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Old 11-09-2006, 09:21 PM
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Customer forced out of restaurant...

Yesterday Sunday Times (Sept 10) page 4...

Auntie named Ang Ai Min aged 43.... 'kau pay kau bu' after being told nicely that outside drinks not allowed in the restaurant. Then has the cheek to yell and shout even louder when asked by Chef to leave.... so Chef no choice but to 'hand her out of door'.

Auntie not satisfied..... call police. 'Wah lau'.... 'si bay seah suay', and all this happened infront of her 2 kids. What type of example is she setting.... as a teacher and a mother.... talk about typical ugly singaporean.

What a B*t^h!!!.... Thank god she is not a relative of mine.

Sorry to any Bro.... if u r a relative of hers.


ps. my scanner is down, but her pic tells a thousand words..... don't blame her husband if he is bonking someone else..
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Old 11-09-2006, 10:13 PM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

Yo bro,

Understand you are probably just disgusted with the ugly side of Singaporeans but hey, we all do too. And I have come across a few pretty hideous ones myself, just a fact of life. But why raise this in a sex forum?
Old 11-09-2006, 10:21 PM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

Originally Posted by asiancigar
Yesterday Sunday Times (Sept 10) page 4...

Auntie named Ang Ai Min aged 43.... 'kau pay kau bu' after being told nicely that outside drinks not allowed in the restaurant. Then has the cheek to yell and shout even louder when asked by Chef to leave.... so Chef no choice but to 'hand her out of door'.

Auntie not satisfied..... call police. 'Wah lau'.... 'si bay seah suay', and all this happened infront of her 2 kids. What type of example is she setting.... as a teacher and a mother.... talk about typical ugly singaporean.
maybe she is breast feeding her children? since the milk is not frm the shop it is considered outside drink. tat y she kpkb with the chef since the restaurant don sell fresh milk. like tat not her fault lol.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 11-09-2006, 10:24 PM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

Anything to do with sex ?
Huge fan of Bunko Kanazawa
Old 11-09-2006, 10:28 PM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

Originally Posted by nuclearkid
And I have come across a few pretty hideous ones myself, ?
i wud like 2 up u a 2nd time bud i cunt.. how can pretty be hideous??

Such impressive "pattern" esp. loud aunties i cannot tolerate.. bud dey r all over our island..
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Old 11-09-2006, 10:33 PM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

Thousand apologies to Bro Nuclearkid and Rotk and others that it is not sex related .... juz wanted to let go some hot air after reading it.
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Old 11-09-2006, 10:35 PM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

Yo Bros all,
Here's my two francs' worth on the Thomson crap shop..solly I mean crepe shop episode.
Two glaring points have surfaced:
1) Ugly Singaporean
2) Foreign Terror..oops I mean foreign talent...(the chef is ang moh...I know I had eaten there)

The woman should not have created a scene.
The Ang Moh chef should not have forcibly shooed her out..I wonder if she could sue him for manhandling?

It shows that sometimes a minor issue can be resolved if both parties would just adopt the "give and take" approach. Perhaps the shop should impose a charge if the woman insists on drinking drinks, including those from her neh2 as one bro put it, brought from elsewhere...this would discourage people from consuming drinks not brought from the eatery.
Then the Ang Moh chef should use his "charm" and talk the woman out of her anger etc. After all foreign talent must be talented also to defuse tense situation leh...with just one KPKB woman.. and all hell broke loose so great foreign talent indeed. posse of PRCs creating a foreign talent ang moh may have to use knives etc to chase them away huh?
I think both parties should just visit this forum and go a good bonk may be with each other's spouse dah as the ang moh's partner looks quite dishy dah!
DirtyHairy, sharing the hole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Old 11-09-2006, 10:45 PM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

Originally Posted by dirtyhairy
Then the Ang Moh chef should use his "charm" and talk the woman out of her anger etc.
we r talking about loud mouth aunties who r not demure, ladylike type in general unless u get a lau chio lor.. if not ang moh chef cunt bring himself 2 "charm" her bud instead ppl around watching will be saying "cham ah.."
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Old 11-09-2006, 10:56 PM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

"Loud mouth" aunty and Ang Moh "Tua Kee"... surely they make a dammed horny pair dah!
Imagine the mother of BBjs amid the loud yellings!
So there you are.. charm, cham becum champion leh!
Bro DHairy, sharing the hole truth and nothing but the truth.
Old 12-09-2006, 01:53 AM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

aiyah....too bad she is aunty...imagine, zoe tay decides to bring her herbal tea there...what do you think would happen????

they all take picture and ask whether she needs some ice along with the tea...
Old 12-09-2006, 02:00 AM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

i pity dat even zoe tay may not have dat "luxury" leh.. u c.. being da jie of caldecott hill she cannot afford 2 tarnish her showbiz rep. by being a loud mouth aunty unless....

she register a nick in here in sbf n we all mass up her rep. point!!
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Old 12-09-2006, 11:51 AM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

I thought this kind of stuff only happen in China.

Looks like its catching in Singapore too
Old 12-09-2006, 12:18 PM
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Re: Customer forced out of restaurant...

If got picture, can submit to this blogger and broadcast lah
[email protected]

He welcome any pictures and story and would post it on the net...cheers
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