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Old 16-04-2013, 09:41 PM
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Living Under Bad Daddy

Hi to all fellow bros.. I'm back this time with my first fiction as i got bored of writing my past but i'll go back and continue my writing when i got the "mood".. Seniors around please give advice on my new work..

Watching how a kid grew up into an adult that often going against his own father after indirectly caused the death of the kid's mother were often part of the storyline of dramas.. Often this stories are resulted in the grown up kids ill treating or even attempted to kill their BAD DADDY.. Dylan hate his dad a lot but killing him was never on his mind as he want his BAD DADDY to suffer ALIVE..

Episode 1

It was a rainy night i was alone at the hospital waiting for my dad to arrive after my mom was brought in due to the lack of loyalty from her deeply love husband and then led to her attempting to end her life.. My mom was confirmed dead by the paramedics while on the way to the hospital.. It is all begin 3 years ago when i overheard the quarrel from the master bedroom above me.. I went up and peeked through the door and there was my mom and dad quarreling with my mom sobbing.. The whole quarrel is about my dad having fun with women(s) outside..

Doc: Is the husband of the deceased here?
Nurse 1: We already called a few time but can't get through at all.. We already left a message for him..
Nurse 2: Do you have any other way of contacting your dad?(to me)

I ran out of the hospital heading towards the house of that slut.. The slut that came in between my mom and that jerk(father is no longer a word in my mind).. After a 20 minutes cab ride from the hospital, i paid the cab fare and i ran up to that slut's house and knocked furiously on the door.. I was right, the familiar face opened the door..

JD: Jerk Dad
S: Slut

JD: Dylan? What the hell are you doing here? Faster go home!
Me: (i grab him by his collar) Mom is dead!!

Tears started to flow down from my eyes and i was choked as i don't know what else can i say..

Me: You come with me to the hospital right now!
S: Your mom is already dead even if your dad go with you, she is not gonna come back to life..
JD: Stop talking to my son like this!(to that slut)
Me: Stop talking as if you are a great dad! If you don't fool around with women outside, mom would not commit suicide!(i push him off)
JD: You are only 14 years old, you don't know the adult world at all..
Me: Shut up! Follow me to the hospital now!(i stare at him with my red teary eyes)

On the way to the hospital was all silence as i was clueless on what should i do as all this is too sudden for a 14 years old to handle.. I was blue for the next 2-3 months.. I thought my dad would turn good after mom left us but he doesn't change at all.. I barely see him at home and all the time when i'm home, it would be with the 3 maids..

I took 2 years to really put down the entire tragic and i start to hate my jerk dad and i slowly turned into a playboy at school.. After secondary school, i move on to a local Poly but i don't focus on studies at all but the girls around the campus..

At 18 years old, i'm consider good looking with a great body due to my interest on water sports and also with great financials backing from my family business, i'm a typical rich ah sia kia playboy that often go out for fun.. I've got followers with me both in and outside of school and going to clubs and pubs is already a norm to me.. I gotten my driving license and also owned my first ride, A white color Audi R8..

All the "tools" requires to hook up chicks are ready and my very first "prey" was this 17 years old new girl named Reena..

Sometimes a dramatic changes to life isn't really a bad thing..
Old 16-04-2013, 11:14 PM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

I'm loving it hahaha but you're one interesting play boy! Why not a Lamborghini? The R8 is a Lamborghini for those who can't afford one
Old 16-04-2013, 11:24 PM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

I kinda looking forward to more updates~ Do carry on!!! ^^
Old 16-04-2013, 11:31 PM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

Originally Posted by BMW69 View Post
I'm loving it hahaha but you're one interesting play boy! Why not a Lamborghini? The R8 is a Lamborghini for those who can't afford one
Lambo too over already.. And doesn't really suit a rich POLY guy.. Maserati, Porsche and even GTR would be better.. I'll be going by 1 update a day.. My story are written on my microsoft words, will copy and paste one ep per day..

Sometimes a dramatic changes to life isn't really a bad thing..
Old 17-04-2013, 09:36 AM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

Nice story. Camping for more
Old 17-04-2013, 01:30 PM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

All the "tools" requires to hook up chicks are ready and my very first "prey" was this 17 years old new girl named Reena..

