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Old 19-06-2006, 12:07 AM
privpho privpho is offline
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Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

Hi all,

Sorry I took so long to come back to see you guys.. Been preggy for 9 months and finally i'm back to show off my new body.. but i think is still perfect yet..

This few shots was taken when i was shopping at Suntec and then having lunch at one of the restuarant. Can you guess where is it?
Old 19-06-2006, 01:12 AM
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

Hiyo sweet sexy lady, welcum back to both of U.. Ahh going through the wonders of being a mum huh .. Congrats .. New arrival a Sweet Gal like the mum or Guy like the noti dad

Anyway nice see that you fine are bak in the forum.. hmm any noti pics during yr preggy days.. (knowing Mr Prvipho), likely he'd had taken some of u ala- Demi Moore or Britney in 1 of those preggy pose.. I'm sure it looked sexy in yr preggy tummy pose..

Oh well, keep em nice pics cumming dear, take care and all the best to u both and the new arrival... Nice smile and glow u have there to yr skin.. still as firm as ever (from yr arms) after giving birth, hmm too bad for us Samster, sweet face covered, (as usual) hehe.. Well the body I can only guess it's still perfect, waiting for yr noti noturnal poses in yr birthday suit then sexy lady...

Old 19-06-2006, 05:21 AM
spear69 spear69 is offline
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

Welcome back Mdm,

I still have your old collection.... pcc whenever I view them..... hehe...

Nice 2 have u back... & there's something about ur smile... guess the joy of motherhood....

Looking forward to more excellent contributions from u

bj... thongs... cim...
Old 19-06-2006, 07:25 AM
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

Congrats & Welcum back! Hope to see more.....
Old 19-06-2006, 10:07 AM
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

Mrs P , Love the new pics ..... esp the potruding nipples .........
Old 19-06-2006, 10:05 PM
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

And I can give points again, hurray.... Hope it gets more naughty...
Old 19-06-2006, 10:43 PM
mapleleaf882002 mapleleaf882002 is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

The queens of SBF are coming back

I like the way the pics are shaping up!

For some reason looks like a Japanese restaurant
Old 20-06-2006, 04:06 PM
privpho privpho is offline
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

Originally Posted by blaze38
Hiyo sweet sexy lady, welcum back to both of U.. Ahh going through the wonders of being a mum huh .. Congrats .. New arrival a Sweet Gal like the mum or Guy like the noti dad

Anyway nice see that you fine are bak in the forum.. hmm any noti pics during yr preggy days.. (knowing Mr Prvipho), likely he'd had taken some of u ala- Demi Moore or Britney in 1 of those preggy pose.. I'm sure it looked sexy in yr preggy tummy pose..

Oh well, keep em nice pics cumming dear, take care and all the best to u both and the new arrival... Nice smile and glow u have there to yr skin.. still as firm as ever (from yr arms) after giving birth, hmm too bad for us Samster, sweet face covered, (as usual) hehe.. Well the body I can only guess it's still perfect, waiting for yr noti noturnal poses in yr birthday suit then sexy lady...

Thanks for the warm welcome back.. Did took some photos of my preggy stage but all the pics turn out to be very blur.. all becoz of the stupid camera.. anyway.. juz got a new camera hope it will serve its purpose well..
Old 20-06-2006, 04:07 PM
privpho privpho is offline
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

Originally Posted by spear69
Welcome back Mdm,

I still have your old collection.... pcc whenever I view them..... hehe...

Nice 2 have u back... & there's something about ur smile... guess the joy of motherhood....

Looking forward to more excellent contributions from u

bj... thongs... cim...
thanks dear.. hmm.. some of the old collection Mr Privpho lost it.. glad that you have the whole collection..

Stay tuned for more of the outdoor exposure as usual..
Old 20-06-2006, 04:09 PM
privpho privpho is offline
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

Originally Posted by juda
Congrats & Welcum back! Hope to see more.....
Yes of coz u will get to see "more"...
Old 20-06-2006, 04:12 PM
privpho privpho is offline
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

for the rest.. thanks for remembering me ya..

these are a few pics that i took during a weekday trip to Sentosa.. very long time never visit that place..

Now they haven't even those tram to escort u from one location to the next..
Old 20-06-2006, 04:13 PM
privpho privpho is offline
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

hmm.. i think is getting more and more darker over down there too.. dun u think is ugly??
Old 20-06-2006, 04:14 PM
privpho privpho is offline
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

opps.. i think someone is sneaking a look...
Old 20-06-2006, 04:16 PM
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

anyone wanna join me for golf?? opps.. time to go liao.. will try to post up the pics in time once that lazy bum have finish editing the whole lot.. jumping here and there.. haiz...
Old 20-06-2006, 07:36 PM
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Re: Mrs Privpho is back after long absense

Excellent. Instant hard on! WIsh I could lick ur pussy there & then. Yummy!
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