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Old 14-10-2013, 05:54 PM
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Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

Has anyone have got any experience of taking advantage when your GF/Friend is drunk and you just can't control yourself? I personally has no experience on that but would love to hear from Samsters!

Do write up a detailed one! Cheers!
Old 15-10-2013, 02:54 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

So had a company drinks session. Invited the sister in law and her best friend, so they were drinking on the tab but alone. I regularly took over jugs and asked her to drink as time running out, lol. When the tab was finally finished I dropped the friend off and then dropped my SIL off but she was very drunk. Had to assist her into her flat. She then told me to get her out of her dress and into her PJ's. So obviously i quickly undressed her but forgot your not suppose to take off knickers or bra off. She had DD breasts and a nice hairy trimmed bush. She then said she needed to go toilet, so I had to assist her there. Then i had to hold her upright whilst she was peeing, of course my didi was right in her face, so she had no choice but to unzip and slurp away
Old 15-10-2013, 10:07 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

Was out drinking with a friend in a club, a group of us order many drinks to kill the night, basically 'no drunk cannot go home' type. Been a subtle drinker i have to watch out for my friends in case anyone went overdose. There was this lady friend (Sharon) who loves to drink, kept telling me to bottoms up and play game. She drank until so high she could barely stand straight. Anyway, towards closing hour everyone seems happy.

Sharon was a friend with me for so many years, i didn't expect her to be a wild (later paragraph you know) type. She is slightly better than average looking, slight sweet looking despite her late 20s age.

I sent Sharon back home, on the cab she whispered she wanted to go over my house. At that point i never have any naughty thought, put her on bed so she can shake off her alcohol content.

Cut story short, she pulled me up on bed to sleep with her. Basically she can hug me as her bolster. Surprisingly her hand went into my shorts to start rubbing my cock's head leaking pre cum. I was surprised by her action. Been a horny man i kissed her, started to undress her, pull down her bra to see her B cup boobs, light brownish nipple like a 5 cents coins greeted me.. The rest was history.

Next day everything was as per normal and she never talked about it even when we meet up often for meal or shopping. I happen to have another same incident with another girl friend shortly after that.. gosh she was so so hot..

-End of story-
Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
Old 29-10-2013, 02:09 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

It happen many many yrs back, I got to know this girl while working. going after her n invite her go drink with my friend.. she is those ah lian type 20yrs old, tall slim legs but A cup boobs.. tat like to act strong.. not really a good drinker but keep drinking a lot.. in the end gone case.. totally drunk cant even walk, not knowing wher she actual staying I got no choice but bring her home..
Carry her all the way to my house somehow let me have a few view of her underneath.. at tat time she was wearing short skirt n red colour G-string.. once in my room, let her sleep on my bed while i sleep beside her.. trying hard to sleep but the image of her slim legs n G-string keep coming into my mind.. in the end small head rule over big head.. start to stroke her legs n slowly moving down licking her pussy.. in the end undress her n up her.. still remember she was totally motionless when i up her..
After done deal, fall asleep only wake up heard she crying asking me y do tat to her, try comforting n sweet talk her, end up hugging 2gether, kiss n sex again... tat is the 1st time in my life we have 7 rounds the whole nite.. after the incident she become my gf but lasted only few month...
Old 29-10-2013, 04:25 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

bro you damn heng she never cry rape
Old 29-10-2013, 04:43 PM
hhlover hhlover is offline
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

Originally Posted by Tazzymercs View Post
bro you damn heng she never cry rape
at tat time, actually I was quite sacred tat her cry might wake my parent up then big trouble liao.. but lucky me, she soon quiet down n manage to up her a few more time which is more enjoy than the 1st time when she totally dead drunk...
Old 29-10-2013, 05:57 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

I would like to share my fair bit of the story. A story of ONS encounter with a drunk stranger.

