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Old 22-03-2014, 12:32 PM
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A Cheating Fuck Buddy

Hi peeps. Throughout the years, i've always been silent reading the forum. Perhaps its time to start sharing something in return.

So please trying not to give too much negative comments since its the first time i'm sharing something.

(Note: Some of the details have been changed so as to protect both of our identities.)

Here's some short introduction about my FB and myself.

Me- currently 20, working. around 1.75m, 68kg. Average muscle build.

Her - Also in 20, student. Around 1.65m 55kg. Slim build. (Let's call her chantel or 'C' from this instance.)

It all started 4 years ago when an online game called Audition. (its an online arrow pressing dance game like dance dance revolution.)

Fast forward a bit..
After having each other's company (online) for a few weeks, we started to get more comfortable with each other and I that's when added her on Facebook.

After getting to know her facebook, i did what most of the guys would do - To check out her profile picture.
To my amazement, its a sweet and innocent looking girl. Why was I amazed? Because in online gaming, close to 80% of the girls look really horrible in real life.
So i added her and she accepted my friend request within half an hour. Upon the acceptance, I chatted her up to strike a very casual (with some flirting) conversation. It went something like this.

Me: Hey! wow, you look so guai in your profile picture leh.

C: Haha, where got? I look so baby-face lor.

Me: Aiya, wont lah. I find it quite cute leh.

C: Wah, you trying to make me happy only right?

Me: No hor, I don't lie one. You're really cute lah. Why so little confidence in yourself?

C: My boyfriend said that i look like 14 years old only ):

In my mind, I was like "Wa, Cb, sian liao. got boyfriend already."

Me: Aiya don't listen to your boyfriend la. He don't know how to appreciate you only.

(I didn't receive a reply from her until 15mins later.)

C: Hey, paiseh ah, I was changing, going out liao. text me at 8*******

To be continued..
Old 22-03-2014, 02:02 PM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

The best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact,
Is to realise that two out of three ain't bad
Old 22-03-2014, 04:08 PM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

Tent set...

Popcorn popped !

Continue please ?!
Living on the edge
Old 22-03-2014, 04:15 PM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

I will bring the potato chips and cold tiger beer

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Old 22-03-2014, 04:21 PM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

From your title, I find it weird that FB would be called cheating? Why?

FB is not exclusive one you know ornot?

Anyway, let you continue first and see why.
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Old 22-03-2014, 04:38 PM
Maiguailan Maiguailan is offline
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

Originally Posted by Botakhead View Post
From your title, I find it weird that FB would be called cheating? Why?

FB is not exclusive one you know ornot?

Anyway, let you continue first and see why.
Hehehe, she's kinda exclusive to me :P . She's not interested in other asian guy apart from me. No idea why too.

To all the other bros out there, i'd continue my story later in the evening.
Old 22-03-2014, 05:49 PM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy


And so i thought to myself, 'WOW! That was easy'.

I wasted no time and texted her immediately. Again, long story short, we texted each other and I tried to flirt with her here and there.

And I finally asked her if she wanted to go out with me after a week of texting. It went something like this..

Me: Hey Chantel, I'm wondering if you would want to go out together this saturday?

C: This saturday? I'm meeting my boyfriend liao leh..

Me: Wah! Okay lor. Sunday leh? Free ma?

C: Hmm, should be ok ba. where do you want to go? I feel like watching movie leh. can? :P

Me: ok lor, let's go watch movie then. Wanna watch at Vivocity? I haven't been to the cinema there.

C: Ok lor. I don't mind. Movie you treat right? ^^

Me: Wahhh. Okay lor. I'm like your boyfriend like that. haha..

C: Bleahh :P You wish! So, we meet 2pm at vivo ok?

Me: Steady. Don't fly my kite hor!
Old 22-03-2014, 10:26 PM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

FB is someone sharing the same view to use one body to sextisfy another without any commitments. In short u are also cheating her boyfriend..but pls carry on cos I'm equally curious..
To all who upped my points... Exchange of pts welcome,priorities will be given to bros who up my points & PM me first.
Old 22-03-2014, 11:51 PM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

Camping here too.....
Old 22-03-2014, 11:59 PM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

Interesting title lead me to here.....keep it up
Old 23-03-2014, 12:12 AM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

Agreed, I have the same thoughts.

Originally Posted by bombshell View Post
FB is someone sharing the same view to use one body to sextisfy another without any commitments. In short u are also cheating her boyfriend..but pls carry on cos I'm equally curious..
Welcome to share / exchange points, 7 & above pls
Old 23-03-2014, 01:29 AM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

camping here too
Old 23-03-2014, 11:21 AM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

promising start... camping for more
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Old 23-03-2014, 10:45 PM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

nice start. checking in daily...
Old 26-03-2014, 08:55 AM
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Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy

No more story?
Second Upz by :
Queue : PeaceKris, waikeekee, S.B.Y.1, owl888, Apollo, SureScore, ceeko, lonebonker, sailsingapore, sgGEM.

My 1000 upz not finished yet. If I missed out anyone, please message me, I will try my best.

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