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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 22-08-2005, 11:41 AM
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New Samster In here

I noticed a trend of new samsters (Rep 10 Rep power : 0) posting FR in various HC joints saying how fantastic the WLs were. It led me to wonder are the FR genuine or not. Or are they being posted by stakeholder on the particular joint or whatever?

I am not against any new samster, but these FRs posted really dun contribute much to the info for reference resource, or perhap you are still new. Maybe can look back at the previous FR that are info rich...

Senior samster pls help to lookout for suspicious figures lurking around. Same like look out for suspicious baggage at the MRT station...kekeke

Vauxhall Vectra
Old 22-08-2005, 01:33 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

i notice your rep points/power so what!!!??? i think you are discouraging your fellow junior samster from posting their experience. i not against you either. just thought that it's unfair to put such remarks on us. there are senior samster who has problems with their creditbility as well and so does that means that all senior samster FR can not be trusted as well??? i think chances of those with higher rep points/power could be a shareholder of certain TN promoting their services are higher chance than those junior samster but so what, so long as more information is share and bros here who believes and thus venture enjoy their time! i think thats VERY important!

i am sure you were once a samster with 10 rep points / 0 power when you first joined. so you should know better than all the junior ones what's the objective of this forum? you should know also that it's neither easy nor hard to gain points, you walk the walk before so why destroy and casts doubts on the road thats leads you to your rep/power points now??? so much for being a SENIOR!!???

have a nice day

be cool
My Name Is Ace
Old 22-08-2005, 01:49 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

i think we all know if a FR is 2 good to be true.
thats where the Middle points bros go recce and then
affirm the report or debunk the reports.

but then sometimes also have to be carefull when posting.
because some of this 10Pts 0Power bros have War chest
backing. post something that might step on their tail
and they will zap you repeatedly.

what we can do is wait for bros to try and then FR.
but then there is also a trend now to only FR on a place
once bros are bored of it.. reason being.. dont want to
spoil your own playground.

just take everything with pinch of salt lor.
this is cyberspace. cant control everything.
All things GOOD or BAD will end. Leave nothing for tomorow.
Do as your hearts desire as long as it hurts no one.
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Old 22-08-2005, 02:04 PM
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Talking Re: New Samster In here

hehe, my posting ok or not?

Old 22-08-2005, 02:22 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

Originally Posted by bowlingking
i am sure you were once a samster with 10 rep points / 0 power when you first joined. so you should know better than all the junior ones what's the objective of this forum? you should know also that it's neither easy nor hard to gain points, you walk the walk before so why destroy and casts doubts on the road thats leads you to your rep/power points now???
Ok just to clarify things a little.... previously there were no such things as Rep Points and Rep Power in this forum When it was implemented, most of the bros here got their rep points in accordance to the date they joined SBF. Rep power was introduced a bit later if I remembered correctly.

It was only recently that Rep points began to put relevance into this so-called senority of the samsters. There are a lot of samsters with low points and a lot with high pts. It really does not matter about the points but what they post.

In this issue, I agree with bro bowlingking - It's the content of their posts that matters and should not discourage new samsters from contributing. Everyone was a newbie once.

I believe bro vectra meant was some post submitted by new samsters that do the following:

1. Exaggerate the service or looks of the gals of a certain joint. XXX is 9/10 in looks and BJ is 9/10 too !! But when go there... see a 30s Ah Soh with rush-rush attitude !!

2. New Samsters who only seem to patronise one joint only and every post is about how good the joint is. A certain nic of a FAMOUS BIG APE comes to mind who was overly promoting one of the HCs when the stable of gals most likely Aunties & Lao Gohs but claim not SYTs !!

3. New Samsters who post such stupid Q like "what is HJ or BBBJ ?" or "can tell me which HC gal can do BBBJ or anal?" These new samsters are just too stupid or lazy to do some reading b4 posting. Still excusable once... but if they keep on repeating mistakes... then they becum a nuisance.

