Re: circumcise

Originally Posted by yoho
Brother. No pain no gain. You will happy later. sure one. Gal will say good good. clean clean. Easy also to maintain.
Most guys are not circumcise and they don't seem to "lack" the benefits of those who circumcise.

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Old 25-02-2005, 06:59 PM
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Re: circumcise

Originally Posted by Marlb0r0
hmmm it seems like its a nightmare for most of the brother here leh. have to think twice liao.
It is far from being a nightmare. I gave a 'blow by blow' account of my experience with circumcision in the health section of this forum a few months ago...

If you go the the thread, it should address most of your concerns as I tried to cover everything in it, including all the questions I would have liked to have answered before I had my op.

It is not a pleasant experience and for the first couple of days after the op, you will regret having it done because it is so uncomfortable. (Not painful but uncomfortable...) But by the third day onwards it won't be so bad and your glans (dickhead) will get less sensitive day-by-day.

When I finally managed to get "back in the saddle" with my gf, (after about 4 weeks) both she and I felt that my dick actually felt bigger.

If you need the op 'cos your foreskin is too tight to retract properly, then go for it. You'll be fine. If millions of malay boys go can through with it, so can you. If, on the other hand, you have no such problems with your foreskin, then it would be best to avoid the operation. (I don't believe in having unnecessary surgery.)
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