Many years back, I happened to be clubbing in this joint call Attica. I believe it’s still there now. I was with my friend drinking when I happened to target 2 gals enjoying themselves across the room. As the gals seems to be foreigners, I made a bet with my friend where are they from. After placing my bet with my friend, I proceed to approach them and made small talk. Not long after, my friend and I were at their table partying together. (They were from Mongolia and I won the bet! Haha)

As the party went into wee hours in the morning, suddenly 1 of the gal told me she has to leave first and asked me to take care of her friend. Soon after, the party ended and I found myself with the drunken gal (My friend left me too for some reason I can’t recall now). While we were approaching the taxi stand, I tried asking the gal where she stay but she was too drunk to even talk. Naturally, I directed the taxi to a budget hotel in Serangoon. After getting down, (it was around 3am in the morning) I quickly made my way to the reception with the gal. Alas! The hotel was fully booked and I was asked to wait for at least an hour. Oh man!! My small head was ready for some action yet no place to bonk!!! While I was at my top of the frustration, the gal vomited at the lobby and the receptionist was very unhappy about it. I had no choice but to drag her outside to clean her up. At that very moment, her mobile rang… Shit! I thought to myself… The gal picked up her mobile and pass it to me. I was given an address to drop her off by the caller and I knew there goes my opportunity…

Dejected and unwillingly, we took the taxi again to her destination. Along the way, we kissed and fondled in the back of the taxi throughout the journey. Jeez!! I still can remember her tender soft big breast… Double jeez!!! If we had checked in the hotel, I would be banging her brains out!! Upon reaching her destination, I dropped her off by the void deck and left (I didn’t want any trouble meeting anyone picking her up from her house). Few days later, I tried contacting the gal that I never had and I got a nasty SMS from her hubby!! No RTF!! LOL
Frankly speaking, who speaks frankly nowadays?

If her panties match her bra when you take her clothes off, it wasn't you who decided to have sex.
Old 29-10-2013, 06:11 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

Bro. The sms is really funny.
Old 29-10-2013, 06:34 PM
Shogun456 Shogun456 is offline
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I remember having one experience when I was clubbing at the old st james. I went with a group of guys and gals and gf. I went to the toilet and saw another group of secondary friends and stayed on for awhile, neglecting gf. Before I knew it, gf was drinking really high already and one of my group of acquaintance was busy taking care of gf (at then he totally had no idea she was my gf). She was in the white body hugging tube dress as i saw him running his hands all over her back and waist hugging and grinding each other. As i was quite high and drunk myself, I could vaguely remember seeing him groping her breasts outside her dress while her ass was resting on his groin. He was basically dry humping her on the dance floor.

I couldnt remembered how I got home or who actually put me and gf in the cab that night, but till today, I still have no idea what happened for the next 2 hours of the night and how well that guy was taking care of gf.
Old 29-10-2013, 06:55 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

Which girl in the right mind will drink as if there is no tomorrow and not take care of themselves? At least they will get someone to go along whom they trust can take care of each other. Most girls who go out drinking and get totally drunk are usually mentally prepared and game for "post activities" and most of the times, they are not 100% drunk. They just try to act drunk. And after post activities, they try to act as if nothing has happened.
Old 29-10-2013, 07:50 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

im very curious about this act drunk stint. is it true?
Old 29-10-2013, 08:31 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

Years back when still in the clubbing scene, went out with my girl friends and we had rounds of drinks. Most of them were too shot drunk and took the cab home. One of my favorite, let's call her L drove and was in no shape to drive. So dropped her home in her car (I did not have any drinks - be smart!) and she was all touchy and started to neck / kiss. Rode the elevator up to the place, seems that her parents were not in and overseas. She pulled me into her room and the rest was history.

Ended up riding her and from the back and she cowboy from the top till no tomorrow, not even realised that we unloaded twice inside her till I was fully spent.

Next morning after a nice restful sleep and she got to her senses, she gave me a nice present with her mouth and swallowed it whole. Went for some real breakfast and left her after that.

Subequently when we met, nothing of that night was said. Though she did complain that I made a mess of her bed and she was sore and sticky inside for the next 2 days.
Old 29-10-2013, 08:36 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

Did another one of m girlfriends after clubbing the night. This was short and sharp, right straight into her room and banged her there and then unloading twice into her all warm.

After 2 hours she got to her senses, and we went for a nice cup of coffee and toast nearby with her only in her tight shorts and sports bra with Tee for an early breakfast.

Most of the guys at the coffee corner did notice that she walked a little funny, with a faint semen smell.
Old 29-10-2013, 08:37 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

If you want to do it an enjoy, dun get them stone drunk just high and give it all inside fresh so there is a lasting impression.

Oh . remember the morning after pills .

It nice to mix a good breakfast with drunk sex.
Old 29-10-2013, 09:38 PM
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Re: Anyone take advantage after your GF/Friend is drunk?

what do you guys say to your friends to up them?
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