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Old 19-06-2015, 07:05 PM
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HIV from geylang legal brothel

Hi bros,

What are the odds of contracting hiv from a geylang wl?

Will the wl purposely spread the virus around because of hate or anger?
Old 19-06-2015, 07:15 PM
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Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

Risk is statistically low. But if complacency sets in, anything goes.

Why would the WL wants to spread the virus around? Her ultimate aim is to make money, not sensationalise herself to notoriety in this manner, unless she is out of her mind!
Old 19-06-2015, 08:46 PM
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My buddy kena HIV fr geylang wl. He regret cos he also lost his high flying job

Originally Posted by lucidlucifer View Post
Hi bros,

What are the odds of contracting hiv from a geylang wl?

Will the wl purposely spread the virus around because of hate or anger?
Old 19-06-2015, 08:57 PM
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Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

There are freelance and streetwalkers out there who spread HIV as Revenge due to the hate/anger they have.....

The good thing about geylang brothel is that the WL will be ban from working once HIV is discovered

and before the HIV is discovered, even she herself will not know she got HIV, so its impossible for her to think of revenge because she does not know it yet

so the legal brothel is safer

beware of FL dome and streetwalkers who are HIV infected and out for revenge
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Old 19-06-2015, 09:12 PM
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Lightbulb Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

Originally Posted by lucidlucifer View Post
Hi bros,

What are the odds of contracting hiv from a geylang wl?

Will the wl purposely spread the virus around because of hate or anger?
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Old 19-06-2015, 09:55 PM
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Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
Bro stay at home surf Sammy and and save MONEY
So true. Surf and PCC for another 15 years you can save enough to buy a Jaguar XF or even XJ! Vroom!
Old 19-06-2015, 11:37 PM
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Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
Bro stay at home surf Sammy and and save MONEY
Pcc at home & save money for shark fin soup with abalone
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Old 20-06-2015, 12:50 AM
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Talking Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

Originally Posted by Harvest View Post
So true. Surf and PCC for another 15 years you can save enough to buy a Jaguar XF or even XJ! Vroom!
Originally Posted by slyer View Post
Pcc at home & save money for shark fin soup with abalone
So me Makan SharkFin and Drive XJ after PCC
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Old 20-06-2015, 02:27 AM
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Originally Posted by unfit View Post
Bro stay at home surf Sammy and and save MONEY
Dont like that leh. All of us were new to this scene once.
Old 20-06-2015, 10:44 AM
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Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

The risk of HIV is extreme low. But be prepared to be infected with herpes. There is no cure for herpes, only controlled.
Old 20-06-2015, 10:55 AM
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Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

Originally Posted by loverod View Post
The risk of HIV is extreme low. But be prepared to be infected with herpes. There is no cure for herpes, only controlled.
... and genital warts.
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Old 20-06-2015, 01:27 PM
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Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

What if spread to gf or wife or pregnant wife to baby child? My solution is wear 10 condomss

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
... and genital warts.
Old 20-06-2015, 03:03 PM
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Talking Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

Originally Posted by lucidlucifer View Post
Dont like that leh. All of us were new to this scene once.
Just Kidding bro

Be safe than sorry mah
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Old 20-06-2015, 06:07 PM
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Some vaccines to consider

Genital warts was mentioned somewhere in the thread which are usually caused by the human papilloma virus. The vaccine Gardasil protects against two common strains that cause cancer and another two common strains that cause genital warts. It's usually recommended for those not yet exposed and tests have not been done to gauge effectiveness for older subjects. I'm not a doctor but I imagine it's useful training for the immune system and it does not involve a live virus. It is costly however, 3 doses each over $100, taken at 0, 2nd and 6th month.

If the working lady has a genital wart or a mouth lesion, you probably don't want to touch or kiss it.

Another vaccine that is useful is the hepatitis B vaccine if you haven't already taken it or been exposed. The Twinrix vaccine (against hep A and B) is also in 3 doses taken at 0, 1st and 6th month. It's a bit cheaper than the Gardasil vaccine. If you can afford both then they are probably good investments.

My own feeling is that the doctors who perform regular checkups on the working ladies should pay attention to obvious skin problems and not only treat them but stop the lady from working until they clear. Generally they are tested only for serious STDs like Aids, gonorrhea, syphillis, chlamydia. But if there are clear signs of herpes lesions or hpv warts around the mouth or genitals, doctors should take action. Of course the tests to confirm them may be complicated but they should be treated with anti-virals and a stop-work order issued for the 7-12 days it takes for these symptoms to clear when the subject is most infectious.

I've also seen some working ladies with extensive patches of skin discoloration and/or roughness developing on buttocks, back or chest. Not sure what is causing this but I hope their doctors are paying attention, treating them and issuing stop-work orders when necessary. Obviously this involves more work and repeat visits but they protect everyone and may prevent an epidemic. If the normal doctors are overburdened, perhaps they could refer some cases to the National Skin Centre and their specialists.

Finally I want to highlight a practice that might affect disease transmission. I understand that houses charge working ladies for the towels that they use. In some Cat 40/50 houses, some working ladies may resort to reusing towels to save money. If you see towels hanging to dry and are occasionally offered one that doesn't smell right, it might not be very clean. I would prefer if houses did not charge ladies for towels unless an excessive number were used.

Just some feedback I hope will be helpful

Last edited by Jamesr; 21-06-2015 at 03:23 AM.
Old 20-06-2015, 06:13 PM
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Re: HIV from geylang legal brothel

Can't imagine the practice of reusing towel....hope that's not true
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