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Old 26-02-2005, 08:58 PM
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Talking There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

26.02.2005; 7.21p.m (GMT +7:00); Mooban Piyaporn, Maesai, Chiangrai, Kingdom of Thailand

Kinda cool, just got my new Samsung 710T (17" LCD) monitor from Chiangrai Big-C Shopping Centre this afternoon and decided to admire its resolution for an ample period of time tonight.

Ahh~~~~soothing...its my favourite song which I played on our long distance taxi ride 'home' from Chiangrai airport to Maesai on a faithful day in 2003...Thanks Mr Taxi driver for allowing me to play my music tape, breezing past Doi Trung and baby corn farms and watching teeruk teared as i said to her *Teeruk tern ban laew...*(we're home).....

Er-hermm....daew na (gimme a minute...) let me light up the mosquito coil and check out whether is Nong Ploy awaken, gotta feed her milk....hehehe still sleeping..."narak jang, kiterng mae mai (cute girl, miss mummy?)

Hehehehe, my wife is off to her parents' home in Tachilek, so my duty for as a house-husband for these couple of days. Will see this 'still-demure' lady when day breaks.

As I sip this cuppa chinese tea and light up my malboro Menthol lights, memories kept pouring in about my life....least did everyone i knew expected me to settle down in this foreign land and moreover a land where someone would think thrice in taking up residency. Yes and alas, thanks to Technology too, it has introduce me to Sammyboy (cyberly). May it be thunderstorm hovering in this forum every now and then or gitteries, but most of the time, coffee talk among fellow samsters, Media has indeed brought us closer. I could say this world is indeed small...a Minor earth under one major sky....

From my past well-protected and pampered childhood thru my adolescence, from obeying the doctrines of "Auspicium Melioris Aevi" thru my professional ethos as an urban planner, I didn't expect myself to be settled here physically and spiritually, but one thing for principals are still adhered too (teaching of Buddha wouldn't stir you into the wrong path).

She has indeed changed my life, i wouldn't say to a better or to a worse, just a stage of life which everyone has gotta walk through but with a slight twist of being in a foreign land...

Flames and fumes seem to be inevitable in this forum, but we do still have nice moments shared among us....dear fellow each his individual, in this world, there is only you could control your own life, destiny lies in your hands....


Dedicated to Hom (I Love You)

Title : Happily ever after (but still, we gotta eat 3 meals a day )

15th December 2004, 16:30hrs, Wang Thong Hotel, Mae Sai, Chiangrai.

Had a 'deep breadth' at last, after a slight hussle of checking out dad and mum. As I watched and smiled at Nong (Little) Ploy playing around the Teak Wood Sofa at the squeaky clean yet graciously quiet Wang Tong hotel lobby, I repeated my all time favourite MP3 song by this Thai singer call Bowie on my O2 PDA and snugged my Bang & Olufsen earphones into my ears comfortably. At that moment....nothing seems to zip past my mind, just solely and innocently watching my little daughter 'frolicking' on the pure white polished marble tiles.

"Teeruk, pai laew (Darling, Time to go)", Hom raised her voice impatiently and tapped on my shoulder, and hurriedly, i tucked in my PDA and earphones into the little pink baby insulation bag. dad carried my naughty 'monkey', as she seemed to enjoying pulling dad's white moustage. Mum aided a 6 months pregnant Hom to our car.

Well I could say I am one of those few lucky ones who really am expriencing a fairy tale, but yet the future remain unknown. But as a man, I believe that responsibility and perseverance would bear no disappointment, but a reward. I have known Hom, a Shan (Tai Yai, Northern Thai) for a well 3 years 04 months. Her presence came to my life only after 1 year her stinct in GL, and the remaining 8 months was a year of test and love.

I was quite young at that time, near 30, but still green for a bloke to burn at least $200 per night, 5 times a week, just to be with her, sometimes not even doing anything, but watching her all time favourite thai horror and comedy DVDs or VCDs in her bedroom, which the recorder and TV set was a gift to her from me on her B'day on that faithful year.

