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Old 21-04-2005, 04:02 AM
delifrance delifrance is offline
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Songkran Cheong in Thailand


the usual stuff about Bangkok during Songkran (which is just over)....hard to get quality girls in Bangkok...most of them back to their villages and countryside of course!

any experiences to share during cheong in Songkran for those who have been in LOS during Songkran?

My contribution:

one songkran in Bangkok, late night supper at Bork Goong Pow, Ratchada, saw a girl drinking beer alone, quite pleasant and nice.....some guys were buying her beer and trying to get to know her....they send one bottle from each guy to her table....hehehehe....10 bottles of Heinnekken in total on her table. sent a rose (get one of those small kids selling roses and get the kid to send to her), say goodbye to her, she asked for mobile number exchange....the next night she contacted me and was in my room......LOL.

one songkran in Chiang Rai, very short trip there - 3 days: Par Club, next to Income Hotel Chiang Rai and the late night restaurant within walking distance of Income Hotel. Lots of chicks to pick up if you are fun-loving, daring and willing to come up with ideas to approach the girls. Par Club is a bit hard, the whole place is capable of holding up to 4000 people and the place is huge.....saw a lot of chicks but cant reach them. Hunted some chiang mai chicks (they came from Chiang Mai to party in Chiang Rai) but one of a friend's import from Bangkok (30 year old wanna-be mamasan) screwed things up by scaring the chicks away ( can come work in Bangkok, I take care of you.....sigh....)

passed by Phayao, nice place but didnt take part in the water was two years ago for this chiang rai-phayao trip and SARS was at its peak, saw a lot of restaurants, didnt stay for the night, so no chance to really contact the chicks....could only watch the swollen wet-T-shirts from the dry safety of the inside of a friend's car as we made our way around Lake Phayao and then back to Bangkok during the night.

one songkran trip to Chiang Mai and villages outside Chiang Mai within the 1 hour motorcyle ride radius. Well, the usual places still hold up well - G Club disco, Goodview, Riverview restaurants and there's one late night restaurant that closes at 7am, located along the city moat. That's the night hunting.
On the day hunting, it was fabulous, SARS was over, time to play water splashing and walking around and making friends, hoping onto pickups laden with ice water, drinking beer and this time...hugging swollen wet-T-shirts and riding on the back of pickup trucks, sitting behind girls riding motorbikes and getting splashed by other girls!!!!....the motorbikes go real slow, u can tell your friend (usually a girl rider......) that u want to make friends, just jump off and get the mobile number of a girl nearby (wrap your mobile phone in water proof plastic bag carefully) and run after your bike (hopefully your girl is ok! LOL) and then try to recall the face of the latest pretty chick and connect her face to whatever number in your mobile phone, call her and meet up for party in the night and arrrange whatever after hours activities with her......LOL.

How about Loykrathong cheong? hahaha, anyone tried hooking girls up late at night at the 7-11 shops? maybe this should belong to another thread....

Old 22-04-2005, 12:39 AM
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

Originally Posted by delifrance
How about Loykrathong cheong? hahaha, anyone tried hooking girls up late at night at the 7-11 shops? maybe this should belong to another thread....
Wow! Songkran so happening ah?! Aiyah. Should have gone to CM last week. Ok. Now got to make plans for next year's Songkran.

I was in CM last year during the Loy Krathong. Very fun. But as it was my 1st time travelling free and easy (and getting into close contact with the locals), I was still in a culture shock (how come the girls are all so pretty & FRIENDLY?) and did not get much happenings. Did pick up some girls who were trainees as Tourist Police though. But nothing sexual. Think my experiences not happening enuf to warrant a new thread... Will work harder at this year's end!
Old 22-04-2005, 06:48 PM
delifrance delifrance is offline
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

Hi Jazzem

Songkran and Thailand is very fun if you dont stick to "throw-money-get-girl-in-bed" approach all the time.

If one uses "throw-money-get-girl-in-bed" approach all the time or very often, the learning about their culture and ways tend to be very expensive and taxing on oneself. The main advantage is that one's social skills become more blunt. Money is still needed to be spent but it can be in other ways and more enjoyed.

