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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 02-08-2006, 12:01 PM
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Smile Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

This is my first time starting a new thread. Maybe some of the bros here may have tried her before but found no such thread or posting on her. As recently the issues in TN has cause many of the neighbourhood TN to close down. This was one of my favourite and have been service by Xiao Fang for over a year. Her massage skill is one of the best I have encounter, excellent and comfortable. The boss is very nice chatty and use to have 4 girls with her but two have already left as the boss will most likely be closing by Aug 20 the dateline for police rule enforcement take place and she might be going back.

Of the girls, Xiao Fang is the best for really good and powerful TN massage for body aches, pains or just a tired body. She is very hardworking, never take short cut, always giving her best. She has strength and really know how and where to press, starting from neck all the way to the toe. But she do not do beyond HJ.

Her statistic:
Name: Xiao Fang (PRC)
Look ~ 6.5 (nice young girl look but not very pretty type)
Age ~ 28
Height ~ 155
Wt ~ 48kg
Charge: $35 per hour, $25 for HJ, total $60 (Usually tip her additional $10 for good service)
Special: No bj, no fj, only for bros into pure genuine massage with HJ at most.
location : near henderson rd (quite a secluded corner)

As the SBF forum concept of sharing. I like to share this to those bros here who like good and solid hard massage. She is a nice girl out to earn a living. Bro who visit her do take care of her. Her massage skill is excellent and worth the money even without special. For brother with more than 15pts. can PM me for her contact. If u do not have like myself, I will still provide the contact if u have at least 2-3 FR to show u have contributed to the forum.

I am not her OKT but just a friend trying to help her earn more before she go back. For solid good massage lover, try it out and you will not regret.....

Life is shiok...Enjoy while we can...
For Bro who have supported me, thks and will up return the compliment ....
Massage: Must be good and solid, Sex: Must be hot and wet, Boobs: Must be big and firm
Old 02-08-2006, 05:19 PM
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

I have received a quite a no of bros enquires and have given out the numbers. Just a few more infor update:

Working hr: 10.30am - 9.30pm
Other girls skill are just so .... no worth trying.

Do enjoy her service before the shop closes as the dateline get closer.
Life is shiok...Enjoy while we can...
For Bro who have supported me, thks and will up return the compliment ....
Massage: Must be good and solid, Sex: Must be hot and wet, Boobs: Must be big and firm
Old 02-08-2006, 05:33 PM
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Thx bro Ricky for the contact.

Find some excuse to get out of office, called n make an appt @ 1530. Place easily located. Went in saw 2 gals not bad lookin lah both oso can c a bit of longkang!!

Anyway proceed to massage...

Name : Xiao Fang
Look : 6/10 as mention not pretty but still ok lah...
Massage : 6.5/10 (Frankly cant cure my aches!! Not hard enough even after i ask her to massage harder... I m a sucker for Real hard massage!!)
RTM: Yes, coz she the 3rd best i hav tried after a (1)TN at bishan n (2)wenwen. Lastly v near my place... wahaha got the urge can juz go n hav a quickie...
Damage : 1 hr ($30) HJ ($30)

Downside, there's strong cigarette smell all over the place!! or at least on the towel or bed i m lyin on!!

Once again thx bro Ricky for the recommendation! To show my appreciation, i will UP u tomorrow!! bypass all those in my uplist!!
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Old 02-08-2006, 05:43 PM
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Good that u like it. As this is my first thread posting and you are on my first FR. As u mention in your FR, she is your third best, care to share your no1 masseuse. I am into real TN massage but not too costly as in HC. Economical and good masseuse are getting less. Not sure u have tried Xiao Hong who has left our shores and don't know when she will be coming back.

Life is shiok...Enjoy while we can...
For Bro who have supported me, thks and will up return the compliment ....
Massage: Must be good and solid, Sex: Must be hot and wet, Boobs: Must be big and firm
Old 02-08-2006, 05:50 PM
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Originally Posted by ricky_shiok
Good that u like it. As this is my first thread posting and you are on my first FR. As u mention in your FR, she is your third best, care to share your no1 masseuse.
Wahaha i m a selfish bastard!! Gems must keep for myself lah!! but since u share w me liao, how not to share w u rite??

U got mail!!
Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.

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Old 03-08-2006, 10:25 AM
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Thks bro7176 for the infor, will try the shop and compare them to Xiao Fang. I am into good and body massage. Will PM u once I tried them and return the points once I have the power.

I am aware that newbie has to walk the ground and share contact here in the SB forum into order to make new friends and get new contacts. It is very exciting here since I started and sometimes u get very busy with so many PMs but it fun and hope to meet more bros out there.....
Life is shiok...Enjoy while we can...
For Bro who have supported me, thks and will up return the compliment ....
Massage: Must be good and solid, Sex: Must be hot and wet, Boobs: Must be big and firm
Old 04-08-2006, 11:36 AM
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Unhappy Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

First like to thank some of the senior bros here who have up my points. I will up return when I can. Hope the service u guys receive is in line with my recommendation.

