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Old 25-12-2014, 03:54 PM
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Cheonging: Then & Now

Not exactly "Rose Chan" (the stripper era) or when mata wear teck kor ... but I am long enough in the cheong scene to compare differences.

I notice that ah pek and uncles tend to "romanticise" the Good 'Ol Days and lament.

Yes, there is obviously a "nostalgia" factor and the censoring of the bad parts of cheong so that "ku pai" (last time appear) better. Being aware of this, I will try to minimise this and see if then is really better than now.

I am of the Beng era (80s) where discos like Fire (precursor of "Sparks") is the rage .... Chinoiserie was the hangout of SBC (your media cock previous name) stars hang out!

KTV was mostly by Malaysian girls. Apollo was the first influx of China mei meis .. and there are literally hundreds of girls (unlike now).

Playability factor: I think then was better than now. Got PCC in the room and even use empty room to "zug zug". A recent BS was quite high in playability factor .. but place dingy and girls butterfly all to often.

GFE: Generally, Malaysian char bo provide a higher level of GFE ... unlike mainland mei mei not so mercenary and fierce

Looks: Ah, got to admit that now is better than last time. Neh neh bigger and although China mei mei pantat still not twerk worthy, they are getting there. What's more China mei mei also shave armpits .. hairy pits looks like going to the way of the dino .. heng ah!

Capture of memory: Now got camera phone, easier to have keep sake and souvenir. Girls also more hiao and willing to let you play gynaecologist.

Daringness of sex: Last time want to teow kah chng (ass fuck) a challenge, now I even do it with China mei mei .. who at one time even BJ make face as if eating some bitter Chinese herbal tonic!

Possibility of getting caught: Ku pai much better ... seldom got raid. If hear got raid, always got tip off etc .....

All in all, taking away the nostalgia factor, I still vouch for the Good Old Days ....

More mature Samsters, what do YOU think? Agree with my views?
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Old 25-12-2014, 07:36 PM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

I really miss the good days when Geylang is a shopping ground, every fr is sharing by real samsters and not marketing okie. Health centre are a good place to relax and fucking.
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Old 25-12-2014, 07:58 PM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Really miss the old time where most of the girls be it singaporeans and malaysians of cognac chains of ktv are wild amd give more gfe feeling.

Now a bit diificult to find will great influx of vietnamse chinese and philipinas. All are here now to be quick bucks.

Old 25-12-2014, 09:13 PM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Originally Posted by (.)(.) lover View Post
I really miss the good days when Geylang is a shopping ground, every fr is sharing by real samsters and not marketing okie. Health centre are a good place to relax and fucking.
I totally agree !!!!
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Old 25-12-2014, 10:09 PM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Anyone miss sing po po?
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 26-12-2014, 12:18 AM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Sorry to say what gone cannot b back again ... me too missed t good old day ... in t late 90s was t best time even HC w Malaysian mei mei
Old 26-12-2014, 07:34 AM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Agree with you brother old times are we say it is water under the bridge. I have not been to my fav joint 1612 since China girls took over.....and out of Sammy boy list of OKT too.... Still keep in touch with girls and call them to get my take nowadays quality sucks even if you pay high.
Old 26-12-2014, 11:55 AM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

On the Massage scene, then was concentrated primarily in MPs unlike now where you can get in almost all neighbourhoods.

Information is freely available now but too many are faked by OKTs and hard to find good gems.

China girls are now the majority in almost every activity. Agree with some of the bros that Malaysian girls are much better are KC and you get to know them more unlike the China girls who are mainly pure mercenary.
Old 26-12-2014, 03:31 PM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Agree with TS. I still rem Boss KTV (or was it Bose?), used to be serviced by local malays or Malaysians. No need talk much, the moment all selection done, lights off and birthday suit liao. Can do almost anything in the ktv room or FJ in toilet. That day went a KTV for ent, knn, touch the cina bu pussy from outside nia, she KPKB, and end of night wanted me to tip her $100 as compensation for briefly touching her pussy from outside her JEANS!
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Old 27-12-2014, 11:53 AM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Seems like I am not alone in thinking that the old days seem better ... nowadays the "sincerity" factor seem lacking.

