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After reading all the various stories in the forum and i really enjoyed it, I thought I would share my personal experience with you guys.
I remember when i was 19 years old, I had a work attachment term at a secondary school in singapore. It was one of the top schools in singapore and it was a all girl's school. Honestly speaking, I was kind of worried about it when I took the job offer for the 6 months attachment period as I came from an all boys school and it would be a totally different environment mah. Anyways heres a bit of background info, I went overseas to study and as i went overseas early and the program i am in required that i complete some work terms related to what i am studying and teaching what i have studied is one of the jobs they ok. I was desperate that i cannot find a job elsewhere so I applied to most schools in singapore and this all girls school hire me. So i arrived there and i was intro to the principal and all those people and finally meeting people that i have been communicating with for months over email and it was kind of paiseh when the principal intro me to the students. So the name I would be using would be James Lim. Anyways that was my first day there and it was a wednesday loh and i was kind of sian lah. I got allocated 2 secondary 4 classes, 2 sec 3 and 1 sec 1. So that night after work i went to chiong and to my surprize i saw this bunch of girls at china black looking at me. My frens were like eh jack, theres a bunch of girls looking at you leh. I am like:'no lah, impossible, i just got back only to singapore. Cannot be my old friends one as i din really inform people i got back. I meant to surprize them lah" Anyways so those bunch of girls came over and we intro and than dance and stuff loh. One of the chicks call my eye and found out her name was cheryl. So we were dancing the night away and it was hot. I remember she was wearing this tube top and hot pants with no bra and just a black thong. I was grinding with her and kissing and running my hands up her back and stuff. Then my friends was telling me to send cheryl friend home as she got really drunk lah. I din want to loh but as i am the only one that has a car, i am like ok loh but so ma fan. Cause i stay near china black and its like a 2 minutes drive but i have to drive all the way to clementi to drop her home. I got cheryl number and i was about to zao with her drunk friend rachel when cheryl is like, eh james, you mind sending me home? I stay bukit timah. I am like ok lah, no problem. and then with rachel being supported by cheryl, made my way to my car and when cheryl saw my car,shes like:" wah piang,your car?" I am like :"yea lah" cause i came back to singapore to work mah and so my dad gave me a car to drive lah. It was my birthday present and it was a E500 so its really nice to pick up chicks with it. Anyways so i manage to get rachel home and she din puke in my car and then i drove cheryl back. She was kind of high so she slept lah. When i reach her place, I woke her up and I walk her to her house when shes like:' eh james, my parents overseas for business, wana come in?. Wah i am like :'ok sure'. but of course i am damn happy lah, na bei never bonk singapore girls so long,this one got chance liaoz, ho sei liao! So i went in to her house and i held her hand and she din reject loh but just shy at me. then we went up to her room and i started to kiss her. she din object and we were kissing for about 10 minutes while my hand was exploring her body. I realized that her body was very tight and there was no fat on her. I took off her tube and i was playing with her tits. It was really nice to be sucking at her pinkish nipples and it turn me on so much with her girlish moans. Then she told me to lie down and gave me a grin like a cat and she started to play with my balls. Slowly she alternate sucking my dick with her mouth and sucking my balls and it was really high. I was touching her all over the place all this time. FInally she took her pants off and her panties and i was like omg, this gurl has a completely shave pussy. It was damn smooth and I immediately ask her to spread her legs so i can eat it. It was already damn wet and as i was licking her, she got so excited and shes like slow down can, my first time getting eaten out. I am liek ok ok lah,after a while i started to bang her but sadly she came like after 10 minutes and she was screaming in pain and beg me to stop. So i am like ok loh and i pull out but i was really enjoying her pussy as it was so tight and i was sad but after i pull out, shes like:"orz your didi still so hard ar, come let me help you and she help me bbbj it and finish me off lah" THen i look at the clock and realize its 3am liaoz, i am like die, tomorrow my first day of classes. I better go home shower and grab some sleep. Said a quick goodbye to cheryl and on the drive back, than i realize i never even ask her what is she doing now and how old and stuff but i assume must be at least 18 lah cuz she was in china black mah. So there ends my first clubbing night in singapore after a long absence overseas and as i doze off, i am like shiok ar. If only every night can be like this |
Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
nice welcoming home treat that you have gotten... gd luck in ur future conquests...
