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Old 26-02-2005, 12:39 AM
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Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

I know this is applicable to those who are married but I think the info will do good to those who are not married but will be going to marry one day.

Some women loses interest in sex after giving birth to a child. Some women feels more tired looking after a child in the day. Some children still sleeps in the same room or even same bed as the parents, and many more situations, etc, etc.

So if you have a kid, whether new born or school going age, does it affect your sex life with your spouse?

If it does, how? And what do you do about it?
If it doesn't, why? How did you manage to maintain or improve your sex life?


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Old 26-02-2005, 12:46 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Well, I am married with 2 kids between the age of 6-8. Both of them sleep in the same room as me & wifey citing "afraid of the dark" reason!

What I will do is that sometimes I sneaked back from the office in the afternoon to have a "quickie" as both my kids then are in school!

If not, wait till they are sound asleep before doing "it" in the bathroom!
Old 26-02-2005, 01:29 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by thaivisitor

So if you have a kid, whether new born or school going age, does it affect your sex life with your spouse?
Definately man! My gf is expecting our first child and she's about 5 months pregant and we had not had sex for the last 3 months due to the fact that she heard from someone mentioning that it might affect the head of the baby. So I "lan lan" never got to bonk her for the last 3 months, luckily she knows that I'm a high sex drive person so she allows me to go for commercial sex and I proceed to acquired a "KIG"(affair) but subsequently broke off the relationship cos I felt damm bloody guilty for that and now I have to content to "PCC".

I really agreed that once your lady is pregant, she will gradually lose interest in sex and all she is concern is about the child and hence neglecting the "sex part". So a lot of men will take it as an excuse to flirt outside but I must say that we men have ourselves to blame for the "CHAO CHU"(ti ko).
Old 26-02-2005, 03:19 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

I suppose one of the biggest trade-off will be a less tight vagina. How much of the original tightness will be retained after childbirth? I know exercise helps but still things will never be the same again?
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Old 26-02-2005, 10:33 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by free
I suppose one of the biggest trade-off will be a less tight vagina. How much of the original tightness will be retained after childbirth? I know exercise helps but still things will never be the same again?
There is actually a solution for that, a product to "tighten" the vagina but let's not talk about that as I don't want to be zapped for advertising.

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Old 26-02-2005, 10:42 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

I took a cab 6 months ago, the cabby told me that he frequent a massage palour in Balestier because his wife never willingly have sex with him after the birth of their only son. Even on bed after he cum, his wife immediately get on with her chores. He chose to drive night shift to be able to go for massage during breaks. He enjoyed to be power vacuum by the girl.
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Old 26-02-2005, 10:52 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by free
I suppose one of the biggest trade-off will be a less tight vagina. How much of the original tightness will be retained after childbirth? I know exercise helps but still things will never be the same again?

When my wife gave birth, the doctor asked me whether I want to "sew" it up!

I was not sure what he meant by that, he told me that it is a procedure to "tighten" up the vagina!
Old 26-02-2005, 10:56 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

From my own experience after 20+ yrs of marriage, I believe Communication in the key here as its the essence to bonding a solid relationship; be it b4 or after marriage.

When two ppl share a common wavelength and talk to one another, many things can it sex or any other problems that one may have in their daily life. Cheers!
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Old 26-02-2005, 11:02 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by sunny302
From my own experience after 20+ yrs of marriage, I believe Communication in the key here as its the essence to bonding a solid relationship; be it b4 or after marriage.

When two ppl share a common wavelength and talk to one another, many things can it sex or any other problems that one may have in their daily life. Cheers!
truely agreed wif u bro sunny302. it's the communication tat counts... afterall we have to thank our spouses for baring us the children as it is never ez to give birth. Afterall it might not be so tight there but there are many ways to compensate for good sex if both parties are willing to explore further... juz my 2 cents of opinion...
Old 26-02-2005, 11:04 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by sunny302
From my own experience after 20+ yrs of marriage, I believe Communication in the key here as its the essence to bonding a solid relationship; be it b4 or after marriage.

When two ppl share a common wavelength and talk to one another, many things can it sex or any other problems that one may have in their daily life. Cheers!
I share the same views..
Old 26-02-2005, 11:37 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Thaivisitor bro,
I'm married with one kid....after birth of our kid, we hired a maid to look after her and she sleep in the same room as the maid, so there's no problem with sex after marriage,infact we are of high sex the maid went off after two years, my kid sleep in the same room with us.
Inorder to keep our sex live active, we do it after our kid slept and we make a point that our kid sleep around 9pm. that will give us amber time to prepare for activities at night...
Yes, I knew of some married woman who shun sex after birth, that's post natal can be cure by ...the husband must take the initiative to talk it over with wifey or do some romantic activities after the kids had slept.
It's always a tired life after marriage...cos you dun get to sleep early and you can't do it early...

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Old 26-02-2005, 11:42 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Bangkok Master,
Well, if you read enuf, you can have sex with wifey when she is up to 6 mth pregnant, I do that too when wifey is pregnant from begining to 8 mth pregnant and wifey enjoy it, you had to be carefull not to thrust too hard, the onli safe position is doggy style.

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Old 26-02-2005, 11:44 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Cheri popper bro,
When my wifey give birth, I was there to witness the birth of my baby girl...and the doctoer did sew it up, yes it does tighten the vagina.

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Old 26-02-2005, 11:54 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

B4 married, 4 x sex per wk. After married 4 x sex per mth. I think working + family chores somehow affecting married life man.
Old 26-02-2005, 11:57 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

tired is one thing, survey show that those who have sex regularly lives longer,
after marriage we still do it 4 x per week even though i'm tired, but it boost up the system.

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