Episode 2

Reena is a new freshmen as she just completed her sec 5 o level.. She is a fairly tanned girl with a firm B cup boobs standing at 162cm.. Her great figure resulted from aerobics exercise and also joining the break dance help as well..

Reena approached me as it was her first day and she doesn't know the way to School Of Business..

Me: I'm from Accountancy and Finance, i can show you the way..
R: Thanks a lot..
Me: What course are you in? No friends with you in this sector?
R: I'm from Mass Media Management.. My friends all separated to Info Com and Engineering..
Me: Haha.. Abandon you alone.. Is ok.. Maybe we can be friends? I'm Dylan..(offered out my hand)
R: I'm Reena..(shook my hand)

We started all the small talking and damn it as we reached the business block soon after.. We arrange to meet up for lunch during break later and we exchanged numbers..

Lesson was pretty boring due to the study contents but it was pretty fun as there are lots of pretty girl in my course.. 4 of those pretty girls had already went to bed with me on separate occasion mainly after clubbing/drinking and it was never during their drunk/wasted states.. All 4 went to bed with me on their own will and all of them thought that they are the only one in class that have been intimate with me.. Soon it is break time and just before i exited the lecture room, i received a sms from Reena telling me that she is already waiting for me at our meeting point..

Me: Hello..(i sneaked up to her and call her from behind)
R: Hi.. What shall we eat?
Me: Subway?
R: Sounds great..

As we walk towards subway, we will pass by the car park and Reena was surprised to see the beautiful white R8 parked there..

R: Woots.. Don't know which rich student own that beauty?
Me: You like cars? Seldom girls take notice of cars when they walked past..
R: I love those coupe and sports car.. Always wanted to ride them but no chance..
Me: You will have chance one la..

I was laughing proudly in my mind saying that i will get you in less than a week..

We reached subway and i offer to buy the food while she get a seat.. After getting the meals, Reena insist of paying for her share but my insistence is tougher than her..

R: Ok.. Next time my turn to treat you..
Me: So are you asking me out now?
R: *BLUSHED* I mean if we eat together next time..
Me: Kidding only la.. Later i get beaten up by your boyfriend..
R: I don't have boyfriend..
Me: You so pretty no boyfriend?
R: I'm not that pretty la.. You should meet my other 2 friends, they are more prettier..

Maybe i'll get them after i had you was running in my brain.. Sometime i was wondering am i having some sort of mental problem but no doubt there's a saying "Like father, like son"..

Me: Maybe you can intro them to me next time? I'm single anyway..
R: Too bad they are attached liao..

Reena laugh after seeing my WTH look..

Me: You make me happy for nothing.. Actually is ok ah.. You are single..

Reena blushed and get awkward while munching away on her Roasted Chicken Breast sandwich while i'm munching on my Tuna sandwich while enjoying her awkwardness.. I break the silence by asking more about her interest and stuff like which CCA will she be joining..

R: I will be sticking to dance club.. Been in dance club since primary school.. You leh? What CCA are you from?
Me: I joined a few.. Water Polo, Aikido and Mind Sport..
R: Wow.. Join Aikido still afraid of others beating you up?
Me: Haiya.. Just now joking only mah.. I also learning Wing Chun and Muay Thai outside..
R: Wah! You very destructive leh..
Me: What? I didn't develop any violence conduct hor.. I'm learning all these due to interest, self defense and for the sake of exercise..
R: Joking only la.. Then being with you will have lots of security lor?
Me: Then you wanna be with me?

Reena blushed again and went into awkward silence again while munching on her chocolate chips cookie..

Me: Joking la.. You get shy so easily one ah?
R: I'm a girl ok..

After lunch, we went our separate ways back to our lecture rooms.. I gotten a text from her "Later will be meeting my friends, see you tomorrow." I smile and start to plan on how shall i make my move on her.. Soon it is time to end school and while i walk towards my beautiful car, i saw Reena and one of her so called prettier friends(lets name her Christy).. She indeed look prettier then Reena but lack of that SYT feel that Reena has.. I walked past them and winked at Reena before going off..

