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Old 05-04-2006, 12:28 PM
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Who is having more sex?

OK guys, this is serious.

i think the teenagers are over-taking us in this department here. the teens are seriously fucking more now!!!

just a couple of days ago, (ok more like last nite) i checked out of our local love hotel and standing right there are 3 teens couple, trying to check in!!!..damn.

and the posting of home made videos are mostly teens too...come on guys, lets buck up here...

i am going to fuck now.
Old 05-04-2006, 12:37 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

hiaz... long river back wave push front wave (chang jiang hou lang tui chian lang) as the chinese saying goes.....
Old 05-04-2006, 12:43 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

Yes its true, witness a couple of times while I was there in gl hotel81.


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Old 05-04-2006, 12:48 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

well kids got so much time these days.. all they have to worry about is studies and if they parents are gonna give them enough $$ to spend anot..
while we adults have to slog for a living.. haiz... miss my scool days...
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Old 05-04-2006, 02:57 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

Originally Posted by Criminalz
i am going to fuck now.
hahaha... bro you are good la...

last time during teen days in the 80s, sian a girl but didnt know where to bring her to fuck. that time not like now got so many budget short-time hotels. go her house or my house got people. go to the beach too far... sigh...
Old 05-04-2006, 03:20 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

now teens so much time , so much choices
Old 05-04-2006, 04:08 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

Originally Posted by Criminalz
OK guys, this is serious.

i think the teenagers are over-taking us in this department here. the teens are seriously fucking more now!!!
..come on guys, lets buck up here...

i am going to fuck now.
tat wat i called PREP TALK and initiative.....we need more ppl like u to motivate other to get tings moving .....hehehehehe jus got bk frm EHC. (1 up- if ani consolation)....not so SEXTIFYING ...
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Old 05-04-2006, 04:26 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

Agree totally with bro castrol...

Last time wanna screw my GF need to have careful planning one... must make sure either her parents are out or mine out before proceeding to either person house... now with all the budget hotels they can screw anytime, no planning required!!!

I remember once was screwing one of my X GF when we heard the sound of door opening... wah KNN... balls shrink man... faster put on pants and act like nothing happened when her mum walked into the room.
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Old 05-04-2006, 04:40 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

[ Qoute ] last time during teen days in the 80s, sian a girl but didnt know where to bring her to fuck. that time not like now got so many budget short-time hotels. go her house or my house got people. go to the beach too far... sigh [ quote ]

My time ( 70's ) more stupid ah ! Sian the schoolmate already and got her to go to my house and some more nobody at home but don't know and DARE not to fuck ah ! Just kiss here n there only .

You all say lah , stupid anot . Think of it now , sometime want to knock my own head ah !
Old 05-04-2006, 05:00 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

nowadays vcd/dvd are so cheap...

Internet got lots of "references"... For sure kids "enjoying" themself more than last time lar.

last time one VHC tape cost how much leh.
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Old 05-04-2006, 05:30 PM
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bart bart bart bart
Re: Who is having more sex?

Can't blame the teens really. So many options available for them.

Imgine if we are in Sec 4 or JC now, what would we be doing? Sure fail exams.

My time, most of us very blurr one. Got playboy magazine like big fuck already. Internet what? Apple IIe very grand. Only 1 McDonalds at Liat Towers. Metro Orchard (now DFS) or Yaohan Plaza Sing hot hang out places. KFC at Specialist Shopping Centre serve chicken on plates with metal knife and fork. Cinema still got Indian man sell Kachang Puteh in roll up Yellow Pages paper, army boys wear uniform can see show at discount. Got Fitzpatrick supermarket. Take bus got conductor to punch hole in your ticket.

Those were the days. Remember?
Old 05-04-2006, 05:57 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

Originally Posted by bart
My time, most of us very blurr one. Got playboy magazine like big fuck already. Internet what? Apple IIe very grand. Only 1 McDonalds at Liat Towers. Metro Orchard (now DFS) or Yaohan Plaza Sing hot hang out places. KFC at Specialist Shopping Centre serve chicken on plates with metal knife and fork. Cinema still got Indian man sell Kachang Puteh in roll up Yellow Pages paper, army boys wear uniform can see show at discount. Got Fitzpatrick supermarket. Take bus got conductor to punch hole in your ticket.
hahaha, really those were the days....kinda miss it. dunch ya?
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Old 05-04-2006, 06:18 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

My time, most of us very blurr one. Got playboy magazine like big fuck already. Internet what? Apple IIe very grand. Only 1 McDonalds at Liat Towers. Metro Orchard (now DFS) or Yaohan Plaza Sing hot hang out places. KFC at Specialist Shopping Centre serve chicken on plates with metal knife and fork. Cinema still got Indian man sell Kachang Puteh in roll up Yellow Pages paper, army boys wear uniform can see show at discount. Got Fitzpatrick supermarket. Take bus got conductor to punch hole in your ticket.

Those were the days. Remember?[/QUOTE]

Yes bro, I still can recall Fitzpatrick...mmm..during the 70' still innocent n gong gong keekee


Brothers who up my points please leave behind your nick and latest posting topic for me to return favour !
Old 05-04-2006, 06:21 PM
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Re: Who is having more sex?

Originally Posted by bart
Can't blame the teens really. So many options available for them.

Imgine if we are in Sec 4 or JC now, what would we be doing? Sure fail exams.

My time, most of us very blurr one. Got playboy magazine like big fuck already. Internet what? Apple IIe very grand. Only 1 McDonalds at Liat Towers. Metro Orchard (now DFS) or Yaohan Plaza Sing hot hang out places. KFC at Specialist Shopping Centre serve chicken on plates with metal knife and fork. Cinema still got Indian man sell Kachang Puteh in roll up Yellow Pages paper, army boys wear uniform can see show at discount. Got Fitzpatrick supermarket. Take bus got conductor to punch hole in your ticket.

Those were the days. Remember?
waoh bro bart, u n i same gen....kekeke...
Old 05-04-2006, 06:35 PM
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bart bart bart bart
Re: Who is having more sex?

Coolest shoes: Remember Bata Badmington Master? Ha! Then came Treton track shoes. Rich kids wear Adidas Roma with blue stripes.
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