Thai people are very concerned about "face" issues and giving other people a good and happy impression to other people. This is more so compared to other cultures and peoples. I see it as Thai people like to project "happy impressions" more than other peoples.
Old 22-04-2005, 06:56 PM
delifrance delifrance is offline
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

er....just to clarify things a bit.

if trips to thailand during is short and have no time for playing, I think this kind of playing may not be suitable. hehehe.

it all depends on what you want, how you plan, how well you execute your plan, how hardworking you want to be, how daring you want to be, how far you want to work on your budget, how you enjoy your journey towards your objectives, how you work around your insecurity about being rejected on your first or subsequent attempts.

in short, what i am writing does not apply to people who are gunning to dip their dicks quick and fast in the land of LOS. that's another type of game.
Old 22-04-2005, 11:05 PM
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

I know what u mean bro! I'm a romantic at heart! Hahah! Really prefer to sweep a girl off her feet without using money.
I'm not sure what u mean by short trips. At least 2 weeks? I spent about a week & a half last Nov. And returned to CM & BKK for a week again in Feb this year. Will be going back to CM for 3D2N next month. Prefer CM to BKK as less pollution/jam/easier to get around.

Share a bit on my last trip there later.
Old 23-04-2005, 01:57 AM
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

It was my 2nd trip to CM. Took Tiger Air to BKK, then AirAsia to CM. That was just b4 Tiger started direct flight to CM. While at the domestic airport, waiting for my flight, saw a pretty Thai lady sitting alone. I sat next to her as there weren't many other empty seats around. As I was very tired, I just closed my eyes to rest. Then she started talking to me in Thai. Of course, I just smiled and told her that I donno thai. She told me that she's going back to CM. And offered her place (condo) for me to stay as "hotel very expensive". Wow! Am I dreaming? So exchanged phone number and I promised to call her when in CM.

In CM, I called her out for dinner on the 2nd day. Met her at Riverside. Didn't talk much as she din know much english. Told me her dad has 2 wives, and she's staying alone in CM. She even told me that Thai women can have 2 husbands too. Really?

She seems like a rich man's daughter. Takes taxi from place to place and she has her regular driver. Pays him 200 or 300 baht per trip. Nuts! Even more ex than airport taxi and for half the distance. Found that out as I sent her back and had to pay for her as she had no change. Went up to her condo as during dinner she offered her place to me again. Wah. Tot I strike jackpot! But while in her room, she just asked me to take shower, and she took shower too. And she came out from bathroom dressed like aunty! Then just put on her skin care stuff while I watch TV in bed. Only 1 king size bed. After she's done, she lay down on the other half of the bed and slept.

Of cos, I couldn't sleep. I was thinking: what the hell am I doing wrong? She really just invite me up and expects nothing? So I tried to touch her but faced some resistance. Being the shy guy, I just stopped. Then later in the night, found that she moved closer to me and I tried again. Wrapped my arms around her and no resistance. Reached for her breasts but she protected them with her arms. Argh! I was lying beside her with my crotch to her ass by this time, and still no honey. WTF! Sian. So gave up and went to sleep.

Next morning was even more boring. Washed up, had breakfast (from delivery) in her room. Then left. Met her again 2 times after that but didn't stay over at her place again. Didn't find her very truthful too. But gave her benefit of the doubt (maybe she donno how to express in english?) Was she after my money? Donno. Paid for a meal for her and her sis once, but it wasn't much. She left early cos her dad is asking for her and she need to report, but "will be back". Left her younger sis with me. But she never came back cos "father angry blah blah blah". And her sis has no money! So no choice got to pay for them.

Sigh. Thought was wet dream come true. In the end reality sucks. Hope some1 who understands their culture better can shed some light on this incident?
Old 23-04-2005, 02:03 AM
delifrance delifrance is offline
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

Hi Jazzem

Short Trips - max 4 days.

As for the rest of your write-up. there are facts in there about thai culture that are true but seem baffling to you. there are also deeper meanings in what seems innocent and what seems new to you, as you have mentioned - culture shock for you.

I think that there are many others who can shed light on your experiences, let's see what they write. afterall this is a forum for sharing and debating.
Old 23-04-2005, 02:25 AM
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

Originally Posted by jazzem
Of cos, I couldn't sleep. I was thinking: what the hell am I doing wrong? She really just invite me up and expects nothing? So I tried to touch her but faced some resistance. Being the shy guy, I just stopped. Then later in the night, found that she moved closer to me and I tried again. Wrapped my arms around her and no resistance. Reached for her breasts but she protected them with her arms. Argh! I was lying beside her with my crotch to her ass by this time, and still no honey. WTF! Sian. So gave up and went to sleep.

