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Old 16-05-2015, 01:30 PM
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Adventure with God Bro's Wife

I have been visiting Singapore quite often and realize the accommodation is pretty expensive.

So no choice la, have to contact my long time god bro which have been residing in Singapore for the past decade to try to get some free accommodation with him.

He is in his late thirties and got married recently. I didn't know this but when I contacted him to say hello and stuff, he shared with me about his marriage and his HDB. Luckily for me, that means I have a place to stay .

I have never meet his wife before and the last time I met my god bro is 3-4 years back. We got keep in contact but usually only once a year during CNY when he come bai nian to my family.

I make arrangement and told him I will be staying for 4 days arriving on Sat lunch time and going back Tues evening. It is OK as he's got a spare room.

The day I arrived, his wife is not around as she went out to tapao lunch for him and herself. The place is quite central and it is a 2 bedroom HDB with the toilet facilities at the kitchen. The toilet and the shower area are separated so one can shower and the other can do some big business at the same time. With this setup, this is how my adventures with my god bro's wife begins.
Old 16-05-2015, 01:50 PM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

camping for more
Old 16-05-2015, 02:15 PM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

2nd camper reporting in .
Old 16-05-2015, 05:03 PM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

Off to a good start TS, do continue
Old 16-05-2015, 06:04 PM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

PM me for exchange pics / contacts
Email me at [email protected]

How I saw my mom had sex:
Old 16-05-2015, 06:18 PM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife


Stop before your god bro come to know about it
Old 16-05-2015, 07:49 PM
iNotStupid iNotStupid is offline
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

TS, waiting for more adventures
Old 16-05-2015, 07:57 PM
coolioalan coolioalan is offline
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

Originally Posted by coolioalan View Post
With this setup, this is how my adventures with my god bro's wife begins.
I am sitting in the living room when I hear the sound of keys and opening of the grill door. The wooden door opens and I just dumbly look at the door while a lady comes in. I presume this is my god bro's wife.

First impression. She is tall with long black hair and long legs. When I mean tall, she is really tall for a lady. I am 170cm and she is taller than me by at least 5cm.

She is wearing a short shorts with a cute t-shirt. White t-shirt to be exact with those cartoon prints on it similar to those $5 t-shirt you get at Phuket.

The short shorts accentuated her long legs. And oh did I mention, she is fair? Like fair, fair.

I said Hi and introduce myself. She introduce herself as well and her name is Kristine.

I offered help in carrying her tapao but she say It is OK and thank you for the offer.

She walk across me to the kitchen and I get her back view. As her t-shirt is white and kinda worn, it is a little translucent at the back and I saw hints of a black bra. Nice. I am getting a little turn on but quickly change my mind to other things. After all, she is my god bro's wife and thinking of her in such ways are inappropriate.

That is my first encounter with her.
Old 16-05-2015, 08:33 PM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

That is my first encounter with her.

She prepare the tapao food and set it on the dining table which is just beside the living room sofa. HDB is not that big if you must know.

She asked whether I had lunch, I say I am going out soon to meet up with my friends for lunch and hang out and stuff. We have some small talk until my god bro come out from the shower.

I inform him I am going out but he ask me to wait a while.

Wondering why, I wait as instructed. He come out from his room and ask Kristine about the spare keys. He wanted to give me a set in case I came back late. Kristine just tell him to pass me her keys since anyway, they both are always together anyway.

With the key, I went out.

Fast forward to the time I came back. It is about 130am.

I reach my god bro's unit and notice there is light from the living room window. Wondering who could it be, I open the door as silently as possible, so that I don't have wake anybody up.

I open the wooden door and is surprised to see Kristine sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Me: Hi. So late still haven't sleep ah?
Kris: Yes, watching this movie on Celestial.
Me: Oh Ok. Enjoy.

*drop my things in the room and took a quick shower*

I didn't get to have a good look at her earlier but now, coming out from the shower as I walk to the room, I can see her clearly.