I could say she was one of the least popular one in her place (if not the whole stretch of Lorong which she was working in), always in argument with customers but also the prettiest (well at least her beauty reign 3 lorongs). Strange to say about this contradiction which I doubt at the beginning. My first visit to Hom was rather an unexplained phenomenon. I was in that house waiting for my friend to finish off his 'business' and didn't really notice any activities behind the glass 'tank'. Well I couldn't give a damn for replying any eye contact gesture which the girls tried to 'psycho' me. For a guy who has been in this entertainment walk for the past 12 years at that time, nothing seems to amuse me from behind the glass except during 'action'.

I remembered vividly, there were 6 girls behind the tank, five of them trying very hard to entice onlookers and potential customers, all except for one...yes one....glueing her eyes onto the TV, without even giving a glance to her would-be-fortunes, with her long and black hair flowing graciously with the air from the Daikin air-con, i could see, she wasn't watching....her eyes was watery....

Well I didn't booked her at that instance or even at that day, just an unconscious sympathy touched my heart a little....There came my friend, happily walking out after his 'business' striding through the corridor, feeling contented.

"Oei....Never book huh? Walao eh, limpei paiseh leh...." Without waiting for me to answer, he immediately called out to the pimp "Eh Ah Tao eh, Book number XX" hor wa eh peng yu" (I would like to book girl number XX for my friend) and stuffed a hundred dollar note into his palm.

I was gagged at that moment, and said :"dont want la....I buay gian today leh..", he just pushed me towards the corridor leading to her room...I didnt know what to say but just walked in....those 6 metres of journey to her room seems to be a long one...she didn't even hug me but walking at about 30cm behind me and staring at me like not willing to work.

Once in her room, the standard SOP (till after the first shower) was performed, i wore back my boxers and just lie and didnt want to do anything (just didnt have the mood to do), she just stared at me, kneeling beside me...her pouted lips and innocent starry eyes could easily melt one's heart....then she hopped onto me..."Pen arai?" (Whats wrong?)...I just smiled at her and answered in thai...she was shocked...."Phud PAsa Thai lere?".."Phud dai" i replied. I asked her where she from, she told me chiangmai, i just shrugged my shoulder and gave her an unbelieving smile, she asked me why am i smiling so pretentiously, I said to her i didn't know Chiang Mainites speaks like that?"...She annoyingly and kind of guilty consciously covering up her lie saying Chiang Mainites do speak like that....

This is where the best part came in, I smile and said :" Woo(1) Ee(1) Sang(High 1)? Pom(2) Mm(1) Woo(1) Ee(1) Sang(High 1)" ("What are you talking about, I am not saying anything" in Shan language). At that very instance, she was dumbfolded! if something had stuck in her windpipe. "Why You KnoW!!!!!!!" You SPy!!!"....."Ya Ya I Spy, I Parmah (Burmese) Government Spy, come and catch you go home and beat beat your backside.....Shan Rebels hiding in SIngapore"...Laughters broke out after that.....from that very faithful day......I faithfully booked her till the day she early ORD release and even brought her to visit my parents (as i believed, all jobs are the same if and only if you do have an understanding heart) and too visited her family and 50 plus relatives in Keng Tung, Mae Sai and Tachilek.....Paid off her Home (About S$60,550 in total and even got her a second Honda City for a discounted price of S$6,600).

When the Love went deeper while her stay in SIngapore, She tried hard and unwillingly to break up with me saying she is dirty, she doesn't suit a man working in a profession line and even lied to me saying she has a boyfriend....But with all her lies, i will always smile at her and say :"some more things to say? Want to record down better, i listen everyday, let you happy..."...She is always very puzzled why am i so patient and not being angry with her short temperness and unreasonable behaviour and to the extent of crying...but again..i will still smile and say to her (upteem times)...No matter what, nothing to say, Just my heart says...and then i will place her palm on my chest and say :" Hao(1) Hark(1) Su(2)..." (I Love You In Shan (Thai Yai))...she will giggle and smile (more tears streaming down, but this time tears of happiness) and sniffling her nose, wiping away her mucus and tears....

It was a Sunday when we headed back to her hometown in Tachilek, this is the song which I am going to share with fellow brothers out there in Sammyboy's forum...accompanied with a nice flute in the background to suit into tranquil Sipsongbanna. And once again, thanks to Brother SammyBoy, nice 9 wonderful cyber years of knowing you....


