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View Poll Results: The guy who made this comment is an idiot.
Agree 25 23.81%
Disagree 66 62.86%
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Old 18-05-2006, 02:16 AM
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Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

Someone who hasnt had commercial sex experience made this comment:

"Let me emphasise that I am not anti commercial sex in any way. All I am doing is expressing my opinion regarding getting emotionally involved with whores. I think people who form relationships with broads are absolute idiots. I am also pointing out that prostitutes must be viewed for what they actually are... ie... women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck. "
Old 18-05-2006, 12:00 PM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

well...there is always 2 sides to a coin.....
some do it for quick bucks (to spurge on material items..etc...) ...n some do it for personal reasons (families...debt ...etc....)...
in fact quite surprise to find that almost 40% bros here feel tat WLs, FLs r out to make quick bucks....
for me ....circumstances do play a important factors ....
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Old 18-05-2006, 12:03 PM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

Originally Posted by MMM88
well...there is always 2 sides to a coin.....
some do it for quick bucks (to spurge on material items..etc...) ...n some do it for personal reasons (families...debt ...etc....)...
in fact quite surprise to find that almost 40% bros here feel tat WLs, FLs r out to make quick bucks....
for me ....circumstances do play a important factors ....
We are men who have loose morals out to find a quick and easy fuck.

Anyone disagree with my statement?


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
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Old 18-05-2006, 12:31 PM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
We are men who have loose morals out to find a quick and easy fuck

Anyone disagree with my statement?

totally agreeed....
FLs, WLs ...n wat not are to b "sayang" n not to be abused n exploited yah....hav no qualms abt bring them to dinner n jalan jalan to develop a "feel" so as to enjoy t intimacy during "transaction" b fully immensed into tis mode hav to look at and them individually ..n not b sterotype..............
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Old 18-05-2006, 12:37 PM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

$$$ is all that matters mah...
Old 18-05-2006, 12:41 PM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

Very presumptious to paint them with a broad brush. Even in Singapore, some gals are forced into this due to loan shark or debts from other family members.

Of course some working gals from Thailand and poorer countries don't even know when they are being sold to pimps. Those match making agencies from Eastern Europe are famous for conning young unsuspecting gals and shipped them out to UK and the rest of the world.

No gal is willing to sell her body and dignity away for money if they is a viable alternative out. They are exposed to all sorts of risks, violence from clients, STDs , Aids etc.., ostracised by friends and relatives. Hey guys, you think it is easy being a pros, why not offer your ass to be sodomised by some Arab sheiks. They are quite fond of virgin ass.

But sad to say some men through their callous actions push some of these women into this game.
Old 18-05-2006, 01:38 PM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

sometimes life is just too bad
Old 18-05-2006, 02:41 PM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

"....women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck"

Actually I have no problem with this statement.

Loose morals? Of course. One has to have a certain open mind before she can stoop to this level. She does not have to be totally immoral. She only needs to be flexible enough in her morals to consider this option.

Fast buck? Absolutely. Why else would you need to be a prostitute? Because you love fucking strangers? The whole idea is to make money, lots of it, and fast. Why you need to make that much money quickly... that's irrelevant to this statement. Whether you need it for kidney transplant, feed your cows and goats, buy a new Prada handbag... the fact remains that one is in prostitution because they need fast bucks.

So since the two statements are correct, there is no problem with the entire statement at all. Don't be so sensitive!

Of course, it's one thing to say that prostitutes are women of loose morals out to make a fast buck. That's a fact. But saying prostitutes are lazy good for nothing sluts? That's just insulting.

If you want to zap me annonymously, go ahead. But please save your comments. If you do not have the balls to leave your nick, then I don't really care what you have to say.
Old 19-05-2006, 12:11 AM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

On the other poll of hardworking girls wouldn't end up as whore...I voted "agree"...

Whore are loose woman & earning fast buck..I voted "disagree"....The guy that posted on the above remark is idiot or moron..My vote is "FULLY AGREE"...

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Old 19-05-2006, 11:53 AM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

prostitutes must be viewed for what they actually are... ie... women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.
The writer should not use the word "MUST", a word too strong to use.

There's two sides of a coin for a woman to be a prostitute. For the case of some poor countries, young girls are actually conned into this trade. Eventually, they grew to stick to this trade for a prolonged period. Are they women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck? I believe not. These people do not deserve to be condemned. Given a choice, they would wish to live a comfortable life like most Singaporeans do.

On the other hand, for sure, there are women out to make fast bucks or even clear debts, support child due to divorce etc... as mentioned by some of the bros already. Loose morals? Maybe. Fast bucks? Definitely.

But we can't deny the fact that, men are actually the ones who cause this supply/demand of prostitutes. If there's no demand, there will be no supply. Well, can we be viewed as "men of loose morals who are out to get cheap thrills out of prostitutes"? Remember, it always takes two hands to clap.
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Old 20-05-2006, 01:26 AM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

Originally Posted by Kyser Soze
The writer should not use the word "MUST", a word too strong to use.

There's two sides of a coin for a woman to be a prostitute. For the case of some poor countries, young girls are actually conned into this trade. Eventually, they grew to stick to this trade for a prolonged period. Are they women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck? I believe not. These people do not deserve to be condemned. Given a choice, they would wish to live a comfortable life like most Singaporeans do.
The writer who made those comments probably comes from a rich country where there are jobs aplenty with good minimum wage. So when he said
prostitutes must be viewed for what they actually are... ie... women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.
I believed he meant women from those rich countries, rather than women from poor countries.

The writer never had much contact with WL cos he dont/never do commercial sex. Those WL that he had come in contact with, are WL from rich countries who are lazy and cant be bothered to get a proper job.
Old 20-05-2006, 09:08 AM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

Originally Posted by jon2000sg
$$$ is all that matters mah...
$$$ is all that matter to them but wat about us guys?
This world and trade is all about "DEMAND and SUPPLY"
If we are not there to demand, they wont be there to supply.
If they are loose, than the guys which go to them are what?
So for all those which goes to them, gives them the proper respect and
look into the mirror and see yourself. (that include me)
Old 20-05-2006, 02:18 PM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

Originally Posted by bangkoktonight
The writer never had much contact with WL cos he dont/never do commercial sex. Those WL that he had come in contact with, are WL from rich countries who are lazy and cant be bothered to get a proper job.
We can say that he's just making a general statement. It's just a another negative perspective on WLs. There's no right or wrong. People have been condemning prostitution, but we must face the fact that it's the oldest trade that has been around since mankind. It stays for a reason-- Man's basic need for sex. Like it or not, it still exists in rich countries like Japan, US or even Singapore.
The universe is unprofound. A woman is harder to know. --Stephen Hawking
Old 20-05-2006, 02:58 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
We are men who have loose morals out to find a quick and easy fuck.

Anyone disagree with my statement?

totally agreed with two hands and three legs raised up!

if not, we won't be cheapos and should be loyal to our gal frens and wives.
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Old 20-05-2006, 08:12 PM
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Re: Prostitutes are women of loose morals who are out to make a fast buck.

well..i voted "dun agree"..
it all depends on case to case...
try putting ourselves(men) in their shoes...will u do it?
i personally think most of them do it for families, debts, bfs,etc...
anyway who are we to judge?
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