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Old 08-04-2006, 11:17 AM
Cheri_Popper Cheri_Popper is offline
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Angry This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Yesterday, I was with a group of samsters at BS. There is this gal (sorry can't reveal her name to protect her but ShuangJieGun, PowerX, ShadowBro, Axcel69 knows whoI am talking about), whom had sat with me and PowerX before and sat with ShadowBro yesterday. She left after awhile. As I was making a call outside, I saw her taking off in a cab. I then told SB to froget about her as she probably kanna ta pao.

After our session, as usual, went for dinner at the coffeeshop downstairs of BS. I received a call from her. She told me that she had been drugged and robbed by that person who ta pao her. Her speech were slurred and was speaking in a way that was quite hard to understand. At first, I thought she was making up the story as she ahd left BS after awhile sitting with ShadowBro. But as the conversation progress, my doubts started to evaporate.

Together with ShuangJieGun, Axcel69 and another SB Bro(Can't remember his nick) went to her assistance.

We managed to locate her and she was really in a drugged state. This is her acoount of what happened.

She received a call from someone who claimed that she got to know in BS. This guy told her that he was lonely and wanted some company and will compensate her loss of income at BS. As like most PRC gals here, she is here to make $ so she agreed to meet up with him. He told her to take a taxi to a shopping centre, which shopping Centre, the gal also didn't know as the man spoke to the taxi driver via her HP.

After meeting him, he immediately gave her $300/-. He claimed that he was troubled and wanted to take a walk at ECP beach. As they were driving there, he offered her a drink (Guniness Stout) and according to her, she became drowsy awhile later. She vividly remember him stopping at petrol station and went inside to buy something. A box which she thought contains sweets was passed to her and she then put it into her bag without realising that it was a box of condom until much later. She then passed out and when she woke up, they were at one of the ECP c/parks. The man then asked her to alight. She was still dazed at that moment. On checking her belongings, she discovered that cash amounting to S$600/- and RMB$5,000/- was missing from her purse. She also noticed that in the box of condom, there was only 2 "unused" condoms left!

This Son of a bitch HP number is 81093675. He drive a white lorry and is about 1.75m tall. He is stout built and has a tanned complexsion.

Don't think that you can get away with this. You can run but you cannot hide. The HP number traced as well as the vehicle (Petrol Station do have CCTVs) can be traced. not forgeting your fingerprints left on her purse when you ransacked it!

A Police Report has been lodged against you. Don't think that the "Fear Factor" of a PRC reporting to the Police is here. You are in deeper shit than her.

As this gal had just returned from Malaysia to "chop" her passport (She may needs to prove to ICA her ability in supporting her stay here, therefore the cash was carried by her), it is also suspected that the agents (2 gals probably local) are involved as no one would have know that she was carrying so much cash.

To the rest of the Bros who know PRC MM, please warned them about this incident and this MOTHERFUCKER
Old 08-04-2006, 11:26 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Wah Lau, what is this Motherfucker thinking of??? And he stuipd enuff to think that this gal won't make a police report because she working here as a KTV gal.....

Hope the asshole will get caught by the police soon...... damn fucker sia.....
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Old 08-04-2006, 11:31 AM
Cheri_Popper Cheri_Popper is offline
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by QooMilk
And he stuipd enuff to think that this gal won't make a police report because she working here as a KTV gal.....
This motherfucker will get it when the Police arrested and charge him. He is looking at probably 15 to 20 years with 14 stroke of rotan!
Old 08-04-2006, 11:37 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by Cheri_Popper
This Son of a bitch HP number is 81093675.
It a Starhub Top up card number, cannot be trace who the user as it using fake identify. Sad Case Man.
Old 08-04-2006, 11:39 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by ahpaul25
It a Starhub Top up card number, cannot be trace who the user as it using fake identify. Sad Case Man.
Its a M1 line. I had checked. Beside it is the law to register a prepaid card.
Old 08-04-2006, 11:40 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

He should be shot to died......this type of person live in this world useless liao..... put him inside jail also waste food ah and our taxpayer money, better just "finish" him off
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Old 08-04-2006, 11:42 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by Cheri_Popper
Its a M1 line. I had checked. Beside it is the law to register a prepaid card.
Yes, but the register end this June 06, so they using fake identify at the moment, once after June 06, the number will be termainted if remain unregister
Old 08-04-2006, 11:43 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Tat guy is a asshole...
Find him out, we sure fuck him upside down... nabei chee bye!!!
Old 08-04-2006, 11:47 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

i am going to chop off his dick and feed to the dogs...fracture his wrists and ankles so bad that he may never walk again...
Old 08-04-2006, 11:47 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

iregardless of wat line he is using, this shameless con should be tied up and have his asshole sodomised by a cucumber....
Thanks For The Points,
Will Rtn In Due Course

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Old 08-04-2006, 11:53 AM
Cheri_Popper Cheri_Popper is offline
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by ahpaul25
Yes, but the register end this June 06, so they using fake identify at the moment, once after June 06, the number will be termainted if remain unregister
Well he can still be traced from the CCTV at the petrol station where he had stopped and from his fingerprints on her purse. Its only a matter of time before the Law catches up with him. He can run but he can never hide.
Old 08-04-2006, 11:54 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

If the police want to find him, they will get him. Singapore is a small place. the number is a top up card from M1.

He shld not be allowed to get away, probabyly inside job as someone she knows betrayed her and they shld also be charged as accomplice to the crime. Those caught will definitely be looking at custodial sentences ranging from 2 to 10 years and rotan for rape and drug charges for the guy.

Old 08-04-2006, 11:58 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

knn... if i get my hands on this guy.... hahahah... make him eat shit... strip him naked, tie him up and drop him off in the middle of orchard road during rush hour... then make sure the police get him... after an hour or two....

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Old 08-04-2006, 12:01 PM
Cheri_Popper Cheri_Popper is offline
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by blackeagle10
the number is a top up card from M1.

He shld not be allowed to get away, probabyly inside job as someone she knows betrayed her and they shld also be charged as accomplice to the crime. Those caught will definitely be looking at custodial sentences ranging from 2 to 10 years and rotan for rape and drug charges for the guy.

Yes! I also believed that it is an inside job cause no one would have known that shee was carrying so much $ on her except her agent who send her to "chop" passport in Malaysia. She only came back to SG yesterday morning.

That guy is looking at Robbery charge as well. Hope he rots in Changi Prison!
Old 08-04-2006, 12:18 PM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by Cheri_Popper
Its a M1 line. I had checked. Beside it is the law to register a prepaid card.

If it is a prepaid card, it is required to register by end of this month. It is a sad incident.
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