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Old 11-04-2006, 03:19 PM
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zapping for no reason

Sammyboy boss,

recently, FrigginFalcon and I provided our true sharing on bro San68's quality service and both of us got zap for no reason. please refer to link.

is there a way to stop high power bros to just zap whatever they want because it defeats the purpose of true sharing in this forum.

Hope that this thread can have the supports of other high power bros who want true sharing to be provided here even from the newbies.
Old 11-04-2006, 03:42 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by ph1970
Sammyboy boss,

recently, FrigginFalcon and I provided our true sharing on bro San68's quality service and both of us got zap for no reason. please refer to link.

is there a way to stop high power bros to just zap whatever they want because it defeats the purpose of true sharing in this forum.

Hope that this thread can have the supports of other high power bros who want true sharing to be provided here even from the newbies.
bro, there is no pts starting a new thread jus complaining abt being zapped. u can always pm SAM for the above prob. by starting new thread, u r wasting wave line. later worse, kanna zapped by SAM himself. ok lar, for watever reason i oso dun noe, i upp u tis time. cheers
Old 11-04-2006, 04:19 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

I see bro poompoom becoming laojiao already.

Yah abt this zapping things. Boss Sam has a very strong view about the points system. Maybe you can figure out what it is before you ask him.
Old 11-04-2006, 04:28 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Bro Poompoom,

Thanks for your advice and 1 pt! unfortunately the 1 pt given also got zapped instantly! anyway i will remember your support and will return your favour!

the reason to start this thread is that i have seen so many unreasonable zapping, just want to get support from boss and brothers who want true sharing here.

wow, Bro laodi,
so fast u switch from your lovely poem to this thread. Thanks for your opinion!
it's very clear cut that the person just zap because of true sharing, hope boss can zap and show the person who zaps for no reason.
Old 11-04-2006, 04:39 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

hey bro ... I understand how U feel cos Im a victim myself ... see my pts and u'll know why. So now I only share with fellow bros that I know well.
Old 11-04-2006, 04:50 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Thanks bro horsepower for your 1 point!

-4: total points zapped because of true sharing in

up by: poompoom, horsepower,
Thanks to bro who support i will remember and return favour!

can anybody share with me on how to put the above as part of my signature?
Thanks in advance!
Old 11-04-2006, 05:00 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Bro ph1970 , this is something you have to live with in this forum , in the past year ,I too had been zapped countless times by posting my FRs , you will find all sorts of people here , there is nothing anyone can do really , continue your true spirit of sharing bro , you will get your points back up again in no time.
Old 11-04-2006, 05:09 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

ha! ha! got miracle! God shows power! i have my 10 points back!

Thanks for those who up me! don't know who u r ley!

Bro Astrozz,
Thanks for your support!
Old 11-04-2006, 05:27 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Bro ph1970, i oso got zap several times until i stop complaining. Nowadays I dun ask for pts and if any bros who like to zap just let them do it cos the pts doesn't provide any freebies to any TN, WH or KTV! Many seniors I know will do wat they can to save u if they find tat u r sincere.
My advise is just provide and contribute and in return the seniors will know wat to do. Up yr pts and see how many they still want to zap u?
Old 11-04-2006, 05:59 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

What about all those who added to your reputation points for no reason. You want me to deal with them too?

Originally Posted by ph1970
Sammyboy boss,

recently, FrigginFalcon and I provided our true sharing on bro San68's quality service and both of us got zap for no reason. please refer to link.
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Old 11-04-2006, 06:08 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by Knife
My advise is just provide and contribute
Should be "My ADVICE is to just provide and contribute..."

"Advise" is a verb.
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Old 11-04-2006, 06:24 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Good english and now i feel paisei lah haha
Old 11-04-2006, 06:31 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

To threadstarter,just take everything with a pinch of salt.u cant possibly please everyone in this cyber world.dont take this rep pt system too seriously.

Next Target : 2888
Do leave your nick if you upzz me so that I can return favor.
I sincerely seek your kind patience as there is a list of favors I need to return.
If I do forget to, pls drop me a reminder PM.
Thank you all for your kind understanding.
Old 11-04-2006, 06:35 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Threadstarter... the way ur posting wuz done... easy to mistake for a clone posting / advertisement... as long as u know ur true intentions... what is a few points zapped... I have gone through it countless times.... kekekeke... cheerz and happy bonking...
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Old 11-04-2006, 07:34 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
Should be "My ADVICE is to just provide and contribute..."

"Advise" is a verb.

Hmm so familiar.. thought i've seen it that somewhere.. ah yes.. delphi forum!
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