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Old 08-01-2006, 03:01 AM
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Hi Bros,

Is my very first virgin post and I do not know what to contribute but all about my wife-to-be. Some bros may prefer to read as a story but some may read it as a problem to me. Whatever it is, i do hope that from this forum, i can find my true solution to me problems. Thank you !!!!

P/s : Is 100% fact !!!! Unless otherwise stated

I know a gal by the name of Karen (not her real name) and we have been together for almost a year and I am prepared to marry her but recently I realised something about her which worries me and at the same time, ironically excite me. I do not have fetish about her cheating on me and I DO NOT LIKE TO BE BETRAYED AND CHEATED !!!! But somehow, it does excite me.

I suspect that she is seeing her ex-BF thus decided to check on her. As I am staying at her house right now, is easier for me to spy on her. First, i need to know who is she talking with and who is her MSN friends. I planted a spyware in her PC and i manage to capture all infos.. ( i dun need to talk much about this) Well, I get to see her email and everything that is enough for me to know. Yes, she stil cant forget her ex. That i can foegive her as is not easy for someone to forget her past love ones as long as she did not betrayed me. All this i am least worry but recently I realised that her sex drive has increased tremendously. I juz could not satisfy her. But on the other hand, she is not those lose type of gals. She dun like to wear bras at home irregardless how thin the T she is wearing or who is in the house. Thus I am going to break my story into various parts by incidents. Pls do comments as you read on.
Old 08-01-2006, 05:55 AM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

Originally Posted by BoxerYY
Hi Bros,

Is my very first virgin post and I do not know what to contribute but all about my wife-to-be. Some bros may prefer to read as a story but some may read it as a problem to me. Whatever it is, i do hope that from this forum, i can find my true solution to me problems. Thank you !!!!

P/s : Is 100% fact !!!! Unless otherwise stated

I know a gal by the name of Karen (not her real name) and we have been together for almost a year and I am prepared to marry her but recently I realised something about her which worries me and at the same time, ironically excite me. I do not have fetish about her cheating on me and I DO NOT LIKE TO BE BETRAYED AND CHEATED !!!! But somehow, it does excite me.

I suspect that she is seeing her ex-BF thus decided to check on her. As I am staying at her house right now, is easier for me to spy on her. First, i need to know who is she talking with and who is her MSN friends. I planted a spyware in her PC and i manage to capture all infos.. ( i dun need to talk much about this) Well, I get to see her email and everything that is enough for me to know. Yes, she stil cant forget her ex. That i can foegive her as is not easy for someone to forget her past love ones as long as she did not betrayed me. All this i am least worry but recently I realised that her sex drive has increased tremendously. I juz could not satisfy her. But on the other hand, she is not those lose type of gals. She dun like to wear bras at home irregardless how thin the T she is wearing or who is in the house. Thus I am going to break my story into various parts by incidents. Pls do comments as you read on.
Bro, just continue with the rest of the story.
Old 08-01-2006, 09:02 AM
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Cool Re: My Wife-to-be


I think you shouldn't marry her. Not because she might be cheating on you, but becos you dun even respect her enough to give her a sense of privacy.

If you're gonna resort to these methods everytime you suspect something, you better pray she never finds out or there'll be hell to pay.

If you're gonna marry her, love and respect her always.
all gals are made of sugar and spice and all things nice...

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Old 08-01-2006, 10:30 AM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

If there's no more trust between the 2.. what's there to talk about love, and marriage, will only end up in more quarrels and unnecessary conflict..
Old 08-01-2006, 10:50 AM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

Chances that your wife to be will be bonk by her ex, her ex ex, her ex ex ex etc.... after you married her. After that, she might be bonking with other guys too since she got use to it.

I got such an encounter with a married woman before. Got bonk by someone as her hubby dick too small for her. In the end, she turn to me but we didn't happen. No chemistry as she quote plus she got feeling with her ex when I allow her to met him before we meet. BIG mistake but no choice, it is fated.

To thread starter, all the best n if she really kenna bonk by him, close one eye n find someone else to bonk. Marriage are hard to come, woman are easy to get. This is the world we living in.
Old 08-01-2006, 11:10 AM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

seems kinda weird tht u can still plan to get married when u dun even trust her..

wats next after spyware?? PI??
Old 08-01-2006, 12:19 PM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

IMHO, Bro.... marriage is base on Faith and trust. Like the marriage Vows.Honour and treasure.

Honour = faithful and respect. Whatever her past or misgiving u must accept it WHOLE. If u can't accept whatever she is doing now or have faith in her. Then i rather u take a step back and think of yr future.
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Old 08-01-2006, 12:56 PM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

For any relationship to work, the basic ingredient is TRUST. Without it, it cannot work. Let alone a marriage. You sounds very immature and childish by suspecting her. How about yourself, do you have other sexual relationship with FL, GF, ONS, etc?
Old 08-01-2006, 02:06 PM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

[QUOTE=tryying Marriage are hard to come, woman are easy to get. This is the world we living in. [/QUOTE]

Old 08-01-2006, 02:16 PM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

most impt bf gf must have trust ,or else difficult
Old 08-01-2006, 02:56 PM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

No Trust, no believe and no faith in her. Then better dun marry her.
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Old 08-01-2006, 03:01 PM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

You had just touch the taboo in a relationship, that is trust. So what that you had some concrete evidence that she is seeing someone or even sleeping around, what good does it do? Show her that you had been tapping on her and yes she is indeed betraying your love, trust and faith?

Give it a thought, even you are willing to forgive her and continue to be together, it will be a strain relationship for there will always be a distrust taste in it. Sooner or later both of you will get skeptical about each other's actions and behaviour. Well, enough is said.
Old 08-01-2006, 03:36 PM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

冤孽! to think u still can be 'excited' abt the fact she cheated on you... but apart of her being wrong.... i think u shld 检讨 urself... fancy u spying on ur wife to be???.... cant imagine what else u wld do next time when she becomes ur official wife.... make her wear chasity belt??
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Old 08-01-2006, 03:39 PM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

Why let go a forest just to keep one flower.........

I agreed with the guys, dun be stupid....there plenty of gals out there to wait to be BONKING. Why get yourself into his kind of deep shit heartache.

Old 08-01-2006, 03:47 PM
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Re: My Wife-to-be

Originally Posted by MahjongSiao
冤孽! to think u still can be 'excited' abt the fact she cheated on you... but apart of her being wrong.... i think u shld 检讨 urself... fancy u spying on ur wife to be???.... cant imagine what else u wld do next time when she becomes ur official wife.... make her wear chasity belt??
think we should stop commenting liao. let him continue his story again.
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