She is wearing a spectacle which I did not notice this morning. Guess usually she wears contact lens.

I notice her pyjamas as well which is the typical long big oversize dress. The only difference is that it is held on the shoulders by tied strings, not those t-shirt kind.

I sit beside her (it is a two seater sofa) while waiting for my hair to dry.

It is silence at first until the commercial comes in where she ask about my day. We chat a little in very soft voices as we do not want to wake up my god bro.

The movie come back but the chat still continues although she is a bit slow in response. With her eyes glued on the TV, I look at her up and down and notice one thing.

She is not wearing a bra which I guess is typical when you will be sleeping soon and you are at home.

How do I know? Because I saw two hints of something perky at her chest area as the pyjamas are those thin comfortable cloth type. I don't know how to explain but I think you all will understand.

I ogle at her chest trying to imagine more. Her breasts are average size I guess with the way the materials rest on to it.

The commercial come back and I quickly averted my gaze in case I get caught.

I decided to stick a bit longer even though my hair is fully dry by now.

The movie come back and my staring starts again and my stares will stop once the commercial starts.

On the next stare, mid-way through the movie, she turn to look at me and me caught unaware, quickly look at the TV.

I think she notice I am looking at her but I pretend nothing happened and continue to watch the TV.

She fiddle a bit which I think she is adjusting her pyjamas. Maybe she found out about her nipples showing some hints and I am looking at it. Million of thoughts come to my mind. What if she told my god bro, what if I got asked to leave etc....

Don't know what to do.

Me: OKla, good night. Want to sleep liao, tired.
Kris: *in surprised tone* Oh so fast? I thought you wanted to watch this movie till the end.
Me: What time will it end?
Kris: Soon. I think another 10 minutes.
Me: Oh ok. Can watch finish.
Kris: Good.

Good? GOOD? What does she means by that? Me thinking to myself.
Old 16-05-2015, 09:51 PM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

Good means she is an exhibitionist and enjoy your stares.
I don't care about points so don't up me or ask me for exchange.
Even with this signature, some still up me. Haiz.
Old 16-05-2015, 10:03 PM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

Camp for more action, thanks bro for sharing. Please update soon.
Me L0v3D053x Just want to have fun
Old 16-05-2015, 10:34 PM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

Good start, looking forward to some hot actions.
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Old 16-05-2015, 10:44 PM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

TS, pitching a tent for your story!
Old 16-05-2015, 11:40 PM
coolioalan coolioalan is offline
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

Good? GOOD? What does she means by that? Me thinking to myself.

Sit down back and continue to watch the movie.

Now, I dare not gaze at her for fear of being caught again.

The only sound now is the sound from the TV. Our little chat did not continue although I did notice from the corner of my eyes she is paying full attention to the movie and did not flinch or look at my side.

Finally the movie ended. It is a bit of torture since I dare not look at her corner but it is OK since now I can go to sleep.

She off the TV with the remote, stand up and walk across me before I get a chance to stand up first.

I walk behind her because her room entrance and my room entrance is just opposite each other along the short corridor.

As I was expecting her to open her room door and go into her room, she suddenly make a 180 degree turn.

Shock. I make an abrupt stop in my step, nearly losing my footing. I hold on to both her arms for support. She also hold herself steady by touching the wall.

As quickly as I held her arms, I also quickly let go of it.

I mouth a "sorry" to her but she wave it away with her hand and mouth back a "good night" to me.

Acknowledging her good night, I also say good night to her. But something interesting happen at this moment.

She do a 2 hands up stretch which pushes her chest out. My gaze immediately look at the chest to see two sharp pointy pushing out from the fabric as the pyjamas tightens and she turn back and go into her own room.

Although the view was just for a second at most, I go to sleep thinking of all sorts of thing.
Old 17-05-2015, 12:15 AM
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Re: Adventure with God Bro's Wife

camping here with peanuts & beer😇

PM yo nick if u have up my points..will return when i have recover.....🍻
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