For all future request, would really appreciate especially the newbie to post directly on my thread as my PM box is getting full and I have to constantly clear the mails to enable my fellow friends and genuine bros request. This is also go for newbie as it will be recorded as your post contribution. I did that when i first started by writing to the thread started and requesting politely if can share.

I have already send out to many bros and even those without 15pts or 3FR as I myself also started off with 10pts and without any FR and yet many senior bros out there are really friendly and helpful as long as you put in your share of work by replying to the thread. Hope you guys are genuine and post a reply in the thread as a form of contriubution. Else like some senior advise to me, I will be keeping a list of those bros who are simply number collectors.

Again, any request pls post in the thread. My PM post is getting full.....
Life is shiok...Enjoy while we can...
For Bro who have supported me, thks and will up return the compliment ....
Massage: Must be good and solid, Sex: Must be hot and wet, Boobs: Must be big and firm
Old 04-08-2006, 04:35 PM
keeper82 keeper82 is offline
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Originally Posted by ricky_shiok
First like to thank some of the senior bros here who have up my points. I will up return when I can. Hope the service u guys receive is in line with my recommendation.

For all future request, would really appreciate especially the newbie to post directly on my thread as my PM box is getting full and I have to constantly clear the mails to enable my fellow friends and genuine bros request. This is also go for newbie as it will be recorded as your post contribution. I did that when i first started by writing to the thread started and requesting politely if can share.

I have already send out to many bros and even those without 15pts or 3FR as I myself also started off with 10pts and without any FR and yet many senior bros out there are really friendly and helpful as long as you put in your share of work by replying to the thread. Hope you guys are genuine and post a reply in the thread as a form of contriubution. Else like some senior advise to me, I will be keeping a list of those bros who are simply number collectors.

Again, any request pls post in the thread. My PM post is getting full.....
I have send you a message but guess as a newbie, I shall post here to request for the information to prove my presence is genuine.

Bro Ricky, a I've mentioned in the message, I'm not a frequent posting into SBF. I wanna try out the location you have mentioned cause for a massage and HJ at about $60 will be just nice for me. Not to mention again to send in my FR after my visit.
Old 04-08-2006, 06:31 PM
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Originally Posted by ricky_shiok

Her statistic:
Name: Xiao Fang (PRC)
Look ~ 6.5 (nice young girl look but not very pretty type)
Age ~ 28
Height ~ 155
Wt ~ 48kg
Charge: $35 per hour, $25 for HJ, total $60 (Usually tip her additional $10 for good service)
Special: No bj, no fj, only for bros into pure genuine massage with HJ at most.
location : near henderson rd (quite a secluded corner)
thk ricky for the recommendation. Went for a massage today, as per yr FR, she quite a good massager, hard working. I would rate her as good as wenwen, which i have try some time ago. But the environment is not a godd as WW place of business. this place of course is cheaper . I find no reason to disagree with your above rating, did not bring measurement and weight machine .

The hourly rate is $30. HJ is another $30. gave her a tip for the hard work.

thanks again for the recommendation.
Old 04-08-2006, 10:23 PM
longanhead longanhead is offline
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Hello bro,

can share the contact?
Old 05-08-2006, 12:54 AM
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Tks bro Ricky for sharing this massage gem. My fren, a birthday boy, tried and said that she is real good! He usaually loves hard massage and said tat most of them can't massage hard enough but this gal really can massage hard!!!!

For me, i tried another plump gal from chong aing, tink her name is ah yang. Everyhing CMI so try to avoid.
Old 05-08-2006, 02:58 PM
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Bro ManuelFerrara, hope your friend really enjoy the massage, sorry about yesterday night. Anyway, like I mention, the rest of the girl look ok but the massage should avoid if can, only so.. so...
Life is shiok...Enjoy while we can...
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Massage: Must be good and solid, Sex: Must be hot and wet, Boobs: Must be big and firm
Old 05-08-2006, 03:06 PM
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Bro Ricky_Shiok, my fren really loves the massage and he mentioned tat he had not got a good hard massage for a long time liao until yesterday nite. This make me a bit jealous cos i had a lousy massage. Will try xiao fang hard massage when vitamin M replenish.
Old 05-08-2006, 03:29 PM
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

bro RS,

I oso want leh...can be next on the list??? looking forward for a good massage!!!
Old 06-08-2006, 08:54 AM
kaixing kaixing is offline
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Re: Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

Bro Ricky,

Thanks for sharing . Can PM me for the location / booking number? Thanks!
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