C: You know that guy?
R: He is from School of Business as well.. We had lunch just now..
C: Wow! You good leh.. Try to hook a rich guy..
R: Huh?
C: Don't pretend la.. He is one of the 3 richest students here leh..
R: I really don't know.. We are first day here.. How you know?
C: I got a friend study here mah then just now saw him then asked my friend about him lor cause he quite good looking..
R: Hor Hor.. I tell Derek you bio yantao(look at handsome guy)..

End of Episode 2

Sometimes a dramatic changes to life isn't really a bad thing..
Old 17-04-2013, 07:40 PM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

Whoa this certainly reminds me of one of my friends back during my poly days
Not that he drives an Audi, but he drove a Porsche lol
Old 17-04-2013, 07:46 PM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

Great update bro. Haha I have a friend in uni who drives a Ferrari to school so... Idk.
Old 17-04-2013, 11:49 PM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

Originally Posted by BMW69 View Post
Great update bro. Haha I have a friend in uni who drives a Ferrari to school so... Idk.
IMO, Lambo and Ferrari doesn't really suits a student image..

Sometimes a dramatic changes to life isn't really a bad thing..
Old 18-04-2013, 12:06 AM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

I actually liked your other story .

I guess will have to be content that at least you are writing
Old 18-04-2013, 03:23 AM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

Originally Posted by SammyNewbie View Post
I actually liked your other story .

I guess will have to be content that at least you are writing
Bro.. Just because of you.. My next update on the other story will be up within 2 days..

Sometimes a dramatic changes to life isn't really a bad thing..
Old 18-04-2013, 03:26 AM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

R: Hor Hor.. I tell Derek you bio yantao(look at handsome guy)..

Episode 3

I walked over to my White R8 and suddenly someone tapped my shoulder, it was Carol from my course.. She's standing at 165cm with a small C boobs and she is 1 of the 4 that i had sex with.. From our interactions, she is obviously into me due to the facts that i own a sports car and a Prada wallet with different credit cards and nearly everyday wearing different branded watches..

C: Can give me a ride?
Me: What if i say no?
C: Gentlemen behave like this one meh?
Me: I'm only gentlemen to girls that i'm interested in..

I unlocked the car and start the engine..

Me: I want you to blow me while i drive..
C: Is that a problem to me?
Me: Get on la.. What are you waiting for?

I was shouting slut in my mind.. Maybe because of that slut that involved with my dad because of his money make me hate money minded girls..

My car windows are tinted pretty dark therefore i'm not worried that other people might saw the hot scene happening in the sports car.. I unbutton and pull down my Levi's jeans and Tommy Hilfiger boxer to revealed my 5inches semi erected dick after we exited the school gates..

Carol stroke my semi erected dick to a solid hard dick then she start her oral work.. Starting from licking my shaft with her finger caressing around the tips and thats when the pre cum start oozing out and she started spreading the tip with the sticky pre cum.. She slowly lick her way from the shaft to the tip and is all in licking motion before engulf my tip with her mouth.. Tongue licking on the tip with her mouth over the tip is a different kind of sensation and in order to prevent accident, i drove at a safe speed of 70km which a few Nissans and even Chery QQ overtakes the supposedly powerful R8..

Me: Aww! Start sucking bitch..(i push her head down gently)

Even after pushing her head down only 3/4 of my dick is in her mouth, she do slow deepthroat blowjob and choked a few time.. She stop the deepthroat and just do the normal blowjob but at a fast pace with her hand massaging my balls.. After 15 minutes i exploded my load all into her mouth, she shows me her mouth full with my cums then she swallows it.. She "clean" my dick by licking it thoroughly before i wear back the jeans properly.. I accelerate the powerful car traveling at 110-120 km and we reached Compass Point less than 10 minutes later to drop that slut off then speed down to Pomo for my Muay Thai training..

During the training, there's a new girl in the group name Stella.. She's a 19 years old girl and what attract guys most is that slim sexy pair of legs, standing at 168cm with a big B boobs is really a stunning beauty.. Her complexion is quite fair and smooth which really make me want to lick her body thoroughly.. As i'm one of the senior there, instructor asked me to teach and practice the first level basic move with her.. Get down to theory with her on those move and then warm up, i started some small talk with her while warming and found up that she lives near my area which means she came from a well to do family as well.. Watching those B boobs bouncing/moving while she is warming up kept me energize as i was a bit tired earlier on..