In the world of fake romance ... nowadays seem colder and very much more commercial.

Even with OKT here, I seem to miss the old timers ..... I look back with fondness to "XXXX" (... and Petchara) among other golden gems!!

The silver lining: Commercial sex aside, in terms of affairs, ONS, FB ... I think now its better!! Girls are now more open about it .....
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Old 27-12-2014, 01:26 PM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Bro ansonsohna your thread brought an avalanche of sweet but bitter memories through my head and a small drop of tear as well...

Sweet because back then although KTV and HC settings weren't that flashy and nicely done as compared to now but at least we can sense the "warmth & sincerity" feelings when we cheong. Me and my bros we really feel happy and satisfied when we stepped out of those playgrounds.

And the reason why I say bitter is because I know I would most probably never ever get that kind of feeling ever again...

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Old 27-12-2014, 02:18 PM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Originally Posted by *FiReWoRkS* View Post
Bro ansonsohna your thread brought an avalanche of sweet but bitter memories through my head and a small drop of tear as well...

Sweet because back then although KTV and HC settings weren't that flashy and nicely done as compared to now but at least we can sense the "warmth & sincerity" feelings when we cheong. Me and my bros we really feel happy and satisfied when we stepped out of those playgrounds.

And the reason why I say bitter is because I know I would most probably never ever get that kind of feeling ever again...

好景不常再 好女没得爱

Yah lor .... even Changping (post raid) not the same!!!!

Overall I think Chiu Hu babes still better!!!! sob! sob!

Still thinking of Anna from Boulevard hotel ..... that minah would surely win GEM award for service if there is a category for WL!!

Up you for your nostalgia!!!!
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Old 27-12-2014, 02:25 PM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Anyone miss sing po po?
Yes, I was from the Sing Po Po era. Was in my late teen then. Started work in an insurance company. Those were the days when LSB (lap sap bar) was the in thing as there wasn't much night life entertainment. Remember after the insurance union meeting, all the members proceeded to Sing Po Po for their night of fun; nearly half of the bar was then patronized by the insurance union.

Those were the days when butterfly tip was only $1 per girl, and one bottle of anchor beer cost only $6. For $1, you can also "watch television" in a cubicle at the back area of the bar. Watch television means, you pay the bar girl $1, and she will strip and let you oggle at her naked body, ha ha ha, those were the days of cheap entertaiment.
Old 27-12-2014, 04:42 PM
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Wink Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

I think nothing ready change only new school and old school. Back into Y2k where the fashion was long dress, 14 years later is Korean 2NE1 package. However a nick which is many girls married locals settle down.

And many girls had agreed they serve more locals then FTs and tourists. Good discussion we have problem all sex workers dont wish to flash back to the past. Fear not we have No $ No horny 1 & 2.

Strange is it mine friends. Since we are into year end closing a local issue that matters to locals and I would forward to Yesmin Cheng who I had hard on watching her in her black mini on heels.

Past three years, why no open mob?
Old 27-12-2014, 06:03 PM
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Re: Cheonging: Then & Now

Originally Posted by concerto View Post
Yes, I was from the Sing Po Po era......

Those were the days when butterfly tip was only $1 per girl, and one bottle of anchor beer cost only $6. For $1, you can also "watch television" in a cubicle at the back area of the bar. Watch television means, you pay the bar girl $1, and she will strip and let you oggle at her naked body, ha ha ha, those were the days of cheap entertaiment.
Although I heard of Sin Po Po, I never really been there .... instead I go JB "papaya land" ... after a session at "See More for Less" Machinta!!!!

Bladdy hell, I force my friend to eat the banana from the performers' chee bye!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ... and now he is a dad of five kids (and he blamed me for that!)

Originally Posted by jacky43 View Post
I would forward to Yesmin Cheng who I had hard on watching her in her black mini on heels.

Past three years, why no open mob?
Yesmin Cheng as in the radio DJ????? No Open Mob??? .... Y2K? K Pop? Soli, jialat, me liak bo kiu what talking you! Me from last millennia - late eighties cheong till now type!

And the only K Pop I know is Gangnam Style .. and nobody nobody bak chew (aka nobody nobody "eyes") Wonder Girls!!
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