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Old 23-06-2013, 11:49 PM
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whacky whacky
The Maze of Pleasure

Hey fellow SBF-ers, the following journal account is that of mine during my last trip to Singapore a few months ago:

On this day, filled with boredom, I decided to head to the land of pleasure, Geylang. Dressed in a t-shirt and bermudas, I made a beeline towards the bus stop near my house. After a wait that was filled with agony, I hopped onto the only direct bus to Geylang and endured what seemed like a torturous voyage across the pacific ocean.

An hour or so later, I stepped off the bus like an excited immigrant arriving on the shores of his dreamland. By then, I was sweating like a camel trudging through the desert. Without further ado, I headed towards the bank branch opposite Aljunied MRT station. 20 minutes and a can drink later, a car rolled over behind me. My buddy Mr. Oh-Luak (Let's call him Oyster, shall we?) emerged from his luxurious piece of metal machinery. He called out to me and I spun around immediately, waving my right hand at him. After a brief exchange of greetings, I sat on the front passenger seat beside Oyster. While Oyster was navigating through the maze comprised of the arterial Geylang Road and its oh-so-happening lorongs, we chatted about matters that plagued us.

Soon enough, Oyster found an empty parking lot in which he parked his posh car. Like little kids itching to patronise the neighbourhood ice cream vendor, we eagerly headed towards the coffee shop situated in the vicinity of Lorong 8. Once we settled down at a table, we had a lengthy chat that involved reminiscing our oh-so-glorious past. During our conversation, for no apparent reason, I had the sudden craving to have a bowl of pork-filled potato soup with rice at the food court in Roxy Square. Being the darn nice guy he always was and still is, Oyster drove me to Roxy Square to appease the food demon (or monster, rather) in me.

Given that finding an empty parking lot near Roxy Square was akin to finding unopened cigarette boxes on the floor, we resorted to hiring me as a parking lot reservation boy. Once successful, we made our way to Roxy square. Having wolfed down my dinner there, Oyster and I headed back towards his car before we took off towards Geylang.

Upon our arrival at the realm of pleasure, Oyster demonstrated his superb parking skills in an empty parking lot along Lorong 10. After getting out of his car, we roamed the lorongs of Geylang like Winnie the Poohs in search of fresh honey. As we sauntered through the alleys aimlessly, we were able to experience for ourselves both the human energy of gambling sessions as well as the charm of the dolled up freelancer girls who were actively sourcing for clients. At one stage, my hand was unexpectedly held on to by an Indonesian FL, who was reluctant to let go of me. I could see the desperation in her eyes. Despite being allured by her beauty, reluctance got the better of me, which led us to part ways with each other. Although I was taken aback by the experience, I accepted the fact that she was here trying to make a living after all.

Once Oyster and I approached Lorong 20, we entered House 36, which was filled with pretty young ladies. Having viewed them, we decided to walk around a while more to expose ourselves to the sea of mermaids that Singapore's oh-so-famous red-light district had to offer. As we were stolling towards Westerhout Road, a young pimp approached us while proclaiming "Hey, I give you the best deal the two of you cannot find elsewhere. Two girls for $50 each, 45 mins including massage. Why don't you two take a look first before deciding?" As I was not in the mood to brew my love potion, Oyster and I decided to walk around for more eye candy and walked away from the fellow. Having walked less than 4 metres away from the pimp, we were startled to hear him shouting a hokkien word. Upon his command, his girls dispersed into the nearest alley, which evoked in us a deep sense regret for not having acceded to his offer. It then struck me that we had just witnessed the final moments before a possible raid by the anti-vice division of the SPF. In fact, as we were walking towards Guillemard Road, a police car zipped past us. Phew, a close shave it was!

Arriving at Lorong 24, we were surprised to see that it was oh-so-happening, in an undesirable way. Ladies were darting past us towards the back alleys and run-down houses, a possible indication of an impending raid. While that was happening, pimps shouted at us to continue walking and mind our own businesses. Moreover, a sense of disappointment filled my mind when I soon realised that the roadside ice cream vendor I was accustomed to patronising was nowhere to be found. We drifted towards the direction of the main Geylang Road, dodging swathes of foreign workers who made it nearly impossible to walk smoothly.

Feeling dejected but with a glimmer of hope, we headed back to Lorong 18 half-expecting the pimp who had approached us earlier on to be there. Lo and behold, there he was! As we had little cash with us, I handed Oyster some money to partially fund his moment of pleasure. Once Oyster overcame the dilemma of deciding upon his lady of the night, we parted ways. The sight of her holding his hand made me a wee bit jealous. This particular night was an unforgettable one.

Last edited by whacky; 24-06-2013 at 07:44 PM.
Old 23-06-2013, 11:54 PM
BMW69 BMW69 is offline
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Now I know why you're called whacky
Old 23-06-2013, 11:55 PM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Originally Posted by BMW69 View Post
Now I know why you're called whacky
Care to explain, bro BMW69?
Old 23-06-2013, 11:57 PM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

This is by far the most whacky story I've read. Funniest too.
Old 23-06-2013, 11:58 PM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Thanks BMW69. I'm truly honoured to know that you enjoyed reading my story, which is 100% REAL btw.
Old 24-06-2013, 12:01 AM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Originally Posted by whacky View Post
Thanks BMW69. I'm truly honoured to know that you enjoyed reading my story, which is 100% REAL btw.
Thank you bro. Enjoy reading your story too haha you have a very unique writing style. How you describe everything.
Old 24-06-2013, 12:04 AM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

My desire to write is fuelled by the support received from bros like you. I've a unique writing style as I'm uniquely Singaporean!
Old 24-06-2013, 04:15 AM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Didn't know geylang's so happening
Old 24-06-2013, 06:55 PM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Bro gotnotime,

Yes indeed! Geylang can be a happening place. That of course depends on where you happen to be and at which time of the day. If you want to experience the thrills associated with merely walking around the place, your best bet would be to roam the lorongs no earlier than 9pm (or 8pm for Sundays).

Although Geylang tends to be the most crowded on Sundays (due to it being the weekly off day for most foreign workers), visiting it on that day will present you, the visitor, with a kick factor that no other day can match. As with most other things in our world, there are of course exceptions. On some Sundays, the lorongs are almost void of streetwalkers, possibly due to raids. On such occasions, your desire for eye candy can only be fulfilled through aimless trips into the numerous houses that Geylang has to offer.

As for other thrill factors, there is always the occasional fights, fast-paced gambling sessions, uncles selling porn dvds and crazy people doing random stuff. When in Geylang, always expect the unexpected.
Old 24-06-2013, 07:02 PM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure


Great read!
Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth.
Old 24-06-2013, 07:39 PM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Thank you alphonse!
Old 17-06-2014, 01:20 AM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Just dug up this thread and am so tempted to head down to geylang sometime this week. For now its BKK time :-)
Old 17-06-2014, 01:28 PM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Interesting Read !
Old 17-06-2014, 03:29 PM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Can we further look forward for updates from you soon ?
Old 18-06-2014, 10:50 PM
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Re: The Maze of Pleasure

Looking forward to more of your whacky stuff! cheers, ....................
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