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Old 07-01-2006, 11:48 PM
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Recently introduce by a friend about this Indon Chinese in town. She is from Medan and just got a permit to work in Malaysia. Her aim is to find a husband to get marry. At the moment she has no more money and looking forward someone who can pay a price to safe her for meals and accomodation.

Her name is Lily (that is the only name I knew). My friend said she provide blow job and kind of good service. Chinese looks but only know how to speak in English, Malay and Hokkien. She is currently leaving at Jalan Bukit Bintang and she always ask you to go a hotel nearby that area for business. I suggest you don't agree with her to a hotel near there. Make appointment with her and fetch her to a hotel that is far from that area...get into the business...heh heh, after 1st round you insist not to let her leave and asking for another round. She got no place to go and do not know well Malaysia, definately she will agree with you. Wow...just pay one shot money but get 2 shots or even more for free. Whether you success is all depends on how good you communicate with her. Another advantage is that you can examine her look before getting into the business. Say wanna to fetch her at some where but when she approach your guy and found that wow! chu pa or not the type of girl that you the accelerator and run off man! What more to wait.

I still have her prepaid number XXXXXXX (see note below). She accept any races. She needs money right, who care! Just cheong her kau kau.

****I receipt numerous reply from the member to delete her number. OK PM me only to get the number. I only send it to your email address to prevent this number easily disclose and die off ****6-1-06
Old 08-01-2006, 07:01 AM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

hi bro, please p.m. me her number

thanks a lot
Old 08-01-2006, 10:02 AM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

Hi Taipolin

Really appreciate the effort to share with the bros here but I dun approve of your opinions. Due to the fact that she is not familiar with the KL area, does not allow you the prerogative to take advantage of her. I agree that it all depends on how you communicate with her but at least be a gentleman. If you find her good enough to have for the whole day then at least let her be prepared for it. Dun try to con her into it. If she is comfortable enough with you, then for all you know, she herself will offer more than you can provide.

As for being able to view her first then decide, at least have the courtesy to meet up. If really not comfortable, then politely give her an acceptable excuse and give her cab money for her efforts. If everyone just view for afar and then just leave,then the poor girl will be just be waiting for someone that will never arrive.

She might be desperate but that does not give us the right to take advantage of the situation. I am not trying to be high and mighty but just trying to tell you the simple rules of cheonging. No offense intended for anyone.
Old 08-01-2006, 11:46 AM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

So what is it that you are proposing... that she is an FL, or are u an OKT offering a girl.. if any of the above, stats and FR will be appreciated. If not, then like what bro Shiok say, why take advantage of people like that ??? They are also human in a foreign land... DUn deserve to be treated like that...
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 08-01-2006, 01:01 PM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

A few more encounters with cheongsters like you and she will lose her GFE capabilities, develop a hard edge and end up being more business-like and professional.
Old 08-01-2006, 01:14 PM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

Originally Posted by shiok1968

Due to the fact that she is not familiar with the KL area, does not allow you the prerogative to take advantage of her.
She might be desperate but that does not give us the right to take advantage of the situation. I am not trying to be high and mighty but just trying to tell you the simple rules of cheonging. No offense intended for anyone.
Well said bro... Just my thoughts......
Old 08-01-2006, 01:18 PM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

Originally Posted by Taipolin
At the moment she has no more money and looking forward someone who can pay a price to safe her for meals and accomodation.

She got no place to go and do not know well Malaysia, definately she will agree with you. Wow...just pay one shot money but get 2 shots or even more for free. money right, who care! Just cheong her kau kau.
Wheres your principle? Dont be an opportunist. Book and pay her dues. Dont con an innocent woman. KARMA!
Old 08-01-2006, 04:36 PM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

Well said Bro Shiok!
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- tubbyt
Old 08-01-2006, 08:12 PM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr
Wheres your principle? Dont be an opportunist. Book and pay her dues. Dont con an innocent woman. KARMA!
Aiyoyo..KARMA leh!
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Old 09-01-2006, 09:28 AM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

Wah... So rude meh... Respect ladies la.

Anyone got FR on her?
Old 09-01-2006, 09:54 AM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

Well said Bro Shiok, this is what I like... GENTLEMAN.

Never take advantage on a helpless girl. Where is your conscience?
Old 09-01-2006, 10:17 AM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

Hey bro.
I hope you are only joking - anyway its a bad joke.

Most people in this forum are here to have a good time with good contacts.

We are not here to take advantage of the girls and kick them when they are down.

I feel very sorry for these girls who sell their bodies for our pleasure. Life is hard enough for them without people like you (if you are serious about what you wrote)

I have never zapped anybody before; but I feel very tempted to zap you for your evil thoughts.

However, I prefer to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that you are only joking.
Old 09-01-2006, 11:10 AM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

well say this field,its juz a matter of willingness between both party get into the activitysince both party having a hard time (he-feel horny n wanna release but afraid to do something that against law n human rights;
she-easy money,but they also risking themselves towards STD and pregnancy) lets do it fairly,right bro?
Old 09-01-2006, 03:56 PM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

Must put his 2 balls in a white plastic bag, tight it knot and beat it a few times with a hammer... after that up to the owner to decide want his balls back anot loh....
Old 09-01-2006, 05:01 PM
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Re: Indon Chinese looking for Sugar Daddy

Originally Posted by DeKuip
Must put his 2 balls in a white plastic bag, tight it knot and beat it a few times with a hammer... after that up to the owner to decide want his balls back anot loh....
Hancur already. Want for what wor? Donate it to feed the stray animals ler.
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