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Old 15-02-2015, 02:47 AM
angmoh1981 angmoh1981 is offline
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Delete my account (2nd attempt)

Dear Admin, remove my account. I contacted you through contact us and explained my situation. For those that are not familiar with it, let me explain.

I made my first FR ever. I thought people would appropriate my effort.
That was not really the case, for my case it went totally the other direction, because people calling me a fake (because they think I am not really a Caucasian). Yet they never saw me IRL. I know right...........

FK YOU, fking faggot.

Feeling powerful behind a fking computer, keep hitting the - button because you THINK something. GTFO

You never seen my in real life before, so how can you even fking judge.

Ever heard of this saying: You are not guilty until it's proven.
The voting system here on the forums works totally the opposite.
You can abuse the voting system by giving someone you don't like - points all the time.

To the point:
I wouldn't give a rats shit about - points or + points to start with.
The only reason I am pissed is, that after 5 days I still get - voted.
Then when you reach below -6 you cannot post anymore.

So again admin remove this account.
This was the last time I use this account, or logged in on it.

I don't want to be part of such an immature community.

Respect to the admin for getting rid of my - points once and give me 12+ points. Those that - voted me all the time, I hope someday you got the balls and confront people face to face.
Old 15-02-2015, 06:52 AM
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Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

Originally Posted by angmoh1981 View Post
Dear Admin, remove my account. I contacted you through contact us and explained my situation. For those that are not familiar with it, let me explain.

I made my first FR ever. I thought people would appropriate my effort.
That was not really the case, for my case it went totally the other direction, because people calling me a fake (because they think I am not really a Caucasian). Yet they never saw me IRL. I know right...........

FK YOU, fking faggot.

Feeling powerful behind a fking computer, keep hitting the - button because you THINK something. GTFO

You never seen my in real life before, so how can you even fking judge.

Ever heard of this saying: You are not guilty until it's proven.
The voting system here on the forums works totally the opposite.
You can abuse the voting system by giving someone you don't like - points all the time.

To the point:
I wouldn't give a rats shit about - points or + points to start with.
The only reason I am pissed is, that after 5 days I still get - voted.
Then when you reach below -6 you cannot post anymore.

So again admin remove this account.
This was the last time I use this account, or logged in on it.

I don't want to be part of such an immature community.

Respect to the admin for getting rid of my - points once and give me 12+ points. Those that - voted me all the time, I hope someday you got the balls and confront people face to face.
I know I gave you a hard time but that does not mean we here are immature. I have pointed out that your posts will not go down well with us here simply because you are pointing out you are "caucasian". We have other FT caucasians who post FRs etc and they don't make it a big deal and nor do we really give them a hard time. But I think you went overboard by even writing almost 5-6 times that you were angmo and caucasian. What does it serve anyway by mentioning you were Dutch, Angmo or Caucasian? Just curious.

Do take sometime to look at who Anton Casey and Oliver Desbarres and maybe learn what impressions Caucasians have left us here in Singapore before shooting your mouth that you are a Caucasian. It is NOT a badge of honor here!

Peace out.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 15-02-2015, 06:55 AM
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Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

Originally Posted by angmoh1981 View Post
Dear Admin, remove my account. I contacted you through contact us and explained my situation. For those that are not familiar with it, let me explain.

I made my first FR ever. I thought people would appropriate my effort.
That was not really the case, for my case it went totally the other direction, because people calling me a fake (because they think I am not really a Caucasian). Yet they never saw me IRL. I know right...........

FK YOU, fking faggot.

Feeling powerful behind a fking computer, keep hitting the - button because you THINK something. GTFO

You never seen my in real life before, so how can you even fking judge.

Ever heard of this saying: You are not guilty until it's proven.
The voting system here on the forums works totally the opposite.
You can abuse the voting system by giving someone you don't like - points all the time.

To the point:
I wouldn't give a rats shit about - points or + points to start with.
The only reason I am pissed is, that after 5 days I still get - voted.
Then when you reach below -6 you cannot post anymore.

So again admin remove this account.
This was the last time I use this account, or logged in on it.

I don't want to be part of such an immature community.

Respect to the admin for getting rid of my - points once and give me 12+ points. Those that - voted me all the time, I hope someday you got the balls and confront people face to face.
Btw, your rants here can easily come back to haunt you! You have already identified you are Dutch and you screwed a WL from 16W6 on a certain. What you don't know is if there are CCTVs who may have caught you in the act and if someone really wanted to track you down via the CCTVs, you might be in big big trouble....

Just my two cents worth.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 15-02-2015, 07:35 AM
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Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

Ang moh need to go geylang one meh?
Part time Mercedes taxi driver Monday to Friday.

Fc Walabis
Old 15-02-2015, 08:27 AM
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Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

One type of rice feeds one hundred types of people. You can never please everyone - and most of the time, the voices of dissent will bark louder than the voices of consent.

Post something good - not many ups. But post something that even a small group of people disagree with - the zaps come fast and furious.

Sometimes, people get zapped 600 points for no clear reason whatsoever. Probably by someone with many clones? ...and the person I'm referring to is none other than Johnbass
Old 15-02-2015, 09:19 AM
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Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

Originally Posted by LastApril View Post
One type of rice feeds one hundred types of people. You can never please everyone - and most of the time, the voices of dissent will bark louder than the voices of consent.

Post something good - not many ups. But post something that even a small group of people disagree with - the zaps come fast and furious.

Sometimes, people get zapped 600 points for no clear reason whatsoever. Probably by someone with many clones? ...and the person I'm referring to is none other than Johnbass
Haha... SBF life sucks...
Don't make our real life suck can liao... Lol

Angmoh... U should see Snowleopards...
He's also Angmoh...
But his points very high leh...
Maybe he can teach you a trick or 2?
Target 6,888... POSTS!

SAF Core Values... (When Eating Out)
8th - do but don't get caught
9th - caught already act blur
10th - cannot act blur then blame others
Old 15-02-2015, 03:00 PM
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Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

Originally Posted by Johnbass View Post
Haha... SBF life sucks...
Don't make our real life suck can liao... Lol

Angmoh... U should see Snowleopards...
He's also Angmoh...
But his points very high leh...
Maybe he can teach you a trick or 2?
to troll u and tell the whole world how tight your hairy ass is .....

I passing by nia hor .

No time for points exchange .
Old 15-02-2015, 03:40 PM
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Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

Hi TS I do emphatise with you about getting zaps . I am sure everyone of us here in SBF also got zaps now and then. What to do ? We can't please everyone. Just be mindful to be humble in our sharing. Do continue to share and I am sure in due time your points will go up .
Don't just complain . Offer alternative solutions.

Singkies have NO MORE right to complain .

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Old 15-02-2015, 03:42 PM
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Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

Originally Posted by ColdBlood99 View Post
Ang moh need to go geylang one meh?
They are also horny just like us.
Don't just complain . Offer alternative solutions.

Singkies have NO MORE right to complain .

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Old 15-02-2015, 03:46 PM
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Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

Originally Posted by ColdBlood99 View Post
Ang moh need to go geylang one meh?
Huh? Ang Moh don't have cock meh?
~~~ 多长本事,少长脾气 ~~~
Old 20-02-2015, 07:20 PM
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Smile Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

whats going about now ?
Old 28-02-2015, 12:39 AM
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Re: Delete my account (2nd attempt)

TS why do you need to edit all your posts - strange fella

But bear in mind theres other who had quoted your post
and its still visible - information to you
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