Next morning was even more boring. Washed up, had breakfast (from delivery) in her room. Then left. Met her again 2 times after that but didn't stay over at her place again. Didn't find her very truthful too. But gave her benefit of the doubt (maybe she donno how to express in english?) Was she after my money? Donno. Paid for a meal for her and her sis once, but it wasn't much. She left early cos her dad is asking for her and she need to report, but "will be back". Left her younger sis with me. But she never came back cos "father angry blah blah blah". And her sis has no money! So no choice got to pay for them.
Basically she is trying charm you into becoming her ATM machine. Her 'dad' is probably some Thai guy who is keeping her as a mistress, an overseas sponsor or a real boyfriend. The sister could be just her friend. Not real sister.

Definitely alot of mind games here but not difficult to comprehend. You should target the 'sister' instead if you're looking for some action. Haha.
Old 24-04-2005, 01:49 AM
delifrance delifrance is offline
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

Hi Jazzem

I forgot to add one personal comment of mine: a 2 week trip or any trip is considered short if you "cheong" by throwing money or you do not schedule up to a minimum of 3 different meetings with 3 different girls in one day.

the girl whom u met and spent time with you is simply doing this - assessing how far you will 'invest' in her, it seems that she did not find you a gold-mine or emotional-mine deep enough for her. I think you did a good try, if you try more times with different girls, you will get to play a lot of chicks.

good luck.
Old 25-04-2005, 01:54 AM
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

Originally Posted by delifrance
Hi Jazzem
I forgot to add one personal comment of mine: a 2 week trip or any trip is considered short if you "cheong" by throwing money or you do not schedule up to a minimum of 3 different meetings with 3 different girls in one day.
the girl whom u met and spent time with you is simply doing this - assessing how far you will 'invest' in her, it seems that she did not find you a gold-mine or emotional-mine deep enough for her. I think you did a good try, if you try more times with different girls, you will get to play a lot of chicks.
good luck.
Thanks for the tips and encouragement! Actually, after I left her condo that morning, I went for a lunch date with another girl I met on my 1st day. Heheh. Minimum 3 girls in a day! Ok! Will set that goal for my next trip. Hope this time will have enuf charm power to hook a girl.
Old 03-05-2005, 11:24 PM
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

Originally Posted by delifrance
er....just to clarify things a bit.

if trips to thailand during is short and have no time for playing, I think this kind of playing may not be suitable. hehehe.

it all depends on what you want, how you plan, how well you execute your plan, how hardworking you want to be, how daring you want to be, how far you want to work on your budget, how you enjoy your journey towards your objectives, how you work around your insecurity about being rejected on your first or subsequent attempts.

in short, what i am writing does not apply to people who are gunning to dip their dicks quick and fast in the land of LOS. that's another type of game.
Bro.. i am goin to Hatyai tis mth for onli 2~3 days. where can i find a lot of FAIR syt? ani advise ani one?
Old 04-05-2005, 09:17 AM
delifrance delifrance is offline
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Re: Songkran Cheong in Thailand

2 to 3 days?

u can try Kiss Lounge at Garden Home hotel, be prepared to pay.

another place is Chanavit area and Si Kim Yeong area where there are lot of chicken coup KTV wife-girl rental by the day. there are north-western thais and burmese girls there.

another place is the shower houses like Pink Lady, Chao Pyra 4 but they may have older but sweet fair birds. another place is Water Bar, opposite Sugar Beat Pub near Lotus SuperMarket.

u have to contact Thaivisitor, he is more in constant contact w the Hatyai scene.
Old 04-05-2005, 08:27 PM
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Talking Hatyai

Originally Posted by GLHunter
Bro.. i am goin to Hatyai tis mth for onli 2~3 days. where can i find a lot of FAIR syt? ani advise ani one?
If I recall...
a)Better ones expensive ones-
SC Heritage
MP-Chao Phraya 4 (not as rip-off as the Chao Phrayas in Bangkok)

b)Then comes other night KTVs (no booking types)...quite a few PYT. Have to sian into bed...

c)Then there are half-baked nite farms/KTV (with gals of all shapes and sizes)
Chamois, Kabuki, Sparks etc

d) Then there are the not so good quality day farms ard See Kim Yong, Channavit

e) Bars, discos
Paragon Disco- quite a few PYT

Money Talks, Bullshit Walks (Murphy's Law-USA?)
The one with the gold makes the rules (Murphy's Golden Rule-USA?)
No Money, No Talk (The Hui Brothers-HK)
No Money, No Honey (David Brazil- Singapore?)

"Going for the 10,000 (bonkable quality also, not just quantity) record"
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