"Sex is the best stress buster. It's better than any drug." |
Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
girl school means chij?
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Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
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Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
![]() http://forum.sammyboy.com/showpost.p...&postcount=249
A sucker for Juicy SweetMILF.... Vietnamese Wife in Singapore Foreigner Wife's matter. Need Info on PRC Visa etc |
Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
nice story, but just some queries...
'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.' |
Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
he say top girl school mah.. so might be RGS or SCGS... that all i can think of from the top ![]() |
Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
Eh paiseh, lets just say my name is james. Cuz i dun want to use my real name mah and i was trying to decide. Anyways yea a girls sch is a school like CHIJ, SCGS,MGS something like that lah. And yea this is my personal experience.
And now to the next part of my story. I woke up finally at 6.45am and I was feeling so tired. I thought about cheryl and I was like if only i can sample that pussy again. So bo pian loh, took a shower change and rush down to my car. When i saw a sms and to my surprize it read:"hey james,its cheryl. Thanks for a great night". I am like whatever since i am in a rush to get to work. Jump into my car start the engine and than get to work loh. Haha being in a angmoh country for so long made me forgot the traffic there is in the morning when parents send their kids to school. So bo pian have to go slowly loh and finally i manage to reach the school at 7.10am. Luckily I am not that far from the school and i made it lah. Put down my stuff grab my timetable and went down to the form class that was assign to me and let the monitress give me attendance. As i was standing there listening to principal talk, I just want to sleep lah as stll too tired from last night. Finally I taught finish my first class and it was nothing special and I was walking by the corridor back to the staff room when this bunch of girls was giggling as they greeted me. And suddenly one of them was like:' Mr Lim, had fun last night?" My face hace has never turn so pale before in my life as the girl was cheryl and the bunch of girls were the girls at china black last night. I am like die liaoz, this bunch of girls is secondary 4 and that means underage. No wonder the pussy is so tight. I am like die, hope the school dun find out about it. Then the girls started to just talk to me lah, it was really friendly talk and they were like so Mr Lim you rich lah, drive such a nice car. I am like no loh and all of a sudden the bell rang. I am like go to your classes lah girls. I walk back to the staff room but i was so nervour. I din even try to look at the girls as in a girls school if you look carefully, you could see girls sitting open legged and zao geng for everyone to see. I sat at my table in the staff room and was thinking through my options and i figured that as shes not a virgin so its probaly ok and as long as she dun tell and i had use a condom last night. Its probaly safe. However my other head was telling me to bonk her again as 16 year old pussy is so tight and sweet. Oh well, i push those thoughts apart and prepared for my next class. |
Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
So far so good.
James pen name. Jack real name? Lives near China Black, also near the school. Starting to get a picture of the possible venues. Nice story, pls go on. |
Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
So i prepared the various transparencies and slides that i needed to use for my next lesson after 1 hour. It was kind of a rush job as I was too paiseh to borrow from the other teachers lah. I went down to the canteen to makan a bit with my colleagues and came back up to blow air con a bit.
