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Old 03-03-2013, 08:11 PM
Dashie Dashie is offline
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Angry Real or fake?

Get to know this KTV girl from vietnam. she only know how to speak vietnam so our only way of communication is though translation using either her phone or mine phone and she manage to get hold of my number by give a missed on her phone.During the night at the KTV, I've noticed she never butterfly at all and only leave for toilet. i enjoy my stay there and bought her for supper after our KTV session ends....Sent her from home after supper as she stay nearby.When i reach home she text me "Chuc ong xa ngu ngon bay" then she asked if I'm going down to look for her...gave in and visit her again the following day. The KTV session is as usual and her butterfly rate was low too. until one of the staff stated to question for her staying in my room for too long and was bought to another room. as usual waited for her to finish work and go for supper then sent her back.

we went out few time during her off day. Did not spend too much when we go out. only cheap stuff that most bro will surely pay even if u going out with girls. Bought her to hotel twice and the stay for more than 6 hours. She never asked for money so i never gave her.

Finally, one fine day she said she no money. I told her if she treated my as customer and reply and not never asked again but on the same day i felt bad for not giving her money so told her to meet me outside KTV she is working in. She said she is tired and wanted to go home rest early. but when i arrived outside the KTV she was with some group of ppl and walk ago with of them. while looking at her i called her but her phone was off(She claim low battery).

I was unable to reach her until the follow afternoon. From that point it was sure they went hotel the night.

I ask her though sms(conversation more than 1k in 2 weeks) why she is did not wait for me, She said he was tired and went home early which is a lie. so i told her i saw her walking away with another guy. eventually she admit that when hotel that night. she apologize and said it was her first time which most probably not that case. her reply was fast and apologetic so i asked her why she didn't ask me for money and she replied there is not need to because she like me and do not treat me as customer.

My initial intention on was cut clean after she return to Vietnam in a weeks time.

Need some advice...She is either a KC pro or I'm too stupid to think that she is actually like me.

P.S Please forgive me for the poor command of English.
Old 04-03-2013, 07:15 AM
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Re: Real or fake?

i think she actually likes you. most women in this kind of profession are bursting with love actually. they just cant wait to love the next men that comes along.
Old 04-03-2013, 08:10 AM
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Re: Real or fake?

lol. Standard tricks employed by these ladies and standard thinking by Sgp man. Good Luck !!
Old 04-03-2013, 09:45 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Real or fake?

Originally Posted by hamsapkwai View Post
i think she actually likes you. most women in this kind of profession are bursting with love actually. they just cant wait to love the next men that comes along.
GOOD 1,dude
Old 04-03-2013, 09:55 AM
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Re: Real or fake?

Real or fake? Er... Really Fake?
Old 04-03-2013, 10:05 AM
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Re: Real or fake?

Like that good mah......other customers pump petrol and you drive the car. why think so much?
Old 04-03-2013, 10:15 AM
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Re: Real or fake?

Time for you to walk off before you start thinking you are the next Mr Handsome.

The trick is so common, you already got your fun so move on to the next one.
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Old 04-03-2013, 11:30 AM
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Re: Real or fake?

Originally Posted by DegenerationX View Post
Like that good mah......other customers pump petrol and you drive the car. why think so much?
I don't want to sound like I'm making fun of TS, but bro, you've got a point here. TS, I used to be like this, but over the years I've learnt to just pay and enjoy instead of putting any emotions into these girls.
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Old 04-03-2013, 11:44 AM
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Re: Real or fake?

Originally Posted by TonyStarkMK8 View Post
I don't want to sound like I'm making fun of TS, but bro, you've got a point here. TS, I used to be like this, but over the years I've learnt to just pay and enjoy instead of putting any emotions into these girls.
That's true. And TS, got the bonks free. Simply dun understand what is he fretting about.

Last edited by DegenerationX; 04-03-2013 at 12:17 PM.
Old 04-03-2013, 03:29 PM
Blast88 Blast88 is offline
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Re: Real or fake?

Her love to you might be 'fake', but your bonk to her is definitely 'real'
Old 04-03-2013, 09:28 PM
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Re: Real or fake?

Originally Posted by Blast88 View Post
Her love to you might be 'fake', but your bonk to her is definitely 'real'
(lol) u r so 'blunt'.....
Old 04-03-2013, 10:32 PM
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Re: Real or fake?

Bro bro. Why give yourself so much agony?

If u want love please find yourself a proper gal not from nightlife.

You already had some cheap sex out of her & she probably think you're cheap too so best to part ways now.

Men give love for sex & women offer sex for love.
Old 05-03-2013, 12:38 AM
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Re: Real or fake?

Not giving money her make me feel like I'm actually leeching on her but giving her money make me her customer. I asked her the reason why she didn't request for money and she said she like me and its not required.

Its not something a man should be doing. I actually think of meet for her the last time before she return to vietnam this week. give her some and let it go for good.

Thank you for all the input from all the bro here (^_^)
Old 05-03-2013, 09:29 AM
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Re: Real or fake?

Originally Posted by Dashie View Post
Not giving money her make me feel like I'm actually leeching on her but giving her money make me her customer. I asked her the reason why she didn't request for money and she said she like me and its not required.

Its not something a man should be doing. I actually think of meet for her the last time before she return to vietnam this week. give her some and let it go for good.

Thank you for all the input from all the bro here (^_^)
Hey man,

That should be the way, I heard taking this kind of 'advantages' will make you bad luck for the next 3 years
Old 05-03-2013, 09:54 AM
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Re: Real or fake?

Originally Posted by Blast88 View Post
Hey man,

That should be the way, I heard taking this kind of 'advantages' will make you bad luck for the next 3 years
After such a long roundabout, we are back to the very basic key question:

Is this "real or fake"?
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