Me: Ready for the moves?
S: Yep..

There we are doing the basic training and her complexion is really smooth when i get in contact with her.. Near to the end of the training, she accidentally fall and had a light ankle sprain which got to stop her practice..

S: Ouch!
Me: Stay still..(i observe her ankle)
S: Luckily is just a minor sprain.. I got get some medical ointment to rub it for you..

While rubbing her ankle, she screamed like i'm slaughtering her.. Soon everyone gathered due to her screaming, instructor also ask her to rest for a few days before come back for training.. Just then, my good buddy Alan came over..

A: Still ok?
S: Ya.. Feel much better now..
Me: Shall i send you home? I happened to live near you..
S: Oh is it.. Ok.. Thank you..
A: No need to thanks him la.. You should thanks your beauty..

I pointed middle finger at him and tell Stella to ignore that idiot.. After leaving the gym, Stella suddenly feel hungry and we decided to grab some bite at LerkThai.. We chatted about our interest and studies and also exchanged our numbers.. Get to know that she came from a good family, parents with a older brother and sister and her family is in tourism trade..

Me: These few days try to let your leg rest.. Don't stand too long or walk too much..
S: Ok la.. Is only a minor sprain..
Me: Such injury cannot ignore.. Must handle properly if not don't know when you can get to come for training again..
S: Hee.. Why? You will miss me?
Me: Eh.. How do you know?(trying to play with me?)
S: Lame leh you..

After the meal, i hold her while we walk towards my car thats when she start to ask about me as driving a R8 doesn't seems possible at my age..

S: Family rich boy sia..
Me: Please la.. You live along Nassim Road as well leh..
S: But my family doesn't have sports car, only those luxury car..
Me: I live alone mah.. If i got family, i'll be getting a luxury sedan as well..
S: Alone? Your parents?
Me: My dad seldom come home and my mom had passed away 4 years ago..
S: Oh.. I'm so sorry..(she can sense that i'm started to get moody)
Me: Is ok la.. I already got over it le..(faking a smile)

During the journey home is quite awkward silence maybe due to Stella accidentally asked my sad issue therefore she doesn't dare to talk much.. Roughly 15 minutes later we reached Stella's house.. She lives in a 2 stories bungalow and at the parking porch there parked a blue color Range Rover Evoque, a silver Jaguar XJ and a black Maserati Quattroporte.. Stella call her maid to open the gate so that i can drive in..

Me: Judging from your house and that 3 cars over there, you seems very rich as well leh..
S: Ok la.. There are more well off one around here..

I help her out of my car just then a white BMW M5 return.. The driver looks around 23 years old and is a stunning hot babes even prettier and hotter then Stella..

S: She's my older sister Laura..
Me: Oh.. Hello.. I'm Dylan..
L: Hi.. What happened to my baby sister?
Me: She came for her first muay thai lesson and she accidentally sprained her ankle.. No worry though as it is a minor sprain, i just help her applied medical ointment..
L: Thanks a lot for your help..

Laura help Stella with her bag while i hold her moving into the house.. I gotten a shock when a Great Dane suddenly ran over and pound onto me..

End of Episode 3

Sometimes a dramatic changes to life isn't really a bad thing..
Old 18-04-2013, 07:29 AM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

Nassim road... Getting a bit dangerously close to my area liao
On a side note, I didn't know you'd get sick writing one story too, haha.
Old 18-04-2013, 07:58 AM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

Thank you Skyboy. I will wait for your upcoming update. ^_^.
Old 18-04-2013, 11:37 AM
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Re: Living Under Bad Daddy

Originally Posted by gotnotime View Post
Nassim road... Getting a bit dangerously close to my area liao
On a side note, I didn't know you'd get sick writing one story too, haha.
Why not? When there's a lack of response, defitnitely will get nored one mah..

Sometimes a dramatic changes to life isn't really a bad thing..
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