I dun think bro vectra is discouraging newbies from posting just saying look-out for people who might not be a true samster at heart who post with some ulterior motive. Hope that clears things up.

EPL-Mad Member of The League of Extra Horny Gentlemen
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 22-08-2005, 02:28 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

well said chief optimus prime....a simple advice brudders which i picked up writing FRs and reading.... Bumblebee says good and informational FRs= Descriptive FR. So no only the FR is a good information resource and as well as erotic story for brudders to pcc... 5 cents worth
Old 22-08-2005, 02:29 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

To All New Bros,

Read the various stickies in each thread (FL, Health Centre KTV, Geylang etc) It helps to give you a foothold and guidance on some of the dos and duns of Sammyboy.

I know most are desperate to post their first reply or thread but it helps to just read up a bit. Especially all the stickies in the newbies section... I've seen thru most and it really reflects on lots of the common mistakes that newbies make in SBF.

So all new bros... pls read up the stickies !! And then come in and DAZZLE us with your Field Report (FR) on the pussy *meow* you've conquered !! heheh...

EPL-Mad Member of The League of Extra Horny Gentlemen
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 22-08-2005, 02:34 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Ok just to clarify things a little.... previously there were no such things as Rep Points and Rep Power in this forum When it was implemented, most of the bros here got their rep points in accordance to the date they joined SBF. Rep power was introduced a bit later if I remembered correctly.
Errr... When it was implemented, everyone started off with 10 points but the reputation power differ. The rep power was based on date joined, number of posts etc.
It doesnt matter where you are, is who you are with

Skippe, Smeely Beancure, NeoNinja, Golden Finger & KimLin

Many thanks for the above goodwill but please post and inform me so that I can do something about it.
Old 22-08-2005, 02:38 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

Originally Posted by waypastprime
Errr... When it was implemented, everyone started off with 10 points but the reputation power differ. The rep power was based on date joined, number of posts etc.
Not fair leh, my rep pt always kanna zap cos i TCSS
ML: I like you style
CB: Really?! What style?
ML: Doggie style!
Old 22-08-2005, 02:44 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

Originally Posted by meatlover
Not fair leh, my rep pt always kanna zap cos i TCSS
Wa lau, u are so bothered with points meh?

Then u go and ask DNAT how he got such high points. Heard that he BBBJ-ed Sam.
It doesnt matter where you are, is who you are with

Skippe, Smeely Beancure, NeoNinja, Golden Finger & KimLin

Many thanks for the above goodwill but please post and inform me so that I can do something about it.
Old 22-08-2005, 02:46 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

Originally Posted by waypastprime
Wa lau, u are so bothered with points meh?
Then u go and ask DNAT how he got such high points. Heard that he BBBJ-ed Sam.
Read my signature.

On DNAT, didn't know he so "up" level eh
ML: I like you style
CB: Really?! What style?
ML: Doggie style!
Old 22-08-2005, 02:48 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

Originally Posted by waypastprime
Then u go and ask DNAT how he got such high points. Heard that he BBBJ-ed Sam.
bro wpp, you gonna get zapped mighty big time from him for that
Old 22-08-2005, 02:50 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

Originally Posted by waypastprime
Errr... When it was implemented, everyone started off with 10 points but the reputation power differ. The rep power was based on date joined, number of posts etc.
The bold item ... no more liao ...
if not, lim peh sure got rep power of 50 liao loh - look at my number of postings ...


Old 22-08-2005, 02:52 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

Originally Posted by DNAT
The bold item ... no more liao ...
if not, lim peh sure got rep power of 50 liao loh - look at my number of postings ...
ya bolzzz...
dun play play hor.....
'When I good, I'm very good, when I'm bad, I'm even better'
Old 22-08-2005, 02:53 PM
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Re: New Samster In here

Originally Posted by DNAT
The bold item ... no more liao ...
if not, lim peh sure got rep power of 50 liao loh - look at my number of postings ...
Rep point got free gift har? If not where got impt!
ML: I like you style
CB: Really?! What style?
ML: Doggie style!
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