One thing i notice is that the girls in the school are so different in school and outside school. Outside school they are quiet quiet and also sit properly and behave like ladies. Here in school, they behave so rowdy and also zaogeng for the whole world to see. But than again 7 out of 10 teachers are female and even than most of the male teachers here are either ah pek or kind of veyr feminine so I guess that explains the girls attitude in school as who would want to see their zao geng panties. Anyways I look at the staff room clock and decided to go to my 2nd last class of the day. It was another secondary four class. I really dun know what i want loh. I mean teaching lower sec is nice as the girls are kind of more guai and whatever you say they listen but ar so chatty. The upper sec girls are more rebelious and like to talk back to the teacher a lot but yet you know in your heart these girls are the cream of the corp as they are probaly one of the best. I always thought my L1R5 score was decent as it was a single digit in my sec sch days but wah come to this school I finally understand what is a top school. This sch students dun have a single student getting above 20 so all can go jc and even than only 1 or 2 student got 15 points and above. Most of them have 10 points and below. Was brought back to reality as i step into the classroom and I am like hoi sei liaoz. Turns out this class just finish PE and was sitting there cooling off in their pe attire and some girls were in their sports bra. Of course me being a teacher, I am like"Girls I give you 5 more minutes, hurry up and change and get ready for class" I went to washroom to wash my face of the dirty images i just saw and when i went back they are all ready lah. After they greeted me, I started to read out the names I had on my classlist so I could put a face to each of the names. I got the shock of my life when I read the name cheryl and she raise her hand and said:" here mr Lim". I am like"wah wth man, so qiao meh" and than i realize than some of the girls i saw at china black last night also in the same class as her and she giggle at me. Then i was teaching the class the material for the day and I am just thinking. These girls are damn zai sia party until so late still got energy to come school and I am dying to sleep liaoz. Whatever lah. I was just hoping for the bell to ring as I want to get out of the class quick as cheryl and her friends were asking me smart alec questions. Finally the class ended and before i zao I told the class that they were very good students and were very guai. Therefore i rewarded them with godiva chocolates. They immediately so guai man and thank me front and back. Yea i did that for all my other classes. I handed out merci for my lower sec classes and handed out roche and godiva. Its a really good tactic actually. Before you bribe the students, they are damn bad attitude. You give them some nice stuff they will be guai guai and less smart alec lah. Finish off the day and nothing much lah but i was thinking If i take a camera and come here take pictures sure can make a lot of money selling their pics and than later kanna police! Finally done all classes so went back to my table, chuck my stuff down and wanted to zao liaoz as arrange to meet up with my ex-gf for lunch lah. Than just as I was leaving, my hod wanted to see me. Shes like James ar, so hows the school and the girls so far?I am like ok ok lah,the girls are very smart and this school is nice. Heres a bit of hint about the school i am at. The school that i used to study at is so much more nicer than this girls school even though the students here are more academically smarter than my own sec sch. Anyways my hod concern me for like 5 more minutes and ask me hows work and whether can cope and stuff before she told me. oh yea i am allocating you a cca too. I hope you do not mind lah, its actually netball so you have to go training with them and competition. haha i am like " no no its ok, its a great learning experience" In my head, i am like shiok man. netball girls are the best. nice tan body and nice figure. So I went to my car and hope that along the way i will not meet cheryl and her friends lah. Got into my car no problem when i receive an sms from cheryl:"eh james, saw you going to your car leh. I am going to orchard now, you mind giving me and my friend a ride?" I am like whatever lah, can take the chance to talk to her to diam diam also as i am going to orchard for lunch. I sms her back:" pick you up in 10 minutes at this place 10 minutes away from the school". I on the aircon and wait a bit loh. I ask them to go further away cause not nice mah. Drive my car out of the school and later people see I have two girls in my car, they sure talk this talk that one. Pick up the gurls eventually and turns out theres 3 of them. The other girls were like wah cheryl, you and Mr lim very close is it? shes like ok ok lah. So cheryl sat in the front seat and I took the chance lah as i drove to orchard which is liek a 15 min drive. but din really talk much as her friends were in the car but they were from last night too. They were jasmine and Sarah. Ok lah sara is cute and jasmine is just tall loh but cheryl is the chio one. Drop them off at heerens and i went off to meet my friends lah. Cheryl was telling me will talk to me later and when she got off the car, saw her white panties. I am like wah. Continue after a break lah, hope you guys have fun reading this. |
Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
Raffles Gers or S'pore Chinese Gers ![]() ![]() Considering he lives 2 mins away from China Black, my best guess is Raffles Gers. Wat say you bro???? CHEERS |
Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
my guess is rgs.. scgs not really top sch is it??
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Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
hmm i stay super near SCGS n arnd near RGS.. if he drive car took 15min to reach orchard,, dun think is tis sch.. coz tats e time tat i took whn takin bus to orchard. but culd b possible if he mistaken e time of 15min to drive to orchard. haha.. nxt time i wan b some relieve teacher.... in a girls school
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Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
err.. CHIJ toa payoh!!!.. thats e only sch tat u drive will take u 15min to orchard.. yeah.. BIG possibilities... coz my sch at toa payoh.. haha so i knw..
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Re: Bonking SYTs from Girl's School
Raffles is less than 5 mins from Orchard,
but again, MGS and SCGS don't have such smart students. Can't be Nanyang right?!?! |
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