You Chincery,
Auspicium Melioris Aevi

Last edited by walao; 26-02-2005 at 09:05 PM.
Old 26-02-2005, 09:26 PM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Read this somewhere before
Now even got mp3 seh.

Will up you once I have pwr back.
Old 26-02-2005, 09:38 PM
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Wink Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Originally Posted by TooFast
Read this somewhere before
Now even got mp3 seh.

Will up you once I have pwr back.
Yeah...repeat telecast...kum sia....

Auspicium Melioris Aevi
Old 26-02-2005, 09:49 PM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

actually i stupid to understand.. wats the article about?
Old 26-02-2005, 09:55 PM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl
actually i stupid to understand.. wats the article about?

Actually nothing to do, beating mosquitoes and started this new thread....


Auspicium Melioris Aevi
Old 26-02-2005, 10:35 PM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

So is this true story anot huh?

Your previous reply wasn't sextifying enough
Old 26-02-2005, 11:22 PM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

well....i guess a bunch of ppl would be like "there's light after all" after reading this....i used to be one of em, looking for positive stories on sammyboy to tell myself what i did will have an ending like "they live happily ever after". too bad, it never came true. never hope for this kinda fairytale ending anymore....anyway, to whoever have such thoughts, whatever u do, dun regret, life goes on anyway
Back in action....Learning to be a Professional Heartless Phucker
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Old 26-02-2005, 11:24 PM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Originally Posted by Phucker
well....i guess a bunch of ppl would be like "there's light after all" after reading this....i used to be one of em, looking for positive stories on sammyboy to tell myself what i did will have an ending like "they live happily ever after". too bad, it never came true. never hope for this kinda fairytale ending anymore....anyway, to whoever have such thoughts, whatever u do, dun regret, life goes on anyway
Phucker, have you read the filial daughter thread? TV has post a good story about WL. You should go read it. Very enriching.
Old 27-02-2005, 01:53 AM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Originally Posted by TooFast
So is this true story anot huh?

Your previous reply wasn't sextifying enough
True....coming to theatres near you soon...

starring : Tony Leung and Joy Wong Jo-Yin

Auspicium Melioris Aevi

Last edited by walao; 27-02-2005 at 02:00 AM.
Old 27-02-2005, 02:09 AM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Originally Posted by walao
True....coming to theatres near you soon...
starring : Tony Leung and Joy Wong Jo-Yin
Wa lan, play me again
Old 27-02-2005, 02:14 AM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Originally Posted by TooFast
Wa lan, play me again

Lont pray pray.....True.....

Auspicium Melioris Aevi
Old 27-02-2005, 02:27 AM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Originally Posted by walao
She has indeed changed my life, i wouldn't say to a better or to a worse, just a stage of life which everyone has gotta walk through but with a slight twist of being in a foreign land...

You Chincery,
Thanks Bro, it is very encouraging... for someone like me who has been on this path for 2 years. Still a long way to go, but I'm think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and know by now that it is not an oncoming train.

Auspicium Melioris Aevi, indeed
Heaven on Earth - to be connected in heart, mind & body
Old 27-02-2005, 03:42 AM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Originally Posted by free
Thanks Bro, it is very encouraging... for someone like me who has been on this path for 2 years. Still a long way to go, but I'm think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and know by now that it is not an oncoming train.

Auspicium Melioris Aevi, indeed

Hehehehehe Rafflesian?

Auspicium Melioris Aevi
Old 27-02-2005, 03:44 AM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Originally Posted by Phucker
well....i guess a bunch of ppl would be like "there's light after all" after reading this....i used to be one of em, looking for positive stories on sammyboy to tell myself what i did will have an ending like "they live happily ever after". too bad, it never came true. never hope for this kinda fairytale ending anymore....anyway, to whoever have such thoughts, whatever u do, dun regret, life goes on anyway

No matter what....appreciate every moment in life.....give and will be a happy man....

p.s. many version of "happily ever after....." with your family, friends and love ones...all are the same ...take care bro, wish u all the best

you chincery,
Auspicium Melioris Aevi
Old 27-02-2005, 08:07 AM
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Re: There's still light ~_^ ( special thanks to Sammyboy)

Bro walao, a very interesting encounter you have in foreign soil.
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